Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
Time has passed since I have started to help at building the Academy section at the Royal Palace. I think it was three months, and now, I am in the middle of Summer, the one period of the year when the hottest period will come and make all of us sweaty and tired from the Sun power.
And at this moment, I and with two workers are carrying some argyles in wheel-barrows. We take these good materials of building from a shopper who sold it to us at a cheap price, and he also lends these wheel-barrows to help us. We are pushing these wheel-barrows for about a few meters, then one of the workers, who became a good friend with me and his name is Axel, asks me.
"How's life?"
"Pretty good, not going to lie," I tell him as we pushed the wheelbarrows. "How is yours?"
"Same as yours."
"Are you boys going to stop talking and keep pushing?" asks the other worker to us while we keep pushing the wheelbarrow with the material needed for construction.
"Okay, sir," I say to that worker.
We kept pushing the wheelbarrows to the area where we are going to build the new extension of the palace, the Academy where I am going to learn useful stuff to become a powerful image and get much more experience at my spell. After the latest events, I truly need to learn about magic. My spells are good and useful, but my condition can say his words since I lately have started to faint much more often. And last time was three days ago when I was just only using a healing spell on a house that was on fire.
The Healers, who healed and make me regain consciousness, told me that I did a good job, and one of them recommended I start working on my physique condition. He even recommended I do some push-ups and running. Today I only did five push-ups because they are hard, and I only ran about 500 meters, which again, is way too hard for me.
But anyway, after these three months some things have changed. Garnet has managed to enter the Guild, and she became a good friend with me, with Gregonson, and with Liu. But in Ron's case, well… This is complicated because almost every time these two are meeting each other, Garnet uses the battle skill (which she didn't reveal to the friends of mine and hers), to push this boy a few meters back, or hide somewhere to escape the gaze. Thankfully, this rarely happens now.
Things with Fiona are at the same pace as they were before I left the capital and do that mission. We still go on a hunt together creatures, do errands, work on some quests from Guild and Kingdom Quest's Board (quests that peasants are putting on the board to the knight's headquarters, and we take them and do these, sometimes you get money other time we don't, but either way is fine since we still get a monthly salary).
Fiona's big sister, Diana, has started to go on a date with Leonard. She still gets lectured by Fiona and her parents, but Diana always tells her they are doing friendly hunting activates, but Fiona and I know the real reason she goes with him on those "activates" because one time we caught them at a Brothel while we were hunting for a prisoner who hides it there. We got the prisoner, and we also caught Diana with Leonard in a room. I didn't know what they were doing because Fiona was quick, and she covered my eyes, but I could hear her yelling at them, and it was chaos there. And the next day, the chaos was even higher since the parents of these girls have come to visit their home. That was a very tense family gathering, but thankfully, at that time I've had work at the Academy.
And with my friends of mine, Ron, Gregonson and Liu, we have started to go on training grounds. We've always tested our strength on the mannequins there and I gotta say, these friends of mine are truly powerful at their weapons. Especially Liu at his weapon who can become a sword, spear, bow, staff, and scythe. Gregonson fighting is great. and Ron is still weak but very loud, and it seems he always wants to fight a duel with us. And every time we finish him off without a sweat.
The things at the Animal Guild are alright. It is running the same as it running since I joined, in secret, only the King knowing about this. There haven't been any members joining the guild, which is good because too many knights or bounty hunters will be making this "hideout" of ours much more exposed.