
Legacy of Wrath: The Rise Of Last Heir's

In a distant past, an epic war engulfed all kingdoms of the earth, pitting them against the malevolent Dark Army of Deads. The devastation was unparalleled as half of the earth's population and 107 kingdoms succumbed into dust. But amidst the chaos, the legendary King Minamoto, the sole wielder of the Wrath of Dark Fire, made the ultimate sacrifice. Drawing upon his clan's immense power, he unleashed a self-destructive move that annihilated the Dark Army and his own kingdom. The Minamoto clan, renowned for their devastating wrath, perished, leaving behind only four heirs - Ukichi, Kageru, Uzin, and the only son of the King Minamoto, Hiroto Minamoto. As time passed, the heirs grew, but an unforeseen consequence left them without any wrath, weakening their once formidable legacy. Residing in the Sugiayama kingdom, they became an assassin squad. Yet, whispers spread that the Dark Army might rise again, targeting the surviving Minamoto heirs. But heirs of Minamoto were Determined to prove themselves and honour their fallen king, the Last Heirs embarked on a perilous journey to become the most powerful assassins of all time. Their path was strewn with challenges, sacrifices, and profound pain. Branded as the Failed Minamoto's, they faced a world where wrath was the key to respect and power. Could they rise above their inherited limitations, survive the impending threat of the Dark Army, and surpass the greatness of their fallen king? Their destiny hung in the balance as they aspired to become the true heirs of Minamoto, forging a legacy that would shape the fate of the world.

WayUpHell · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Game Of Greed

Hiroto leans in close to Toka, whispering in an unusual manner, "Thanks." Toka, puzzled, glances at Hiroto with confusion.

Shogo and the Royal Soldiers also seemed confused but Minamotos smile as Hiroto turns away and starts walking towards them, leading them forward on their journey.

Uzin voices concern, "Ukichi, we didn't gather much intel. How do we plan to apprehend them?" Ukichi turns to Hiroto, inquiring, "Do you have any plans?"

Kageru interjects confidently, "Plans? We've already got one: to eliminate them. The honourable future King of Sugiyama, King Kageru Minamoto along with his soldiers will kill the Fuji's."

Ukichi interrupts, "Are you finished, Kageru?" Kageru quickly nods, saying "Yes, my soldier."

Ukichi turns to Hiroto, asking, "Do you have any plan in mind?" Hiroto explains, "We lack essential information. We must seek out someone who can provide us with the necessary details."

Shogo adds dismissively, "Yeah, do as you please. We're only sticking around until sunset anyway."

Ukichi asserts, "You're free to leave whenever you want." Kageru concurs, "Indeed, the future king doesn't require your assistance." Shogo smirks in annoyance.

Hiroto turns to Ukichi, inquiring, "What was Fuji selling, by the way?" Ukichi responds promptly, "Wheat."

Hiroto proposes, "Do you know how we all can identify our kingdom's wheat among theirs?" Kageru retorts, "How could we? Wheat all looks the same."

Hiroto grinned and remarked, "Exactly. Let's track down the shopkeeper who recently bought wheat and identify our wheat among their stock."

Shogo interjected, "But what if they haven't sold it yet?"

Hiroto's smile widened as he replied, "Even better. They'll have no choice but to sell it here in front of us, Then it's end for them." Ukichi and Uzin both nodded in agreement, understanding the plan.

Kageru exclaimed, "Impressive, my advisor!" before playfully patting Hiroto's back. Hiroto glanced at Kageru, a puzzled expression on his face, as Kageru smiled proudly.

Ukichi directed the group, "With so many shops here, let's split into teams." Shogo interjected, "Apologies, but we won't participate in this crap, My team and I will have some rest."

Ukichi's response was firm: "I didn't ask for your participation." Shogo accepted it with a smile, "Very well then. Soldiers, let's retreat and rest," he announced, leading his soldiers away.

Ukichi issued the directive, "Alright, squad, Uzin and I, Hiroto and Kageru, gather information and report back." The trio acknowledged with nods before dispersing to engage various shopkeepers.

Despite their efforts, Hiroto and Kageru faced repeated rejections until they arrived at a particular shop.

The shopkeeper warmly greeted them, asking, "Hello, how may I assist you?" Hiroto responded, "We're in need of some fresh wheat."

With a smile, the shopkeeper replied, "Certainly, we have plenty of fresh wheat available. Allow me to show you." He then presented a bag filled with wheat.

Hiroto and Kageru examined the wheat closely. Kageru inspected a handful, remarking, "This isn't fresh at all." Hiroto concurred, saying, "Indeed, it lacks freshness."

With a smile, the shopkeeper responded, "Fresh wheat does come at a premium." Hiroto then produced a small bag and placed it on the counter. Kageru opened it, revealing a collection of gold coins. The shopkeeper's eyes widened with interest.

Hiroto continued, "Please, show us the wheat you've acquired recently."

Excitedly, the shopkeeper hurried to the back and returned with a large bag of wheat, placing it in front of them. Kageru eagerly examined the wheat in his hands.

Hiroto inquires, "How much of this fresh wheat do you have?" The shopkeeper responds promptly, "I've got two large bags of it." Confident, Kageru shoots Hiroto a smile of approval.

"Excellent," Hiroto acknowledges. "Let me call my companions. We'll discuss the terms of our trade." The shopkeeper eagerly agrees, nodding in anticipation.

As Hiroto goes to fetch Uzin and Ukichi, the shopkeeper turns to Kageru, asking eagerly, "And what will be the payment for this?"

Kageru grins and assures him, "Alot, really alot." The shopkeeper's eyes gleam with excitement at the prospect.

Hiroto returns with Uzin and Ukichi, who inspect the wheat with keen interest. As Uzin's eyes widen with recognition, he exchanges a knowing glance with Ukichi. Together, they turn their attention back to the shopkeeper.

Ukichi's voice carries a firm tone as he inquires, "Who was the supplier of this wheat?"

The shopkeeper hesitates, his expression conflicted. "I... I can't give you that information," he stammers.

Hiroto intervenes, lifting a handful of gleaming gold coins and presenting them before the shopkeeper's face.

"Here's the thing," he begins calmly, "This is Korisa, the house of thieves. Here, everything has a price, even faith's."

As the shopkeeper's gaze lingered on the glinting gold coins, Ukichi pressed on, his tone insistent. "Who was the seller?" he demanded.

The shopkeeper, seemingly lost in a trance induced by the sight of the gold before him, finally muttered, "His name was Tomio."

Ukichi and the rest of the squad exchanged stunned looks, their eyes widening with anticipation.

"And was he alone?" Ukichi probed further, The shopkeeper shook his head. "No," he murmured, "he was with two other guy's." The gravity of the revelation hung heavy in the air, each member of the squad now fully engaged in unraveling the mystery at hand.

Uzin asks, "Where can we find them?" The shopkeeper shakes and says, "I don't know."

With a confident smile, Hiroto scoops up a handful of golden coins, presenting them before the mesmerized shopkeeper, whose laughter bubbles uncontrollably. Undeterred,

Hiroto maintains his composure as he calmly repeats his inquiry, "Where can we fin them?"

Amidst fits of laughter, the shopkeeper manages to convey, "They were here not long ago, and I doubt they'll be departing this village anytime soon. You'll likely find them at Korisa Drink and Fun."

Uzin eagerly asks, "Korisa Drink and Fun? What is it?" The shopkeeper replies, "It's Korisa's famous and secret place where lots of thieves and traders relax, drink, and have fun."

Hiroto wastes no time in seeking details. "And where exactly is this place?"

The shopkeeper, hypnotized by the sight of the gold in front of him, offering discreet directions. "Just head straight, take a left, then another left. Look for a man sporting a black headwear. Give him the password, and he'll grant you entry."

Uzin eagerly asks, "What's the password?" The shopkeeper hesitates, but Ukichi starts dropping more golden coins in front of him. The shopkeeper's eyes light up, and he starts shaking with happiness.

Hiroto slowly demands, "Tell me the password." The shopkeeper, now overcome with greed, blurts out, "The password is 'Life for Korisa, death is for Korisa.'"

The squad's eyes widen in realization, and Hiroto drops all the coins down. The shopkeeper, still laughing maniacally, begins collecting the golden coins.

Ukichi concludes, "Let's end this." The squad shares a confident smile.