
Chapter 22

Douglas POV

Emily walked off to the drink dispenser at the far end of the massive room. She took out a glass from below and obtained a yellowish drink from the dispenser, which I guess to be an orange juice or pineapple juice. She walked majestically towards me and offered the drink to me. At first, I wanted to decline. I wasn't raised to take food and drinks from strangers.

"Take," she persisted. "You've been under my care for two days now, you think if I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't do that?"

"Well, thanks." I stretched my right hand and got the drink from her and gulped it down at once. It was an orange juice, sweet and refreshing to my body and mind. I exhaled heavily, now I had life. "Thank you," I said once again. Emily took the glass from me and went to the dispenser, she carefully placed the glass under the dispenser at the part for used glasses. I think that will be washed later.