
Immortal Maiden and Cute opponents

In the realm that can not be reached by mortal creatures. A girl is trapped in eternal darkness.

The girl has long forgotten the sense of life. She can not see anything. She can not smell, or hear anything. She almost spends her entire life in here. The girl did not know how long she's been here. Hundreds of years, maybe a thousand years.

She's been through the moments where She was scared, alone, bored, frustrated or even depressed with her condition. But, the world does not allow her to get out of this place.

She fell asleep for a while. Awakened. Sleeping again for a few years. Awakened. Sleeping again for a few hundred years. The cycle keeps repeating forever.

These are all the consequences she has received for her past actions. She seemed to cry painfully in her heart, seeking for freedom.

But her mind knew that when it happened, right then, disaster would happen, the war of the world will occur. Maybe the world will be ended.

But will she be like this forever?

She was asleep again while repeating the question in her mind.

'Will it be like this forever?'


At night near the kingdom of Aklesia. There were a camp that's looks very lively. The big bonfire flared in the midst of the Cross Guards soldier.

They were not looked like soldiers in uniforms. Each person has his own style of clothing.

Some of them using full armor like a knight. The others use thin armor that only protect some parts of the body. For example, Nero and Riku have their own armor style.

The troops sit where on the place they have been prepared before, such as on the rocks, piece of cloths, or portable chairs that can be folded after use.

They seemed enjoying their leisure time. Some people were seen drinking while talking to each other and laughing.

"Then I took his bow and struck my shoulder into his waist!" Lie talk to Jack, The Boss, who listened to his story with enthusiasm.

"Hoo, then that's from the Jiujiuitsu movement you told me about?" Asked Jack.

"Jiujitsu, i think in this world, martial arts have not developed enough, right?"

"Did you beat that Agrya's with that martial ability?"

"No. It's because a plan that I planned with Nero. I can defeat an Agrya if i have weapon. But, i still need an assistant if my opponent is 5 Agrya's," Lie was talking enthusiastically.

Jack smiled at Lie's statement, "I think you can handle the test to enter Cross Guard easily."

"But ... I'm not sure if I can win against someone as strong as a boss."

"Take it easy, no one matches half of my strength here. And I'm not the one you must defeat in the test."

Lie touched his chin as he thought, "I can't manage it if I have to kill people to win the battle. At least, the test will finish of I can make the opponent paralyzed."

The atmosphere was changed, the camp was silent. People focused on Lie. He realized that there were many parties who did not accept his statement just now.

"Eh, why is it so quiet? I think, I've proposed a good thing."

Nero sighed. He was embarrassed with Lie's attitude. Because, he was the one who undirectly introduce Lie to the Boss. He feels to hide his face right now.

The Bos make the atmosphere festive again with his cheerfully Bragg, "oi, guys, Tomorrow is a test for these kids whether he's appropriate to join Cross Guard or not. Anyone goes forward to be his opponent?"

"Me," The short blue-haired girl's answer. Her face was cute. Her body quite tempting. At least she has more assets than Riku.

"Is-is there no other opponent?" Ask Lie to the boss.

"Why are you afraid of fighting a little girl, a newcomer's?"

The girl leaned forward her face to Lie's who sitting on a rock. The collar of the dress she wore was hanged down, even Lie could see her cleavage.

Lie choked on his own saliva. Blood started coming out of his nose.

'OMG, my nosebleed. I did not think such scenes in comics could happen here, ' He thought.

"I was hoping to find a worthy opponent, like Nero, for example?" Lie Said.

"I'm sorry, yeah, you just told us that I lost to you," Nero replied coldly as he wrapped the ingredients to his new magic pouch.

"Lie will fight Rint tomorrow, somebody wants to bet who will win? I place my bet for Lie! " The boss prepared his silver coin on the ground in his seat.

"I bet on Rint."

"Me too!"

"I bet on Rint, too."

"If something happened to Rint, I will kill you!" Threatening sound was heard from one of the crowd.

"Bos... is this all right? I think i will get into trouble if I win," Lie said.

"Hahaha. Don't worry. They just a drunk brat. Their opinion will change if you able to win the match!"

"But, if I manage to disable my opponent moves, can you count it as my victory?" Lie asked.

The boss give an OK sign with his thumb.

"Okay then. I will wait for tomorrow match then~" Rint winked at Lie, then she goes back to her seat.

Lie turned his face away because of shy.

"Tomorrow, we will get a new member. This brat has a weapon called Qiuqitsu and Ji! I'm sure he will win! Cheers!" The boss once again make the atmosphere become lively.

"You swiched the alphabed wrongly," Lie said.

"Cheers for Rin!" The others shouting while lifting up their glass of beer.

'This situation is wrong on many levels.' Lie said on his mind.

Even so, Lie was thinking that this situation is not seems bad. Because, on his previous life. Lie always treated as labor. All of the people on the ship never talks equally to him.

Besides that, maybe his battle with Rint will open the door of romance fantasy life in this world. Rint seems interested in him anyway.

Meanwhile, Riku who sat beside the boss whispered while smiling, "you are cruel."

How do i know

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