
Legend of the Cursed Mage

"Had I known what was to come, I never would have laid hands on that tome." Kael Voss, an ordinary man with no prospects, finds himself inexplicably transported to the magical realm of Anduron after touching an ancient tome. Unbeknownst to him, Kael was a legendary dark mage in his previous life, his death and the exile of his soul to a parallel dimension were the result of an ancient prophecy foretelling a dark mage who would bring chaos and destruction to the realm. Upon arriving in Anduron, Kael meets Luna Faraday, who introduces him to a prestigious magic academy. As he learns about his past and regains his lost powers, Kael embarks on a journey to reclaim his full potential, uncover the secrets of his past, and confront the treacherous path ahead. In addition to his magical training, Kael discovers that the ancient tome he found has granted him access to a unique system, which guides and aids him in unlocking his potential and mastering his powers. This system, exclusive to Kael, serves as a catalyst for his growth, helping him navigate the challenges that lie ahead and harnessing the abilities that once made him a force to be reckoned with. As Kael's power grows, he faces an impending showdown with the malevolent Lord Magalar, who seeks to eliminate magic and conquer Anduron. However, the true threat may lie within the darkness festering inside Kael, as the prophecy that once condemned him casts a shadow over his destiny. With the fate of magic and the realm in the balance, Kael Voss must rise above his humble origins to become the hero Anduron desperately needs. As he confronts the chilling prophecy that foreshadows his rise and the potential devastation he could unleash, Kael grapples with the sinister force that threatens to consume him from within. Armed with the guidance of the ancient tome and the unique system it bestows upon him, Kael will forge a path to save the world from the darkness that threatens to engulf it. *** WSA Entry 150 Powerstones +1 Chapter 300 Powerstones +2 Chapters 400 Powerstones +3 Chapters

Shinji_Sama · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Elemental Affinity Test

As Kael stepped out of the arena, the crowd was still buzzing with insults and laughters after witnessing his F tier result in the Magical Aptitude Test. He tried to calm his nerves, knowing that the next challenge was about to begin: the Elemental Affinity Test.

As Kael walked back towards Luna, she noticed the disappointment on his face after the results of the aptitude test. Instead of saying anything, she simply held out her hand and gave him a warm, reassuring smile, offering the support Kael desperately needed at that moment. Kael felt a sense of comfort from her gesture, understanding that Luna believed in him.

Kael smiled weakly. "Thanks, Luna. Honestly I'm not expecting much."

An academy instructor approached Kael, holding a large crystal orb in his hands. "Kael Voss, are you ready for the Elemental Affinity Test?" he asked, his voice stern but encouraging.

Kael took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, I'm ready."

The instructor led Kael to the center of the Grand Arcane Coliseum, where the Elemental Affinity Test would take place. As the crowds quieted down, the instructor explained the test to Kael and the spectators. "Kael, you will be touching this Elemental Sphere, which will react to your innate elemental affinities. The Sphere will glow with the colors representing the elements you have an affinity for."

Kael nodded, listening intently. The instructor continued, "The basic elements are fire, wind, earth, water, lightning, and ice. Dark and light elements are incredibly rare, and few have an affinity for them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Kael replied.

"Very well. Place your hand on the Elemental Sphere when you're ready," the instructor said, offering the crystal orb to Kael.

Kael hesitated for a moment, feeling the pressure of the few remaining spectators' expectations. Most of the crowd had already left, disappointed by his F tier result, only few who had nothing much to do remained. He then placed his hand on the Elemental Sphere, and it began to react. A soft glow emanated from the crystal, growing in intensity as it cycled through various colors.

The few remaining people in the crowd didn't expect much, having not much interest in the result and just waiting to see which element Kael had an affinity for. The Elemental Sphere pulsed with energy, a soft glow emanating from the crystal as it cycled through various colors. Each color seemed to linger for a moment before transitioning to the next, as if teasing the spectators with the possibilities.

Finally, the Sphere's glow intensified, and it settled on a deep, shadowy black. Gasps of surprise echoed through the nearly empty arena as the remaining spectators witnessed the rare dark affinity reveal itself. The dark glow continued to radiate from the Elemental Sphere, casting a mesmerizing pattern of shadow on the floor beneath Kael's feet.

The instructor's eyes widened, and his mouth fell open as he struggled to find words to describe what was happening. It was a sight that few in the academy had ever witnessed before. He announced in a surprised tone, "Kael Voss, despite your F tier result, you have an affinity for the rare dark element! This is truly unexpected!"

Kael's face showed a mixture of disbelief and relief. He had at least proven that he had some potential, even if it was connected to the mysterious and often feared dark element.

Luna, who had been watching from the sidelines, beamed with pride. "I knew you had it in you, Kael!" she called out, her voice full of support.

Rorik, who had also been observing the test, approached Kael with a wide grin on his face. "Well, Kael, it seems you're full of surprises! Your magical potential might not be the highest, but having an affinity for the dark element is incredibly rare. It's like finding a needle in a haystack... or a haystack in a needle... or something like that!" he chuckled at his own joke, offering Kael some lighthearted encouragement.

Kael couldn't help but smile at Rorik's attempt to cheer him up, even if the joke was a bit lame. Rorik continued, "Just remember, life is like a journey, and sometimes you need to take a detour to reach your destination. Or maybe stop for ice cream along the way!" He laughed, giving Kael a friendly pat on the back.

Kael smiled at them and then looked around the nearly empty coliseum. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, but with Luna's support and his newfound affinity, he felt hopeful about his future at Luminis Academy. He was determined to work hard, improve his magical abilities, and prove that he was more than just an F tier mage.

As Kael and Luna left the coliseum, a small group of students wearing smirks on their faces exchanged glances on their faces exchanged glances. These were lower-tiered students, notorious for their mischief and penchant for causing trouble. They were led by a cunning and spiteful young man named Corvin, who was known for his jealousy and bitterness towards anyone he deemed a rival or threat.

Corvin sneered as he watched Kael, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "So, the boy who fell from the sky is an F-tier failure with a dark element affinity, huh? What a joke," he scoffed.

His cronies, two boys named Rafe and Drystan, laughed in agreement. Rafe was a thin, shifty-eyed young man with a nasty habit of picking on those weaker than himself, while Drystan was a burly, brutish student who preferred to let his fists do the talking.

"Even with that rare affinity, he's still nothing but a weakling," Rafe hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "We'll make sure he knows his place here at the academy."

Drystan cracked his knuckles, a malicious grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, let's see how the 'dark element prodigy' handles a taste of the real Luminis Academy."

As Kael, Rorik and Luna make their way to the Arcane Banquet, deep in conversation about the day's events and Kael's unexpected results, Corvin and his gang retreated to the shadows, plotting their next move. They were determined to make life difficult for Kael and show him that his newfound potential wouldn't guarantee him an easy ride at the academy.