
Birthday party-1

Xiao Xiuying was looking around (choosing dress).

Stupid!!! "Hey, Isn't this my old classmate ?"

Yu Chan, "Hi, Kate."

Kate (classmate of Yu Chan), "What are you doing here?"

Yu Chan, "Just little shopping."

Kate, "Shopping...huh...are you kidding me. Back then you were poor girl (laughing). Do you think you can afford this clothes ?"

Xiao Xiuying came.

Xiao Xiuying, "Don't start again. You are still same."

Kate, "Give me this clothes.(snatch clothes Xiuying)."

Xiao Xiuying, "You...."

Yu Chan, " Manager...."

Manager, "Yes, Miss Chan."

Yu Chan, "Take this stupid girl out of here."

Kate, "Do you think you can do that ?"

Manager tries to take Kate out of there.

Kate, "What do you mean ?"

Xiao Xiuying, "Didn't you understand ? This Mall belongs to Yu Chan. I mean she is the owner here."

Kate, "But she was....."

Xiao Xiuying, "Not only this. May be you know "Yu Group". That is her too."


Kate was kick out of mall.

Xiao Xiuying and Yu Chan finished shopping.

In Ms.Hui Zhong's house,

Zhong Zixin, "Mom, this is guest list."

Guest list...

1. Mr.Ah Kum

-Mr.Li Chu Hua.

-Mr.Hong Zhang.

- Mrs.Li Ju

-Mrs. Nuwa Hua.

-Ms.Ting Zhang.

- Mr.Li Min

-Mr.Jawlong Hua.

- Ms.LiShu

-Mr. Lu Shu Na.

-Mr.Yan Chan.

- Mr.Deng Xiaobo

-Ms.Lu Taiyang.

-Ms.Yu Chan.

-Mr.Deng Min Chi

Ms.Hui Zhong, "Ok. Is everything ready ?"

Zhong Zixin, "Yes, mom."

It was Tuesday

In "Shine On"

Jawlong Hua, "Mom, are you going to party tonight ?"

Mrs.Nuwa Hua, "Yes....Xiuying, is everything ready ?"

Xiao Xiuying, "Yes."

Mrs.Nuwa Hua, "I am going with your father. Do you want to join us ?"

Jawlong Hua, "You go first. I will come after finishing my work."

Mrs.Nuwa Hua, "Ok bye."

Mrs.Nuwa Hua and Xiuying went from there.

In Xiuying phone,



[Are you going to party ?]



Jawlong feeling happy.

In a banquet,


A car came.

Mr.Yan Chan and Guo Xingfu came out.... catching each other hands.

Mr.Yan Chan, "Are you nervous ?"

Guo Xingfu, "Little..."

Mr.Yan Chan, "Everything will be fine. Let's go."

They went inside.

In Main Hall,

Birthday boy was there. All the invited guest were there.

Zhong Zixin, "Hello everyone. Can I get your attention please ? Today is very special day for Xinling. It's his 23 Birthday. I want to thank all of you for coming. Please enjoy the party. Thank you."

People were talking, drinking, eating and dancing.

Mrs.Li Ju, "How are you, Miss Zhong ?"

Ms.Hui Zhong, " I am good and you."

Mrs.Li Ju (Fox Empress Liang ), " I am good too."

They were talking...

Deng Min Chi was drinking. He was Mr.Yan Chan.

"Isn't that him ?" He was going to follow him.

Yu Chan, "Hey, Mi.....Min Chi."

Deng Min Chi, "Yes..."

Yu Chan, "You are here too (feeling happy 💗Love at first sight 💗)"

Deng Min Chi, "Yes, how are you ? (He is happy too.)"

They were talking.

To be continued....