
Chapter 9:

It was just after dinner that Rodrick had found out Malfoy had tricked Harry Potter into a midnight duel between themselves, he knew the real reason behind it, anyone with a brain would've seen it. Sadly Gryffindors tended not to use their brains very much. He was currently at an impasse, does he warn Potter about the trap or does he let Malfoy have his way.

He wound up deciding to consult his friends to see their opinion.

"Let Potter get expelled; I don't understand why we should care," shrugged Blaise.

"It's not fair on Potter..." whispered Tracey unsure herself.

Daphne didn't say anything merely stared out towards Rodrick with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Rodrick asked the green-eyed snake.

"Well look at it this way, if Malfoy gets Potter expelled, his position in Slytherin will increase, " Daphne said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"I don't have a problem with Malfoy," Blaise added with narrowed eyes.

Rodrick had stared around the group before his eyes landed on Tracey to see her slightly uncomfortable, Oh right, Malfoy had something against her blood.

"Perhaps you might not, Blaise but there are some in Slytherin who Malfoy would cause quite a bit of trouble for," Rodrick deadpanned, Blaise scowled, however, his face quickly returned neutral when he realized who Rodrick was talking about, Tracey. I mean he probably thinks I am muggle born for all I know, but he seems to have something else against me altogether.

Tracey gave Rodrick a small, grateful smile. Daphne smirked at the whole scene in front of her.

"That settles that, I'll warn Potter later by myself," Rodrick's mouth thinned as he said this.

"Alone?" asked a pale Tracey.

Rodrick nodded slowly.

"Suit yourself, man."

Daphne, however, stayed quiet. Everyone took it as the end of the discussion before they all split up, Tracey stared at her friend who shook her head quickly. She had nodded in turn before she made her way towards one of the staircases leading to the girl's dormitory, Blaise found himself walking to a group of Slytherins playing a game of chess. Rodrick took a seat in one of the empty sofa's contemplating when he should go warn Harry Potter. Daphne took a seat beside him on the couch, startling him in the process.

"W-what is it?" Rodrick stammered slightly surprised.

Daphne stared at the ornate wooden table in front of her; she picked up one of the snake ornaments on it before she started warning Rodrick about the problems if he were to get caught helping a Gryffindor.

Rodrick, in turn, smirked before pointing towards the snake in her hand and muttering the house words, 'Don't. Get. Caught'. Daphne let out a sigh at this before she turned to face the reckless boy, she offered to help him, but he quickly refused.

Frowning Daphne asked him why.

"I don't need to do much, just have to warn Potter not to show up."

"And if he doesn't believe you?" she questioned back

"I don't see why he wouldn't; it's my word against Malfoy," Frowned Rodrick

Daphne shrugged before she got up and made her way off towards the girl's dormitory. What's with her? He thought.

Later on, as Rodrick was about to leave the common room, Blaise showed up in front of him to stop him from going through the door.

"What is it now? I thought you were fine with me going earlier, what changed?" questioned Rodrick, His lips tugging downwards

"Nothing, I just don't see why you would risk yourself getting expelled as well."

"I can't risk Malfoy getting too much influence, who knows how he'd start treating anyone that isn't a pureblood."

Blaise sighed heavily "There's another way to do this, a much less risky way," Blaise would've smirked at the look of surprise on Rodrick's face if he weren't annoyed at his friend's carelessness.

"How?" asked Rodrick

"just a particular clown who can help a couple of Gryffindors run away before it got too late" answered Blaise.

It was silent for a moment before Rodrick understood what he meant smiling himself.

"Peeves it is."

Rodrick and Blaise both made their way out of the dungeons; it didn't take them long before they found Peeves. Uttering his name a couple of times seemed to attract the poltergeists attention. After explaining and bribing said spirit, he went along with their plan to warn Harry Potter about Malfoy's little trap. After successfully convincing the spirit, the two Slytherins made their way back to their common room to find Daphne sitting in the snake shaped sofa, seeing them return so quickly had surprised her.

She applauded Blaise's idea when they explained what they did but frowned when they told her about the bribing; She believed the poltergeist to do something problematic to the Slytherins with his newly acquired dung bombs. Both Daphne and Rodrick, however, agreed that less Malfoy influence was worth it. Blaise on the other hand merely nodded his head before the all three made their way back to bed. It was while asleep that Rodrick realized that the peeves never actually agreed to warn only Harry Potter. Ah crap... Oh well at-least we tried.

Falling asleep Rodrick found himself once again staring at the mirrors. The routine followed through like before; his face changed back to show him his real reflection. His grandfather once again showed up to him, ready to teach him more.

He had, however, asked him a question that would bother him for the rest of the week. 'Do you think you're friends would accept your real self.' There was no malice behind the words; It was something Rodrick had found himself thinking about as well. He didn't want to find out anytime soon, not wanting to risk them deciding he was too dangerous to befriend, he may have been in Slytherin but other then Blaise the other two might not be as open to him if they knew his real name.

He also knew that if he waited too long before revealing it, then they might consider it a betrayal on his part. It was difficult. However, his grandfather wouldn't let him focus on it tonight, he had new curses to learn, so he decided to concentrate on that instead.


The next morning, Malfoy was quite angry when he realized that Harry Potter had in fact not been expelled which led to Rodrick smirking and Daphne elbowing him playfully, telling him not to be so blatant about it. Blaise seemed subdued for some reason Rodrick couldn't yet understand; he had been much more open the previous days. Rodrick made a note to ask him about it later. The group made their way over towards the great hall to have their breakfast. It was there that Rodrick received two birthday cards from Tracey and Daphne, they looked to be hand made although the one from Daphne had some form of magic included, He thanked both of them for it. They nodded back in turn smiling. Blaise seemed a little upset he hadn't been told about it before but when Rodrick questioned him giving him a card the boy stared at him for a split second before both of them started laughing at the idea. It's quite nice having friends. It only makes it all the more difficult. He supposed.