

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bai Linan had been patiently waiting for Ye Chong’s reappearance on the Black Coves back then. He spent every single coin Ye Chong had left in his pocket soon after and inevitably he had to find a living on his own somewhere in this black market. Fortunately many of the wealthy merchants frequented the exterior of the Black Coves and Bai Linan, as quick-witted as he was, got the heart of the merchants. Well, he was eventually a strategist, one who was familiar with buttering-up and providing services to the superiors. It did not take long before Bai Linan won over the head of the Sylvia Group, Mr. Robert. He gained Mr. Robert’s trust gradually and became the butler at his place. He aimed the right merchant since Sylvia Group was a major spaceship production group.

Mr. Robert fancied the entertainment on the Black Coves a lot and Bai Linan, being his man, had been visiting the place regularly.

Well, he met his lord, the meaning of his soul after much detour, once again.