
Surrounded (Part-1)

Hidden in the forest, Kakashi, Rin, and Minato took a look at the bridge in front of them.

"Rin, stay hidden", Minato whispered, "When I and Kakashi start fighting, you look for a chance to get past us and put the explosion tags on the bridge"

"Yes Sensei", Rin nodded quietly albeit a bit nervous.

Minato nodded, "Don't fail. No matter what, do not fail", then he made a gesture to Kakashi as the two rushed out one after another.

The land of the grass is flat, and the hiding place of Minato and his team is located in a forested area, with luxuriant branches and lush greenery, but such a place is more dangerous than normal.

Only God knows whether there are any traps hidden in these forests. They may not face many enemies, or they may face hundreds of them.

But in front of Sharingan, all these tricks are useless. (T/N: OP Eyes)

Sure enough, Kakashi soon discovered some different traces of chakras.

"Sensei, there is an ambush here", Kakashi whispered

Minato signaled

Kakashi quickly took out few kunai and threw them towards the ones with abnormal chakras. They are the dangerous ones.

His kunai did not cause an explosion but made the abnormal chakras disappear.

This attack did not go unnoticed, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Kakashi!

The Iwa shinobi was extremely fast, and the most important thing is that Kakashi could feel the boundless power coming from that fist.

But he was not afraid. Couple with that extremely dynamic vision of Sharingan. Kakashi stood there without moving.

This is not the Kakashi who was weak and helpless. This is Kakashi who already fought way too many Iwa shinobis and subconsciously copied their movements. This is Kakashi who already knows their weakness and strength.

Moreover, He clearly saw the attack trajectory of this Iwa shinobi. When the punch came to Kakashi. He leaned and stepped to the side to dodge the attack.

At the same time made a weird arc and slashed directly at the attacker's head.

In the blink of an eye, the attacker's body and head separated.

"You have grown stronger", Minato came from behind Kakashi

"Yes", Kakashi sighed, "But at the cost that is too heavy"



Back with Mikoto and Kan, One Iwa shinobi kept on fighting hand-to-hand combat with Mikoto and Kan simultaneously.

Despite the Iwa army right there; No one thought of interfering in this match as they kept on laughing and watching the entertainment.

"Your strength is weakening. It appears you two have reached your limit just now"



The two Konoha shinobis had their mouth twitch at that. It's true, they truly are reaching the limits. One of them has to give up and use everything they have.


On the other hand, although the stone armor of Iwa shinobi took great damage got broken and shattered, but the fact remains that Mikoto and Kan did not even put a single scratch on the Iwa shinobi's large body. All that took damage is the Stone armor.

Combined with the boundless strength contained in that enormous body; It seems almost impossible to beat him.

Under the berserk power of the Iwa shinobi, Mikoto and Kan's counterattacks grew weaker and weaker.

At the very end, they could only dedicate all their strength to defending, with absolutely no energy to counterattack.

Soon they both fell and he crushes them under his feet. The Iwa shinobis around them laughed happily seeing the miserable state of these two.

Although they soon managed to get out, the disdain in the Iwa shinobi's eyes was apparent.

Arriving at this sort of circumstance, a deepening feeling of anger began to aggregate within Mikoto's beautiful eyes.

Kan was boiling with anger as well. This is not the matter of winning or losing anymore. It's a matter of pride now.

"You wanted to see my full power, right?", She muttered and asked Kan


Kan was taken in by surprise by that statement.

"I am done holding back", She said with anger in her voice

Her voice was slow and tranquil, and a deep feeling of anger was concealed under the tranquility, "How dare you; humiliate me"

From Mikoto's voice, Kan could hear deep resentment and a bone-chilling coldness… One can reprimand an Uchiha, one can defeat an Uchiha, but one can never ever humiliate an Uchiha. Their pride is not just for show. They are very prideful.

The moment her last note ended, The tomoe in her eyes revolve and joined in to become a new shape… And at the same time, the surrounding temperature starts rising at an incomparably terrifying rate.

The Iwa shinobi's lips trembled and his entire body shivers.

"What… is that?"

"Whore, is this your last stand? It's a pity; with your current strength, you simply cannot...

Her lips moved slightly, and each and every one of her words was like a statement, "Shut up maggot… know your place..!!

"Fire Style: Arrival of the searing flames"

Everyone realizes the change in temperature in the immediate area increase, just within a couple of seconds; even with no appearance of flames.


'Whore?... That's it! That is my way of getting out of this mess', He thought excitedly as he calmly and sneakily made a wind clone that blurred away from the battlefield while all the attention was on her.

The Iwa shinobi heavily frowns as it becomes slightly more difficult to breathe as the surrounding area becomes literally a desert. Akin to the Scorch Release, their skin starts to become tight, and small amounts of the moisture evaporate from their skin causing steam to appear from their body.

'Sharingan can evolve? Interesting', Kan smirked

Everything was melting. Well, everything except her who now has the fire immunity. No fire in this world could hurt her anymore. Not even the flames like Amaterasu were capable of harming her right now.

Kan secretly used a wind technique to create a barrier that lowers the temperature around him.

The Iwa shinobi who was being mighty till now fears for the first time. He could hardly breathe at this point.

"Crazy Woman", He cried and rushed towards her.

"I summon you forth"

"Quintessence of the Searing Conflagration", She muttered while standing there.

From the superheated atmosphere, she summoned flames hotter than the sun itself. Flames capable of dehydrating the atmosphere appear out of thin air.

These unique strange flames cause severe bouts of dehydration in all organic matter. With its immense heat, The Iwa shinobi in front of her was burned to ashes.

Without any sound, without any chance to retaliate, without even a dying cry, the surrounding Iwa shinobis were completely exterminated.

Leaving only a few who were smart enough to run.

She turned back with her Sharingan being normal again; Only to see every other Iwa shinobis dead. Blood pouring out of their pores.

She stares at Kan who was the only person standing.

He killed them all while they were running. She knows that the remaining Iwa shinobis who ran were trouble. If the word of her evolve Sharingan spread, it would be a huge disaster.

But what's surprising is that he did it by the time she finished killing the Iwa commander.


She frowned heavily watching his bloody self that was just standing there.

"Do you know what a Ghost means in our work, Mikoto?", He asked cleaning his blade

"A dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush unsuspecting prey", She answered

"True. A Ghost should not be heard or seen. They especially should never get lost in emotion and show the secrets they are hiding", He said in a slow monotonous voice.

She slowly took out her Kunai looking at him, knowing what he was thinking. How could she not, they are the people of the same breed after all. And that's probably the reason they hate each other so much.

And the worst part is, she lost just now, Now he knows about her Mangyoku Sharingan, and she does not know anything about him.

It's like she is in the open and he is hiding in the dark.

"Don't push your luck Korimachi. You don't know what game you are playing. You can get hurt", She said with her Sharingan revolving

"I know exactly what game I am playing. And believe me, I am not someone who gets hurt by playing a game", Kan started


"Before I didn't have any choice. If I actually did anything to you, Or if you don't come back safe and sound. I would be scapegoated by the Uchiha clan, to appease them, Konohagakure will put a bounty on my head, Jinchiruki Kushina is your best friend, and Minato is Kushina's boyfriend. Uchiha Fugaku is infamously powerful as well. Not to mention all the mercenaries and clans at my back... Uchiha Mikoto, you truly are not the person to trifle with"


Her Sharingan keeps on revolving.

"But now, the things have changed, Your Sharingan can evolve, I don't think it's a normal thing or it would be a piece of common knowledge"

Her face hardened at that.

"Think what would happen if everyone gets to know that the overpowered Sharingan evolves into something even more powerful. How will you deal with their greed?", He asked chuckling

"Do you want to die?", She said with anger

He shrugged, "You won't be able to kill me Mikoto"

"What... do you want", She said in anger

"Simple. Stop trying to assassinate me. We both go back to village safe and sound", He said

"Impossible. They will eat me alive if I fail my mission. Besides, even if you are back in the village they will still come after you. It's a matter of their pride after all", She said

"No dear, They will not come after me...", He chuckled


"They will come after us", He finishes with a dark chuckle.

"What did you do?", She asked confused

"Right now, even as we speak, my clone is heading straight to the village in full speed to spread the rumor that Uchiha Princess Mikoto slept with the Unknown Genin Kan Korimachi before marriage. How scandalous don't you think?"


"What... when?"

"Oh! just when you were showing your mighty powers. In fact, that's when I had this idea", He said with a smirk, "I was going to use someone else's name in my place but I can't really trust anyone in this regard"

"What... have you done", She said in despair

"I did whatever I needed to live"


"I know"

Her every word contained absolute anger, "No you don't... I was to be married off to Fugaku right after this mission. They have yet to announce it but it was confirmed. What do you think will happen to us, if a rumor spread about me sleeping with another man right before that... not to mention before marriage"

He shrugged, "It's still better than them coming after me alone"

She gripped his collar and grit her teeth, "So you ruin both of our reputations for this? YOU DESTROYED OUR FUTURE"

He grips her hand and throws it off him, "I never had a future, remember? Even if I somehow survive here, Uchihas will try to kill me, I try to ditch the village. The village will put the bounty on me. I can't stay in the village, I can't leave the village. WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME AS... WHAT DID I EVEN DO AGAINST YOUR CLAN"

She looks at him with absolute anger in her eyes, "You... I will f*king kill you", She said in a dark tone

"Do what you must. I do what I need to do to stay alive... Ah, I forgot to say this; Congratulations Mikoto Uchiha. We are a couple now. And don't try to get Yamanakas into this. If you do, I promise that you will turn into a whore in the eyes of everyone who sleeps with anyone"

She stares at him with pure anger as the temperature in the atmosphere rise.

"Stop that, or the secret of your eyes will be disclosed in front of everyone as well..."

"You. won't live that long. And your clone will disappear with your death", She said in a dark tone as the temperature in the immediate area increase, just within a couple of seconds; even with no appearance of flames.


Kan heavily frowns as it becomes slightly more difficult to breathe as the surrounding area becomes literally a desert. Akin to the Scorch Release, his skin starts to become tight, and small amounts of the moisture evaporate from his skin causing steam to appear from his body.

Everything was melting... again.

"I am warning you Uchiha... I am not someone you want to mess with", Kan said and somehow, suddenly, the temperature in the atmosphere lowers itself.


She was shocked, "What... the hell? How did you do that?"


Kan kept standing there staring at her.

"You have a Kekkei Genkai?", She asked shocked

"Not everyone is as lucky as you Princess. Some of us have to try hard to get what we want"

Watching his hateful face, her anger risen even more. She made hand signs and her entire body was now covered in flames.

He saw Mikoto walking towards him covered in flaming armor. And without a warning, she made her move.

She drew her Kunai and crouched, before charging in lightning-fast speed, "Lariat!!!", she roared.

Kan stuck his arm out and forced a majority of his chakra into his hand. Instantly, Kan grabbed Mikoto and tossed her aside. He looked down at his hand, burnt.

Mikoto did a flip in mid-air, and rebounded off the ground in Kan's direction, wrapping her arm around Kan's neck tightly and heading from the ground with incredible strength and speed, "Flying Lariat!!!", she declared.

Kan smirked as he chocked out, "Fool", Kan exploded, causing shards of winds to fly everywhere.

At this close of a range, it was good enough to slice her head into two.

She saw it all with her Sharingan, "Flame shield", she said as the flames swirled into a tornado-like fashion as a shield from the wind.

It did not stop there, the flames leaped on and quickly traveled down, heading for Kan.


Kan did not even look at the flames, right now, he is not playing anymore, he calmly raised his hand, and made a horse sign.

"Taiki no Henka"

Kan's mastery of the wind nature release is nearly unmatched in every aspect. He is so refined and proficient with his craft that he is capable of changing the actual chemical components of the air down to its molecular structure, capable of removing and adding components at will.

In front of him, the utilization of fire release and water release is nearly futile in every sense of the word. And most importantly, Kan is capable of rendering even the highest-ranking of jutsu to merely nothing in only a matter of moments with minimal chakra usage and no strain on his behalf.

It is also due to his extreme mastery over the wind release that Kan was capable of altering the actual environment of a location, controlling the temperature to the extreme.

This is the power he gathered by 10 years of continuous fighting. He has absolute control over winds.


'What is happening', Mikoto was more confused than angry by now

Kan looks at her, "Give up princess. You can not defeat me"

"What the heck are you?", She asked shocked

He chuckled, "An unknown Genin, I guess?"

She grumbles as she disappeared with a poof of smoke. It was a shadow clone

The light on the Kunai flashed as Mikoto stabbed at his back.


He blocked the attack.

"Give up"

She grit her teeth, "Just how deep were you hiding"

"How deep I was hiding? Wake up princess, we are the shadows; Hiding in the dark only to attack when the chance presents itself is our second nature"


"This is how we fodders survive. This is the battlefield where everyone is willing to sell their souls just to stay alive. Let alone this useless rumor, I would have r.a..p.e.d you, if that's what it would take to stay alive"

"Including betraying the village? is this what you are planning to do one day?", She asked as she jumps back and stares at him.

"I am not planning anything. It's just life-saving straw. I merely want a peaceful life. Where there is no politics. No one forcing me to join anywhere, no one placing a bounty on me. where I would marry a simple girl, have children, and then die growing old"

"YOU... do you think it's possible now? Let alone having children, No one will marry us now. You too. We both are screwed for life"

Kan looks at her coldly, "what do you want from me? I can not harm you, Your clan won't let me go. Your connections are higher than mine. What do I do? Desert the village? Or should I just die? I don't know about you princess, I don't want to become a criminal or a hermit... I am also not the one to die"

He could not even finish his sentence when he saw multiple large, humanoid creatures composed of the rock. The size of these golem differs depending on the chakra used, but they were all moving while shaking the earth.

He saw these humanoid creatures and look at Mikoto, "We will deal with our problems later, Let's get out of here, and do not try to harm me, or your eyes will become public knowledge"

She looks at him with anger, "How do I trust you? You might very well disclose it even after I let you go"

"I don't care. It's your business, not mine", Kan said without any emotion

She grits her teeth and after some time when the large humanoid creatures were critically close. she spoke, "If you betray me, I swear, you won't have a place to live in hell. Even if I have to destroy myself together with you"

"If it makes you happy. I know that already", He said as he blurred. She grumbled and blurred as well.


"Come out", Kakashi said standing on the tree branch looking at either side.

"To think that this guy is good enough to hide from Sharingan", He muttered after waiting for a while

But Kakashi didn't let go of his vigilance. He really couldn't find the hunter shinobi.


Tearing the air; A kunai came towards Kakashi aiming at his back.

Kakashi blurred, dodging the poisonous kunai thrown at him.

"Don't I... just chill your blood?", The voice came from everywhere

Kakashi frowned while tightly clenching the Kunai.

There was no movement for some time before Kakashi let his guard down for a few seconds. It was at that moment that the shadowy figure rushed out again, and his fist was full of energy.

The Moment Iwa shinobi attacked Kakashi, Kakashi was directly replaced by a tree log.

Although Kakashi looked like he lowered his guard but he never did.

The Iwa shinobi's punch hit the log, and the explosion followed, utterly destroying it thoroughly.


The Iwa shinobi tried to hide again but against that extreme vision of Sharingan, The Iwa shinobi had no chance.

Kakashi was already behind him.

A faint blue light appeared on the silver blade, and Kakashi did not hesitate to stab the Iwa shinobi's back with it, while his Sharingan stare at this guy closely.

The Iwa shinobi staggered and look at Kakashi who was already far away from him.


He removes the Kunai while gritting his teeth. The blood flows from his back.

Kakashi who was standing far away keep on staring at him with his Sharingan. He did not even try to attempt and interrupt the Iwa shinobi.

The Iwa shinobi jumped back very simply, with no fancy movement, and at the same time did not forget to throw a few kunai at Kakashi.

With a few strokes, Kakashi easily fended off these kunai, and then directly chased after the Iwa shinobi. But he disappears into those trees again.

But now, The Sharingan was fixed on him. And there was nowhere to run or hide anymore.

Neither of them talks, and there was nothing but silence.

However, the silence time was short.

Chakra exploded under Kakashi's feet, with his short sword shines. He was already heading to the hiding place of the Iwa shinobi incredibly fast.

'Damn that Sharingan', The Iwa shinobi grit his teeth and avoid the fatal blow by stepping to the side.

The Iwa shinobi's speed was actually quite fast, a sidestep dodged Kakashi's blade, and his right hand once again form a fist.

This fist made Kakashi frowned. The explosive power that the Iwa shinobi possess. Kakashi had already seen it once and did not want to face it again.

"Explosion Release: Landmine Fist!"


"Explosion Release?"

Kakashi frown but did not falter, For Kakashi, who possesses Sharingan now, as long as the enemy attacks, he will definitely find some flaws.

"You are already exposed in front of me", Kakashi's Sharingan revolves and the Iwa shinobi was already in an Illusion.

Without any warning, without any sign, Just looking at Kakashi's eyes was good enough to put the Iwa shinobi in an Illusion.