
Second Retriever - Part 2


Meanwhile, on the streets of the village named Bran, one small girl dressed in peasant clothes, together with a muscular black man, dressed in light clothes are walking to a building there. These two people are Garnet and Ulfred, and they are on this store with a mission, to purchase the needed medicine for their teammate who got attacked pretty hard in a fight.

Ulfred is opening the door of this building, and when it did, a merchant goes to them, while they were still outside this store, and he greets them like any customer.

"Good day to you two dear customers! What brings you today?"

"Are you selling potions and medicine?" asks Ulfred to that merchant.

"Yes, sir. Come on in." he lets his customer entering the store and looking around at the store.

They are mesmerized because of this huge store who holds a lot of bottles with different substances or potions who can cure different injures and disease, in case a healer wizard or mage it is not close to them. Garnet sees one shelf where it shows a wood sign who is carved the word "Healing potions". The store clerk saw Garnet looking at that indicator, and he comes to her.

"Are you interested in that shelf, I presume?" he asks the merchant.

"Oh, yes." says Garnet. "What can you tell us about these potions?"

"There is a lot of things to be said about these types." says the merchant going to that shelf and picking a potion from there, it is a big bottle which has red liquid in it. "This one for example it is a strong potion which can cure any disease, even the mortal ones. Although, the price of that one might be way too expensive."

"Aha. I see. We just need one small who can cure any cut."

"No problem." says the merchant with a smile to Garnet, and he looks at Ulfred who is just standing there and looks carefully at any movement that man is doing.


After a while, these two leave the store with the materials needed to help Judah to be cured in a fast peace. Ulfred is carrying the things he bought, while Garnet is on his left side, and she is following him. They are walking without saying any word.

They are walking for about two minutes, until they are taking a turn to the left, and Ulfred stops from walking. Garnet was walking two steps ahead, and she realized Ulfred stopped from walking at such a weird time, it is like he is sensing something wrong which is about to happen. Garnet is looking at him feeling nervous, and asks him.

"Are you alright?"

"We are followed." whispers Ulfred. He is taking a small peek at his fingers from the right hand, he moves the trigger finger two times up and down, then he moves all four of them four times up and down, and finally, he clenched his right fist. "Be careful." he whispers again.

Garnet is looking around, and she sees at the last moment a guy in a hoodie, jumping from a roof to her. Ulfred he acts on pure instinct, and he jumps on protecting Garnet while the man in an orange hoodie is taking out his sword. But Garnet, seeing that her "friend" might be getting stabbed by that assassin, she has no choice to save him, but to use her battle skill. She closes her eyes, and then she opens them.

"Time Freeze." she whispers.

And then, everything stopped at the moment when the orange hoodie was about to stab Ulfred. The people from that place who were walking normally there stopped from moving, the birds from the sky stopped to move, and even the water remained was staying still. Everything has stopped. But there was somebody who was still moving, and that person it is Garnet.

Garnet leaves the Ulfred side, she catches the orange hood sword, she took like it was just a normal piece of wood, even though it is steel and has a lot of iron on it. She looks at it for a brief of moment, and she hides it on a carriage, under some wheat.

"This will make Carl fight difficult." she says. "But, just to be sure." she goes close to the Carl body.

Garnet punches the man both of his legs, then, she sees them damaged. But, before she could do anything, her nose started to bleed. she sensed this, and she immediately took her spot, being where Ulfred is protecting her. Then, she says.

"Time Resume."

When she said that, everything continued to move again like it should be.

That Orange Hood guy, who is named Carl by Garnet, is sent flying a few feet and lands on the road, with both of his legs broken. He looks around shocked, and he tries to move, but his damaged legs are making his situation much worse. Also, he observed his sword got lost, and he tries to look for it.

On the next second, before he was about to do his next move, Ulfred jumping on that orange hood assassin. He falls on the ground and gets in an unconscious.

Then, the sword of Ulfred is flying on the sky toward him, he catches like he predicted it will come that way, and he aims it at the head of Carl. While Ulfred was aiming the sword at the head of that assassin, he asks a question to Garnet, who was still there.

"Who are you, Garnet?"

"What are you talking about?" asks Garnet trying to hide her arms who are still holding that blue and green light, but to no avail, anyone would be able to see it.

"You have done this, right?" he asks while he still points his magical sword to that man head. "Tell me the truth. Are you truly a human?"

"Yes, I am." she responds to Ulfred. Well practically she is, but technically... it is a mystery since her parents are half-humans and half-demons.

"Then how do you do this?"

"I-I didn't do anything. Must've been someone else."

Ulfred turns around to Garnet, after a few seconds of looking at here carefully, he turns to that assassin, and he kills him, without any given mercy, by stabbing his sword into the head of that orange assassin. This made Garnet feel somewhat happy that she dodged another bullet from a "high-skilled" assassin. These two are then running from this area and heading to their house, while they are avoiding the faces of the peasants who are screaming "Murder!", "Criminals!" and any word to them.

While they are running ,they didn't know someone, dressed in a red hood is on the roof of a building and is following them.