
Legendary of Memories

Argeleon, A boy who has big dreams after being told by his father about a legendary swordmaster from the village of Karatuaria. a village protected by a wooden wall. then suddenly there is an attack on his village. although it is tough to kill the goblin warrior with the cooperation of his father. he still sticks to his words. "I want to be a swordmaster like him". His journey begins and he passes through many obstacles in front of him one of which is "change" because of time.

nineteen_night · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Back to Village

They had arrived in front of the cave with the Zwagen tree next to them. Margia caught a light green leaf coming from the Zwagen tree. Margia activated the fire magic in her hand because it was dark. The cave was not very deep but it was very dark as if the cave was deep. They realized something that the cave was wide enough for the entrance with a brownish-red semicircle. Argeleon decided to ask Hilderic.

"Hilderic, do you know anything about the origin of this cave?".

"Nothing and I think it's from nature". Hilderic replied.

"We'll check out this cave for our rest, then help me cut down this Tree," Argeleon told the other members.

Hilderic checked the height of the tree which was almost 3 meters high. Argeleon began to take out his sword in a position ready to cut the Zwagen wood. Hilderic stepped back slowly from the tree and looked around so that he wouldn't trip over a rock or get hit by Ward and Margia. Then Argeleon swung his sword at the tree making it split in two and fall to the ground. Argeleon and Hilderic started cutting the trunk of the Zwagen tree. Meanwhile, Ward and Margia began to examine the cave. Ward examined the walls of the cave, some of which were hollow but did not reach the outside and some of which were shaped like handles with sharp but stone-shaped edges. They were astonished when they saw the end of the cave. Because the walls were dark black. They thought there was still a way to this cave. Margia cast detection magic with blue pupils but she closed her eyes and opened them again, then her eyes returned to normal.

"Isn't this cave too strange? Of all the places we've explored, this place is the strangest to me. We are already at the end but if the color is this dark and look at the road still exists, I'm also confused to see it. Then, I don't see any magic here.". Margia with an annoyed face

"Yes, I'm also confused to see that there is still a straight path but we can't go through it, what do you think, Margia? I don't want to disappoint him, because he has also paid that much for us. Moreover, I also need money for my food for the next month" .ward replied to Margia

Margia thought for a moment "Ward please just tell the two of them to come and see this. Maybe they know about this.".

Ward walked straight out of the cave, then called Argeleon and Hilderic over to the end of the cave which they were both surprised to see. Ward walked towards the two of them who were chopping the Zwagen wood that had been cut into ten pieces thanks to Hilderic's sharp blade. while Argeleon's sword lay next to him. Argeleon told Hilderic that if it was finished, then he would carry it and Hilderic agreed to carry the wood.

"Are you done cutting the wood?" Ward asked Argeleon.

Argeleon looked at Ward, "Yes, we're done. Any problems?".

Ward with a confused face "Maybe so, it's better for you two to see it with your eyes.".

"Alright". Argeleon brought his sword. They both stood up and headed to Ward.

They headed to the cave. Hilderic carried the wood into the cave. They both saw Margia who was full of confusion because it was dark in front of her. Argeleon asked Margia.

"Margia, why are you so confused?". Argeleon was curious about Margia's confusion.

"What do you think this is?". While touching it at the end of the wall.

"Maybe it's an invisible wall?". Argeleon replied.

"How could it be, then I don't need to call you two either.". Margia was angry at Argeleon.

"I think it's just an ordinary wall, this cave isn't that strange after all. Instead of you hesitating, I'd better cut it with my big sword.". Argeleon took out his big sword and prepared an attack position.

"I also agree with Argeleon and then we will prepare to explore this cave deeper," Hilderic added Argeleon's opinion and took out his sword.

"Wait." When Dr. Ward's voice was loud and he looked out, they saw a man walking with both hands and a single word.

"help". With as little voice as possible because there was blood from the road that had dragged him by his hands earlier. They were only speechless and shocked at the sight of the army that had just halved with its feet. Argeleon only had a pale face. Hilderic shouted at them. They were not heard.

"Everyone, let's help.". with a loud voice and went to that person.

"Yes." Margia ran straight to the injured person.

Then the others followed her. They didn't expect that there was a person who had just been injured in this forest. Margia immediately touched the wound. Then the person screamed in pain and tried to move his body. Argeleon held the hands and body on the right and Hilderic and Ward held the body on the left to prevent him from moving his body. Then the wound gradually closed up. Soon, the man started coughing and bleeding from his mouth. They were all shocked. Meanwhile, the person was unconscious. Ward tried to examine the person's body.

"I'm sorry if I'm a little rude but this is all I can do," Margia told the man.

"Margia, don't push yourself.". Ward told Margia.

Margia tried to check his mouth. his mouth had a spot of blood. she took out a cloth to clean the man's blood. then gave Ward to hold the cloth. Margia saw a blue poison in his stomach that made her look for herbs.

"Yes, after this. I'll just take it with my magic later when I go to Arcadia to protect me and Hilderic. there seems to be poison in his body so he also needs medicinal plants, are there any in Arcadia?". Margia while healing the man.

"My house has medicinal herbs.". Hilderic worriedly.

"Well, then we'll go to your house and get some herbs.".

Hilderic took the Zwagen wood that had been collected and carried it with both hands. Meanwhile, Margia carried the man with her magic. When they were almost there, Argeleon heard a familiar scream. Argeleon gave the code for the wards to protect Hilderic. They saw a human-sized goblin warrior with a sword weapon that was almost 1 meter long and muscular. He was holding a white sword with a green hilt and circling the entrance area to Arcadia. Argeleon looked at him in astonishment because this was the first time he had faced a warrior goblin again with a different form. Ward decided to make a quick plan with Argeleon for the sake of the dying man, he held his greatsword and advanced followed by Ward behind him. Argeleon swung the sword which made the goblin warrior shout at Argeleon and block the attack with his sword from Argeleon. then, Ward walked as fast as the wind which made it unaware that Ward was already behind the goblin warrior. then the goblin warrior shifted Argeleon's sword and kicked him which made Argeleon fall. The goblin warrior advanced on Argeleon and prepared his sword to kill Argeleon. ward immediately ran in a half circle and kicked the goblin warrior. The goblin warrior was knocked straight into a tree. However, the goblin warrior got up to run at lightning speed toward Ward to strike his sword at him. Which left Ward with a wound on his shoulder from the warrior goblin's sword attack. Ward went to the Argeleon and protected Hilderic and Margia. Then Margia asked Hilderic.

"Hilderic, have there been goblin warriors before in your village?".

"No, just this time.". Hilderic replied.

"Ward, we need to work together to kill the warrior goblins. I've done this before." Argeleon tried to tell everyone.

Ward and Hilderic were incredulous. "You've killed warrior goblins before? I'm troubled, let alone you.".

Margia believed that and said, "That's right Argeleon, ward you cooperate with him. Moreover, we are carrying an injured person so that we can get to the village faster.".

"No, the three of you go to the village of Arcadia. I will solve all this. If you get hurt, it's my trouble.". Ward condescendingly told Argeleon.

"Alright, you should go to the village.". Argeleon with a disappointed face

The three of them decided to leave Ward and the goblin warrior. Argeleon looked back and saw their fight. Margia approached Argeleon "Relax, he's stronger than you.". they continued their journey, but something strange was the sound of many people screaming when they were near the village. when they went to the village, it turned out that many were destroyed. At the end of the village, there was a goblin carrying a long bow with a position ready to shoot at the village, but the goblin realized that someone was watching and decided to shoot at the three of them. They tried to avoid the arrow attack from the goblin by hiding behind a tree.