
Chapter 3: Quest

The noise of rats scittering, filled these stone rooms with more life than it's prisoners.

"Owen, it's time to leave." Quote said in front of a pair of bars.

"Alright, I was just admiring how much moss grew here since the last time I was here" Owen said jokingly

"Yes, well the next time you get in here I won't help you out" Quote said with an annoyed expression.

The prison door swung open with a high pitched creak for being so old.

"You know I always wonder what you have to do to get into the tower's highest prison cell" Owen wondered out loud.

"Maybe you should figure your life out first" Quote remarked, "you could start by getting an actual job."

"Hey, I do have a job!" Owen argued

"If you can even consider that a job" Quote mocked.

Back in the shed with dirt flooring and a bunch of animal roommates lived.

"I don't know Owen, this might be considered a job, but your not getting paid, so I don't know." A built Greranok (people that were born with a mark on their foreheads that predetermined their powers, the mark spread across their body as they grew with age and they often have some sort of belief that they are willing to die for.) answered Owen.

"Wow, thanks I guess." Owen said to make Foalit feel bad.

"Well how much would expect from someone with the mark of stupidity on their forehead." Foalit reminded Owen.


The silence surrounded them until after they clean up from shoveling manure all day.

"How many days do you have left?" Owen asked

"999,999,027 days left."

"Geez, the prince was not very forgiving."

"Well, I wouldn't be happy either, if some one called me a fake in front of my fiancee." Foalit sighed

"Yeah..." A bit more silence until Owen started thinking.

"I think I know how to get out!" Owen announced excitedly.

"You said that last time." Foalit reminded Owen

"But the third times the charm." Owen stated

"No, that would have been ten attempts ago."

"Have you been keeping tra- I mean this is my third attempt feeling confident." Owen stated proudly.

"Why do you want to get out so badly again." Foalit asked

"Because I was robbed, and then I protected myself, but was caught beating up the robbers and was put here. All because of those lyers." Owen pouted.

"And you want to kill them?"

"No, I just want to teach them what happens when you take someones money without asking!" Owen remarked.

"So, if they asked you would've given them your money?" Foalit seriously asked.

"No..." Owen sighed and then got an even better idea, "Foalit help me get out of here."

"And get executed? No way!" Foalit turned down Owen's idea.

"How about this, if you help me get out of here, I will help you get out of the city and away from the people who want to hurt you." Owen purposed.

"Deal!!" Foalit agreed without second thoughts.

They were interrupted by Moaw who was a elemental being, who was not very nice.

"Hey pip squiek! You haven't answered my question yet." Moaw said to Owen

"What sorry I was busy ignoring you." Owen stated

"What!!" Moaw looked shocked because Owen didn't fight back like this before.

"I'm getting tired of you pretending your the big dog here."

"Fine then I'll send you straight back to time out!" Moaw yelled (Moaw was the reason why Owen was in the isolated chamber everytime Owen was put in there because Moaw was good at staging Owen)

Moaw swung his fist at Owen and purposely missed. Owen swung and hit Moaw in the face. Moaw smirked after this and then called out for the guards,

"Guards, help please, Owen is attacking me again!" Moaw called out

But this didn't shock Owen, instead he bent down and picked up the shovel and hit Moaw across the head with it. Moaw fell into the horse manure unconscious. The guards finally arrived at the scene and opened the gate to subdue Owen.

There were only three guards that came to the stable. One of the guards raised his iron stick to knock out Owen, but Foalit grabbed and stopped it.

"Foalit stop what your doing!" The second guard instructed Foalit.

"Sorry, I don't think I will." Foalit said as if he didn't know that he actually couldn't.

"Idiot!" The second guard swung his iron stick and Foalit, but was met by the shovel that Owen swung at him. The third guard looked scared as he ran away to call for back up, but he was blocked by the other prisoners that were also in the stable.

"Out of my way!!" The third guard yelled as he was then punched right in the face and hugged on the floor. Owen then punched the first guard in the face knocking the guard out.

"Ready Foalit?!" Owen asked

"Maybe!" Foalit replied

Trees swaying in the wind giving a peaceful environment to the soldiers who were guarding the south gate to the city.

"Man, I can't wait to be promoted" one of the guards ranted, "then I'll be able to do something more productive with my time."

"Sorry dude, but the next promotion above us is patrol duty." The other guard said

Then the silence bursted with noise as the guards turned around they saw a big cloud a smoke coming from the prison stable where the prisoners were to take care of the guards horses.

"Foalit!! You better hurry up!! They're catching up!!" Owen ordered Foalit

"It's not my fault that I don't know how to ride a horse!!" Foalit responded

"Get back here!" More guards chased Owen and Foalit on their horses they grabbed from the stable. There were two guards on each horse, and there were eight horses because Owen and Foalit took the other two horses.

"This is just like practice boys!" The captin of the prison guard yelled at the other men, "so get them!"

"Owen I don't think they're happy!!" Foalit warned Owen

"Really? I couldn't tell" Owen replied sarcasticly

The ten horses raced through the guard quarters outside. Owen and Foalit going as fast as they could, yet still being caught up to.

"Get ready to knock them off!!" The captin told his men. When he said that the second rider on each horse the guards were using pulled out a pole.

"Owen were going to have company!!" Foalit warned Owen again.

"Brace your self Foalit!" Owen warned back. He grabbed the rein on Foalit's horse and his horse and stered them to a stair case. The guards followed. The staircase led them on top of the inner city wall. They chased across the wall pushing patrol guards out of the way, and over crates, and through towers.

"Sir Quote!!" A guard came bursting into Quotes office.

"Not yet, five more minutes" Quote begged the guard because of his lack of sleep lately he has been sleeping in his office and not the sleeping quarters.

"It's Owen!!" The guard told Quote. After that Quote had a deep sigh.

"Brace yourself Foalit" Owen yelled at the top of his lungs.

"What?!" Foalit questioned what it was this time.

Owen pulled Foalit off of his horse with ease and jumped off his horse and lept off the wall to the mid city.

Foalit started screaming at the top of his lungs as they plummeted. The guards and the horses all stopped and saw Owen and Foalit fall off the wall. Owen started to focus. Green lines appeared everywhere, yet again the lines outlined the buildings and floors and objects of the world. Owen focused harder and slowed his fall with making lines run into him causing his free fall to be softened until he and Foalit landed safely on a house the was right next to the inner city wall.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Foalit told Owen, "I thought I was going to die!"

"Don't worry Foalit, now if you get caught by the guard your going to die" Owen teased Foalit.

"Captin please let me kill Owen this time!!" Quote begged, "he has tried to escape too many times, he ran out of straws."

"You may--" the captin of the guard was interrupted by someone

"Bring him to me I need a hard worker like him to do something for me."

"Yes, your majesty" Quote said as he knelt.

"Owen why are we wearing cloaks and roaming in the shadows?" Foalit seriously asked

"Because if we're found we'll be killed." Owen answered as they walked through the allieways towards the south gate(closest gate).

"Wouldn't this make us stand out more?" Foalit seriously asked, Owen this time didn't answer but just silenced Foalit when two guards came walking by in the main street.

"Sir please!!"

Owen and Foalit turned to see a kid being pursued by a group of thugs.

"Owen, just like you said we don't want to get caught." Foalit reminded Owen

"Then stay away" Owen replied as he approached the group.

"You haven't paid us back in a while kid, you know us we hate waiting!" One of the thugs said to the kid.

"Sir, please just another month and I will have the payment, I've just been getting bad costumers" the kid begged

"Alright, but you better not run kid or we'll kill you!" One of the other thugs threatened the kid.

"Hey guys!" Owen butted in, "would you mind getting me a meeting with your boss?"

All the thugs turned around, and the kid ran off while their attention turned.

"What?" One of the thugs said looking confused.

The daylight ran out as clouds floated above. They were illuminated with green light of the third moon as it passed over ahead. This moon was known as Burnre which was a code told to the royals and the church that this moon could increase the summon magic to a degree that let summoners be able to perform high spells without worry of the low chance of success.

"Hey guys did you read this stuff, you could make a killing of it!!" Owen said pointing at a inscription on the walls of the abandoned basement of the old church.

All the thugs turned to him unimused, "yeah we saw it, it's about the sun." One thug said.

"No , it's about the Burnre" Owen fixed

"Stop your yapping or I'll kill you!!" The thug leading the group yelled.

From far back behind them Foalit was following Owen and hiding because he had no idea how to leave the city without Owen.

"The time is at last upon us, we must make haste!" The Arch Preist announced in the chamber of the new church.

"Open the reheincarnation chamber!!" The lead servant ordered the guards.

A group of elderly people shuffled into the room. And took their positions and prepared the ritual. The put a crystal into a pedastool and opened a window to the sky letting the light from Burnre. The Arch Preist the began to chant. And the spell finished, but nothing happened. They did it two there other times until one elder realized something.

"Your grace the crystal has a crack!!"

The Arch Preist looked dumbfounded as he remembered another key to the spell.

"Use the spell once a chance or you will summon chaos and not a person." The Arch Preist repeated to themself.

"Your grace this means that the person we summoned will be anywhere from this kingdom to the other side of the world, we'd be lucky if they don't end up monster food." The elder expressed his knowledge of the effect of the crack.

"And who ever they are, they'd sure go mad." Another elder said, "they would have four minds in one body!"

"This is why I don't stay up late!" The last elder blamed their lack of sleep for all of their mistakes.

"Tell the majesty that we need a new crystal, and none of you mention what we created!" The Arch Preist left the room.