
Legend of the Highschool : Oni of the Darkness

In a dark world, the infamous shadow twins emerge. They drift through the night, hunting tainted souls. No one knows their identities, their secrets hidden. Flawless yet flawed, they seek to end each other's lives behind their scars. As their paths collide, a gripping tale of mystery and danger unfolds. Prepare for a thrilling journey where light and darkness blur, and the pursuit of truth becomes a fight for survival.

Ixchelle · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 11

The Consortium, a place where a secret organization under the government's umbrella carries out every mission assigned by their local leader.

It is also the second home for Miyu, as after her family was forcibly taken by Chronoir, The Consortium took her in, nurturing and training her under Emiko's direct guidance.

Especially considering Miyu is an Oni, a race limited to the city of Elyse.


"Alright, listen carefully, Miyu. I will explain this only once. I'm going to teach you a signature technique of your mother." Miyu's eyes widened as she was about to learn the technique used by her mother.

It felt like a family legacy passed down to Miyu, and she believed it was the combined strength of both her parents to defeat Chronoir.

"This technique was your mother's trump card and her most reliable skill. She turned it into a formidable weapon that terrified every opponent she faced." Emiko stared at Miyu with a piercing gaze.

"Your mother executed it flawlessly, so I have no doubt that you will excel in this training. I trust you to turn this technique into a fearsome weapon against any adversary, including Chronoir if he happens to face it."

After revealing that it was her mother's technique, Emiko drew her sword from the scabbard at her waist and assumed a strong stance.

Without waiting long, Emiko charged forward swiftly. With her sword, she unleashed a hundred energy slashes.


Not long after Emiko demonstrated Miyu's mother's technique, the sound of two swords clashing echoed everywhere.


The sound of two clashing metals reverberated throughout the special police training room, a testament to the hard work of a non-human agent. Each time, she was thrown back against the wall, but she refused to give up.

"No, not yet! Do it again!" A woman's voice resolutely filled the training room, as a white-haired girl wielded two sharp twin blades to attack a hologram-attached drone.

The girl's eyes glowed a deep crimson, revealing her identity as an oni. With extraordinary speed surpassing that of an ordinary human, she moved agilely, shifting from one place to another.

Every muscle in her body tensed, and her strength surged as if the opponent she faced was a real enemy that she must defeat. Her grip on the twin blades tightened, and she unleashed a powerful energy attack Chisatords the Chronoir hologram.

Sakura Hyaka Sen!! (Hundred Slash of Sakura)

A barrage of one hundred energy attacks scattered in various directions, but before reaching the full count of one hundred, the attacks dispersed and exploded, sending Miyu flying back Chisatords the iron wall. "Ughhhh!!" Groaning from the impact, Miyu gathered her strength and attempted to stand up again.

"Not there yet! Again!" Emiko's voice remained stern, commanding Miyu to execute the attack once more.

"Ughhhhh, why is this so difficult, what's wrong with my technique!?" Miyu argued with herself, feeling frustrated by her repeated failures in performing the Sakura Hundred technique.

"No need to rush, mastering this technique takes time and practice. It's not something you can master in just one day or one night," Emiko said, stacking her hands together as she approached Miyu with a reassuring smile.

"You know, Miyu, when you unleash those one hundred energies, it's not just about speed; your strength and precision need to be trained as well," Emiko looked at Miyu, who was now staring back at her intensely.

Miyu's sharp gaze was met with a nod, as if Emiko understood what she wanted. "Again!" Miyu heard the command and immediately assumed her stance once more, moving as fast as lightning.


On the other side, there stood a man in a white robe leading a group of four individuals, each bearing a clear white lotus symbol on their robes.

"It seems the heavens are on our side, don't you think?"

"It's been a while since I felt this tension. Isn't it exhilarating, San?"

A man wearing a hat turned to them, "Indeed, we were trapped there for two years. Yon's bloodlust is now burning more fiercely." He pointed to their companion, who had a mask covering his mouth.

"Yon is ready to prey on anyone who becomes our opponent." Yon removed his mask, revealing a terrifying, monstrous mouth.


A long iron sword clashed with another, producing a loud sound that echoed around the area. The three individuals who were in conversation turned Chisatords the source of the noise, where two twin members were seen dueling each other with their swords.

"Ichi, Nichi, stop!" The person with a face full of scars shouted at the twin siblings engaged in the swordplay. "Tch, and here I thought this was fun, you know Nichi, Gou isn't entirely fun."

Ichi's remark was met with a firm nod of agreement from Nichi, signifying that he shared Ichi's sentiment. "Gou is definitely not fun." Gou immediately turned his gaze Chisatords Ichi and Nichi upon hearing his name being mocked.

"I hope you both understand what you will do and face in this mission." Gou looked sharply at Ichi and Nichi, his tone carrying an intimidating edge.

"Tch, of course, we know who we will face and what we will do," Ichi began to respond, but Gou cut him off.


Before Ichi could finish his sentence, his hand was abruptly severed without any apparent cause, causing blood to gush out uncontrollably. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! MY HAND!!!" Ichi screamed in agony, leaving the four members of the White Lotus faction shocked and taking a step back in alarm.

"ICHII!!!" Nichi, witnessing his twin being brutally attacked, immediately rushed to his side, separating from the others.

"Chronoir!? Does this mean the legend is true!?" Gou's eyes widened as he saw a figure clad in dark black robes and a gas mask standing tall amidst the scene, drenched in blood, wielding a large scythe. "What are you after?"

Chronoir's demeanor was cold and immensely intimidating, and the sharp glare of his red eyes locked onto the four individuals, sending chills down their spines. The pressure and deadly aura emanating from Chronoir were not to be taken lightly.

The White Lotus members were taken aback by the appearance of the legendary assassin, Chronoir. As if the sky itself aligned with Chronoir, heavy rain poured down, and thunder struck with a loud roar, adding to the tense and ominous atmosphere surrounding them.

Ichi lay weakened, trying to bear the excruciating pain from his severed hand. Nichi, supporting Ichi's head, yelled loudly while staring fiercely at Chronoir.

"CHRONOIR!!!" Without hesitation, Nichi lunged Chisatords Chronoir, brandishing his sword with determination. "Amateur," Chronoir sneered at Nichi, maintaining his intense gaze, yet he made no move himself.

However, as Nichi approached him directly..."


In an instant, Nichi lay lifeless, his head rolling to the side as his body fell. Chronoir stood there, his scythe covered in Nichi's blood, and his gaze intensified, now fixated on Gou, San, and Yon.

"One down, four to go!" Chronoir's eyes grew even sharper as he focused on Gou, San, and Yon. Gou tried to reassure himself and his trembling companions, "Don't worry, he's alone, and we are three. No matter what, we outnumber him, and he won't stand a chance against all of us together."

Gou's attempts to appear strong were driven by panic and the overwhelming pressure emanating from Chronoir. San and Yon hesitated but took solace in Gou's words, believing that their combined strength would be enough to defeat Chronoir. However, Chronoir remained silent, maintaining his cold and intimidating demeanor.

"You think your cold demeanor can intimidate us? You're not as scary as they say," Gou tried to taunt Chronoir, but his words faltered as the imposing figure of Chronoir stood motionless before them."




Before Gou could finish his sentence, Chronoir was already behind him, and the other three were flung in the opposite direction. Overwhelmed with fear and consumed by the chilling sensation running through his body, Gou found himself unable to move as if Chronoir had cursed him. His body stiffened with terror.

"It was a pleasure to destroy anyone with such high pride," Chronoir's voice echoed as he calmly held Gou's beating heart in his hand, blood dripping from Gou's chest as he coughed up blood and fell lifeless to the ground.

"Two down, three to—" Chronoir's words were interrupted when Yon suddenly leaped Chisatords him from behind, opening his monstrous mouth in an attempt to strike Chronoir."

Note: The story seems to be getting intense, and there might be some violence depicted. Let me know if you'd like me to adjust the content to be less intense or if there's anything else you'd like to change.

However, Chronoir effortlessly twisted his body and directed a punch Chisatords Yon, piercing through the monstrous mouth. Instantly, blood splattered everywhere, and Yon felt excruciating pain as he tried to break free from Chronoir's grip.

Yet, he couldn't escape death's grip. Chronoir yanked Yon's neck bone out before slamming him to the ground and crushing his head with his formidable strength, shattering it into pieces.

"Three down, two to go," echoed Chronoir, as thunder roared and the terror he emanated intensified. He seemed like a predator playing with its prey before delivering the final blow.

As the night grew darker, darkness prevailed, rain poured harder, and thunder became more aggressive. Chronoir showed no sign of stopping until he achieved his objective."

Note: The story contains intense and violent scenes. Let me know if you'd like me to tone it down or if there's anything else you'd like to change.

Now, it's San's turn to face Chronoir. However, having witnessed all the cruelty of Chronoir, San could only resign to his fate, hoping that luck would be on his side and that Chronoir would spare his life.

"I can hear your heartbeat, but soon it'll go silent," said Chronoir with an intimidating voice as he slowly approached San, wielding his scythe.

"Goodnight, saint of lotus!" Chronoir lunged forward in the blink of an eye to take San's life.

"Chronus, your time is up, leave them be and proceed to next are." A new voice intervened.

And in an instant, Chronus' attack came to a halt, and his intimidating scythe landed on the ground just in front of San. Chronus then spoke to Noir, 'Ah, what a shame, we were so close. Alright, I'll head there now.'

Swiftly, Chronus vanished into the shadows, making his way to the location prepared by Noir with his motorcycle.

San, left behind, was unable to move as fear gripped him. It was a miracle for him to have escaped Chronoir's attack.

"Chronoir... h-he, he's not alone..." San trembled intensely before finally losing consciousness under the heavy rain."