

Because the Abbot's son had arrived, most Eidums were gathered in the Assembly Hall. Only a few were excused because they were on guard duty or looking after the patients.

The five Eidums with Kyran, namely: Amit, Johar, Kanu, Yona, and Zoram, were filled with excitement after hearing that the Abbot's son had arrived. They also wanted to see him and hear news from the main city. Nevertheless, since they were not yet dismissed, they reigned in their emotions and accompanied Kyran, who went straight to the warehouse to surrender all the beasts they hunted.

In the end, Kyran let them go because they kept fidgeting and looking toward the Assembly Hall; it was distracting. Besides, since they finished the training, their next task was to rest.

By the time Kyran finished helping out in the warehouse, the Abbot's son had already dismissed the crowd in the Assembly Hall. He then gathered all those with leadership positions for a meeting.