
Legend of the Highschool : Oni of the Darkness

In a dark world, the infamous shadow twins emerge. They drift through the night, hunting tainted souls. No one knows their identities, their secrets hidden. Flawless yet flawed, they seek to end each other's lives behind their scars. As their paths collide, a gripping tale of mystery and danger unfolds. Prepare for a thrilling journey where light and darkness blur, and the pursuit of truth becomes a fight for survival.

Ixchelle · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 3

"We don't know what their purpose is but this definitely need to put in caution Tsukasa.." Aiko spoke with a worried tone. Meanwhile, Tsukasa didn't seem bothered about the Consortium, "Hmph.. Consortium or anything, if they're stronger than me then i'll be dead already that night" Tsukasa appeared to have self-confidence in himself. However, he never feared losing his life, even once, since he worked in a dangerous field.

"You sounded like you don't care about your own life eh Tsukasa~" Aiko was back with her flirtatious teasing tone, and once again, Tsukasa was annoyed by her way of speaking, "What could i say? death on my own or death by my opponent, i have nothing to lose either way" Tsukasa laid back in his place and adopted a casual tone as he spoke to Aiko about his potential fate. However, it seemed that Aiko was showing a great deal of concern for him.

"Even if you don't care about your own life, we do, Tsukasa. You're our trump card, aren't you? So we're not going to let-" Before Aiko could finish her sentence over the phone, Tsukasa noticed Miyu's troubled expression from a distance. He was outside while Miyu remained in the store, "Yeah, right. Whatever, talk to you later. Gotta go!"

"Tsukasa wait... Tsu-" Tsukasa hung up the call, turned off his phone, and put it in his pocket before returning to the entrance of the store to look for Miyu.


[5 minutes before]

"Wait a minute, i'll be fast on grabbing the sunscreen" Soon after talking to Tsukasa, she left him and entered the convenience store, searching for a skincare cabinet to find sunscreen.

'So sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen' Miyu mumbled to herself as she walked through each cabinet before finally coming across one cabinet filled with body care products.

"Is there anything that i can help you with?" An elf staff member in uniform greeted Miyu as she arrived at her spot and offered to help with whatever she needed, "Ah.. yes please, can you show me the place for a sunscreen please?"

The staff smiled at Miyu and nodded before escorting her to the sunscreen cabinet, "there you go miss, let me know if you ever need anything else" With a kind and humble attitude, the staff bowed slightly to Miyu and returned to her position, ready to assist anyone who might need her.

"Okay now, the usual sunscreen that i wear is.... here! okay time to pay" Miyu giggled as she took a product from its place and walked over to the cashier to pay for her new sunscreen.


After walking a short distance from where the sunscreen was located, Miyu found herself in line at the cashier, patiently waiting her turn to pay for her items. She waited behind three people before it was finally her turn, and she placed her sunscreen on the counter.

"Is that all, miss?" The cashier, wearing a smile reminiscent of an elf, asked Miyu a question. Miyu responded with a smile of her own, nodding in reply, just like she had done with the staff at the cabinet, "Yes, that will be all" But just as the cashier was about to take the sunscreen from the counter, a big bearded man, smelling of alcohol and wearing a sweat jacket, cut off the queue. He placed a few bottles of alcohol on the counter while shouting,"Count this up hurry!"

With a grumpy face, Miyu tapped his shoulder and spoke to him with a firm tone, "Excuse me sir! but can you see the sign that you have to wait in the line for your turn to pay and no cutting through queue!?" She spoke to the man while pointing at the sign.

The big man didn't seem to care about the line; instead, he kept standing in his place with no intention of returning to the line behind, "I don't have time for this, hurry count this up!!" The big man raised his voice to the cashier, ignoring Miyu who was speaking to him. However, the cashier stood up for Miyu, "I'm sorry sir but this lady over here is first and you have wait in line for your turn to pay, that's the rule over the sign"

Miyu smiled at the cashier and then turned her gaze back to the bearded man with sharp eyes, "you hear that? now get back behind and wait for your turn like everyone else" The man stood silently without saying anything, and Miyu thought that it was already over.

But then the man grabbed a bottle of alcohol, broke it into sharp pieces, and grabbed Miyu by her uniform, "Listen here young lady, maybe you don't know me but i rule this area, and no one doesn't know me, so you're going to let me cut through your line and pay this up or you're going to suffer the consequences" The big bearded man threatened Miyu with his fist and a broken shard of the bottle.

Everyone there seemed to be avoiding any contact with them, not wanting to get involved. However, the threat didn't make Miyu scared or fearful of him. Instead, it made her even angrier than before. Her fists tightened, her aura changed, and her eyes started to glow red.

Miyu was about to burst in rage and unleash her power, but then Tsukasa appeared behind the bearded man, grabbing his arm as he wielded a shattered glass bottle, "What do you think you're doing?" As always, Tsukasa spoke in a cold and intimidating tone.

Everyone in the convenience store seemed surprised when Tsukasa attempted to confront him. Even Miyu, who had been grabbed by her clothes, was surprised when she saw Tsukasa standing up for her, "Tsukasa..!?" Her glowing red eyes and aura returned to normal when she saw Tsukasa..

The big bearded man turned his head towards Tsukasa as he felt someone grabbing his wrist, holding off his threat to Miyu, "Huhh!? What do you think you're doing little douchebag!? Let me go and stay away from this or i'll tear your flesh off" The big bearded man wasn't only threatening Miyu, but now he was also threatening Tsukasa.

Without saying anything else, Tsukasa tightened his grip on the wrist of the big bearded man and kicked his leg, causing him to kneel on the ground. He then took the shattered pieces of the glass bottle and threw them away, "URGHHHHH!!!".

The big man automatically released his grip on Miyu's uniform. Tsukasa then pulled Miyu to his side, opening his arm and positioning Miyu behind him, "Tsukasa wait! i can handle this don't worry!"

Tsukasa turned his head and looked at her with an annoyed expression on his face, "How can you even end up clashing with this weirdo?" Tsukasa shook his head in disbelief. He had only been waiting for her for a few minutes, and she already found herself in trouble with a strange, alcoholic troublemaker.

"Well, i just-" Miyu's words were cut off when the alcoholic man stood up and started shouting at Tsukasa, "ARGHHH!! YOU DEFINITELY GOING TO SUFFER!!" He rushed straight at Tsukasa, his fist ready to deliver a punch.



Tsukasa didn't hesitate or hold back as he clenched his fist and jabbed it straight into the bearded man's jaw. He approached him directly, ignoring Miyu's plea, "Tsukasa, wait!" Miyu tried to stop him, but he didn't even listen. He was simply following his instincts.

"Quite a strike you got there, douchebag! But don't think you can get away with-"


Tsukasa kneeled down, grabbing the man's head, and slammed him to the ground, causing blood to spill from his nose. Everyone seemed scared of Tsukasa, as they chose to avoid eye contact and turned their gaze away from the intense clash between Tsukasa and the man.

Without saying anything or displaying any emotion on his face, Tsukasa remained silent, exuding an intimidating and cold demeanor as he carried out his actions with cruelty.

The big bearded man lay unconscious on the ground after being thrown a few times by Tsukasa's jabs. Tsukasa was about to finish him off, but Miyu ran to Tsukasa and stopped him by pulling his hand.

"Tsukasa! Stop!" Miyu pulled with all her strength on Tsukasa's hand, "Tsukasa! Stop it, it's enough. He already learned his lesson from your punch. You don't need to do anything else" Tsukasa, who was pulled, stepped back slightly from Miyu, "Tch, what an annoying human" Tsukasa delivered a powerful kick to the man's head, while Miyu simultaneously slapped his hand and pulled Tsukasa towards the cashier, "Tsukasa stop!"

Miyu hurriedly bowed down to everyone, apologizing for the chaos they had caused. "Thank you, and sorry for the chaos" she addressed the elven cashier staff, handing over the money and swiftly grabbing the sunscreen before rushing towards the car.


[Inside the car]

"You know, you don't have to go that far, actually" Miyu nervously spoke to Tsukasa as he drove in silence from the convenient store. Tsukasa didn't seem interested in responding to Miyu, which made her even more nervous than before

Finally, after a few moments of silence, Tsukasa began to speak to Miyu. "What did you do to make him so mad?" Miyu appeared slightly surprised by Tsukasa's sudden words, "Eh? Well... uh... um... I tried to make him wait in line..."

After hearing what had happened, Tsukasa turned his gaze towards Miyu, giving her a peculiar stare, "W..What!?" Miyu felt uneasy under Tsukasa's intense gaze, and her discomfort only grew when Tsukasa began to laugh.

"Well, he definitely learned his lesson" Tsukasa said with a wide smile, still feeling amused. Miyu didn't know how to respond to Tsukasa's reaction. "You know, I could have handled it myself, and you didn't have to go that far against him" Miyu repeated herself in a soft-spoken voice, her gaze fixated on the window.