
Legendary Player System

Nearly 8 billion people have lost a chunk of their memory, Just how many soccer legends does this world have? Pelé, Maradona, Cruyff, Messi, Ronaldo? Yet, there's one man who has vanished from everyone's memory... In the era dominated by Messi and Ronaldo, Rohan Singh was a superstar beyond their reach. Maradona: I'm lucky Rohan wasn't born in our era. Guardiola: The main reason we lost is that we're missing a player like Rohan in the team. Mourinho: Damn it, why did Florentino let Rohan transfer so easily! Beckham: His free kicks are truly exceptional; it seems my decision to retire early was the right one. Mbappé: It's hard to imagine, but someone actually outpaced me! Van Dijk: Isn't this guy supposed to shy away from physical challenges? How come I can't knock him down! Robben: I'm announcing my retirement from the national team. Iniesta: I'm out too. Rohan Singh, from a humble family in Punjab, India, has been passionate about soccer since he was a child. Considered a prodigy in India, he remained relatively unknown in the talent-rich fields of Europe. The last 45 minutes at the Bernabéu might just be his final chance to shine. Will fate smile on him? Yes, he's awakened the system. His journey to becoming a soccer legend has begun...

FlyingSnail · スポーツ
17 Chs

Injury Resistance?

"The ref's blown the final whistle."

"Valencia scraped through with a win, thanks to Rohan's two goals and an assist."

"Here's hoping Valencia can go the distance in the Champions League."

In the studio, Shaiju was almost shaking with excitement as he wrapped up the post-match analysis.

Thinking back to his early days of broadcasting, he too was once a fiery young man.

Just moments ago.

With the team trailing by two goals, Rohan stepped up, delivering two goals and an assist, single-handedly turning the game around.

It was Rohan's first Champions League appearance.

And Rohan's only 20.

Shaiju felt like his youth had come flooding back.

"Right here, I owe Rohan an apology for underestimating him earlier."

"From today, I'll be watching every game he plays."

Little did Shaiju know, these words would make him one of the most popular football commentators around.


On the way back to the locker room.

Nuno joked, "Rohan, interested in joining the post-match media interview?"

Usually, it's the coach and the star players who do these interviews.

It boosts the team's popularity and the players' profiles, enhancing their value.

So when the Valencia players heard Rohan was up for the interview, they were all envious.

"I didn't play well this time,I'll wait for a hat-trick next time."

Rohan said half-jokingly, half-seriously.

He wasn't really interested in these interviews.

Besides, he was eager to find out what rewards the system would give him for completing the mission.

"You cheeky bugger," Nuno chuckled, then nodded, "Alright then, Rodrigo will come with me for the interview. You guys head back to the locker room."


Rohan flashed an ok sign and headed back with his teammates.

"Rohan, you were incredible tonight, truly star quality," Alves said as he opened his locker.

"Right, if it wasn't for you, we'd probably have lost," Parejo nodded in agreement.

He had been subbed off for Rohan and was initially resentful.

But after witnessing Rohan's phenomenal performance on the field, he was thoroughly convinced.

He even felt that Rohan should start the games just like him in the future.

Flustered by the continuous praise, Rohan scratched his head, "We won because we all worked together. Those two goals were just flukes."


Everyone, including Alves, wanted to curse.

Thinking, why don't I also fluke two goals?

If you want to show off, just say it, no need for this humblebrag, it's too much.

The conversation died there.

The team, expressionless, grabbed their towels and headed into the showers.

Having successfully killed the conversation, Rohan started to communicate with the system to submit his mission.

[Mission Complete]

[Reward: Hidden Attribute - Injury Resistance +3, Lottery Tickets ×20, Skill Points ×20]

Injury Resistance?

Is that some kind of superpower?

Rohan quickly asked in his mind, "System, what level is my Injury Resistance at now?"

[Injury Resistance max level is 10, host's current level is 6, above average in the industry.]


Only above average after adding 3? Was I a glass man before?

Good thing I haven't had much game time in the past two years, or I might have ended up in a rehab center.

Rohan breathed a sigh of relief to himself, then mentally accessed the system, ready to pour all 20 skill points from his reward into his passing skills.

But the system threw him a curveball, indicating that he needed to boost the average of his other skills to 80 before he could continue enhancing his passing.

Left with no choice, Rohan had to temporarily shelve his plans to boost his passing.

The next morning, Rohan and the team headed back to Valencia.

They had just clinched a win and the league match wasn't until four days later.

So Nuno decided to give the team a half-day off to rest up a bit.

After all, they were facing a tough away game against Sevilla in four days.

That's when Alves sidled up with a mischievous grin. "Hey Rohan, fancy hitting that bar? I know it's noon, but there are plenty of hotties around."

"Buzz off."

Rodrigo rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Go if you want, but don't drag Rohan into your mess."

"Whatever, hypocrite."

Alves pouted, his face full of disdain.

Seeing the two about to go at it again, Rohan shook his head in resignation. "I've got stuff to handle, so I'll pass."

Rodrigo chimed in, "Need a hand with anything, Rohan?"

Rohan waved him off. "Nah, I've got this."

"Alright, we'll head out then. Hit us up if you need anything."

Once his teammates had left, Rohan headed straight for the locker room.

He changed into his kit and cleats, then went out to the pitch alone.

As a midfielder, top-notch dribbling skills were essential.

The team was also short on midfielders who could break through defenses.

So Rohan decided to focus on improving his dribbling over the next few days.

Training alone was mind-numbingly dull, but Rohan was undeterred, practicing until midnight before heading back to wash up and rest.

At the next day's training, Alves showed up with dark circles under his eyes, looking rather worse for wear.

Rodrigo looked the same.

They exchanged knowing nods, no jibes thrown.

Had Rodrigo ended up at the bar too?

Rohan glanced at Rodrigo, thinking, "Hypocrite."

All high and mighty about being a good influence, and then he ends up running wild with Alves.

Feeling Rohan's probing gaze, Rodrigo coughed awkwardly and forced a smile. "Was up late playing cards with some friends, so I'm not really on my game today."

Even Rodrigo felt his explanation was a bit of a stretch, and quickly changed the subject. "By the way, Rohan, you're kind of a big deal now."

Rohan, curious, responded, "Oh? How so?"

He had been training all afternoon the previous day and hadn't kept up with any news.

Rodrigo pulled out his phone, scrolling to find a post-match interview video from a recent Champions League game.

The video featured Real Madrid's president Pérez, coach Zidane, and star player Cristiano Ronaldo.

In the Champions League group match, Real Madrid faced Shakhtar Donetsk away and narrowly won 4-3, thanks to a stunning four-goal haul from Cristiano Ronaldo.

Initially, the media asked Zidane about his views on the match and the season's goals, followed by Ronaldo's feelings on scoring four goals and whether he was eyeing the Champions League top scorer award.

When it was Pérez's turn, the tone shifted.

"President Pérez, what's your opinion on Rohan, who once played for Real Madrid?"

Pérez offered a slight smile and said, "He's a decent player."

It was a brief compliment, but everyone understood the undertone—Pérez clearly wasn't impressed with Rohan.

A journalist followed up, "But in yesterday's Champions League match, Rohan came off the bench in the second half and contributed two shots and an assist in just 30 minutes to help his team come from behind. What do you say to that?"


Pérez looked surprised, pausing before responding, "That's indeed incredible. I think it might be necessary to suggest UEFA investigate this match."

"Do you suspect match-fixing?"

"I didn't say that."

Pérez waved his hand, smiling, "It's just that based on the physical data, Rohan is quite ordinary, which is why I let him leave the team."

He paused, then added, "By the way, that report should still be in the trash can in my office."

The room burst into laughter at his remark.

Then a journalist shouted, "I watched that match in Saint Petersburg, and Rohan's two goals were spectacular, indisputable. President Pérez, by questioning the authenticity of the match, are you refusing to admit a mistake in your decision about Rohan?"

Pérez's expression soured instantly.

He hated when someone questioned his decisions, especially in a public interview—it was like a slap in the face.

He retorted coldly, "I only believe in data."

The journalist wasn't satisfied with the response, countering, "The data shows Rohan scored twice and assisted once in thirty minutes, securing a victory for his team."

"Which media are you from, do you even understand football? What can one surprising match prove? Moreover, the opponent wasn't even from one of the top five leagues."

Pérez stood up, glaring, and continued, "Valencia's next match is against Sevilla. Watch and see if Rohan can score then."

The video continued with the reporters and Pérez arguing about Rohan until the interview ended. Rohan's name thus spread across UEFA circles.

But like Pérez, most people weren't optimistic about Rohan.

Although he had performed well in the Champions League, it was only against teams outside the top five leagues.

If he faced a stronger team, he would likely be exposed.

However, a minority of fans chose to believe in Rohan.

They had seen his spectacular free kicks and felt he could shine in future matches.