
Chapter 6: Dark Side

Kohari just glared at his father with nothing but anger inside. Butch slowly got off his son removing the sword from his throat, but as soon as he did Kohari turned grabbing his father's leg with his, making his father fall face first into the tile floor. Kohari let him go, getting up quickly running to grab his father's wooden sword. Butch grabbed Kohari's leg and pulled him back. Kohari fell but used his arms to catch himself. "The fight is over Kohari, your sword broke and I pinned you, you lost" Butch pointed out. "The fight isn't over till you hear me out!!" Kohari snapped kicking his father in the face making him let go of his leg, he got up and grabbed the wooden sword his dad had dropped. Butch soon got up "if this is about you and Sayori getting married then it's no use Kohari. It's already set up in stone for you both. There is know going back now" Butch explained. "I don't love her like that and you know it!" Kohari snapped. "Why are you fighting with me about this. We picked the one girl that you know best to make things easier on you, so why..." Kohari cut him off "BECAUSE I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!!" Kohari yelled. His father looked at him in shock. "Who is it then, tell me and I'll see about switch things around." Butch suggested. "Oh so now all of a sudden it's not in stone anymore huh? Besides that, I know you won't change it" Kohari snapped again. "Why not?" Butch asked. "Because she is a human girl from outside the valley" Kohari admitted. His father's expression fell. "You WHAT!!" he yelled. "You heard me, I'm in love with a human girl." Butch anger grew as he called the guards into the room. The guards came in, grabbed Kohari's arms taking the wooden sword away from him. "Let me go!" Kohari snapped. "Take my son to the dungeon underground, he will stay the night there untill he is ready to take his responsibility seriously" Butch demanded as he walked out of the room slamming the door behind him. The guards did as told as they took Kohari underground. They threw him in a jail cell and locked it up so he couldn't get out. They left him there after words, leaving him alone. Kohari just sat there looking around, knowing he had to get out of there some how. He had to find Nero and Sayori, tell them about everything. Kohari stood up and tried to call for help but know one was down there, it was just him. He tried to pick the lock open, but it was know use. He was stuck in there for the night. He slowly made his way to the cot against the wall as he layed on it. He slowly fell asleep, beginning to dream about the same place as last time. He was in the middle of a dark, foggy forest, with know one but himself. This time the girl didn't show up. He saw the glowing blue stone again as he ran too it, grabbing it before it could disappear, but when he grabbed it, it went inside him as he fell on the ground screaming in pain. When the pain was over he had big black wings, and long black horns. He had long nails/clause and sharp fangs, he even had a tail. Kohari got up and run towards a small creek as he looked at himself in the water. His pupil in his red eye was now yellow, It was shaped like the north star. Everything around him vanished and went dark as a bright light shined down on him from above. He looked up to see the moon bright and full up in the sky, shining down on him. Right next to the moon was the north star shining and trickling as if it was dancing in the sky. After a moment they both disappeared too leaving Kohari in the darkness. He felt something grab his leg as it pulled him down deeper and deeper into the dark. Kohari woke up sitting up quickly. He stood up and made his way to the broken mirror on the wall. His demon parts were gone, he was still a human. He made his way to the bars as he looked at the clock on the wall. It was 12:00 am on the dot again. Kohari rubbed his eyes as he made his way back to the cot but something bright caught his attention as he made his way to the window with bars across it. He looked outside as the dark clouds moved away, revealing the moon high up in the sky. It was bright and full just like it was in his dream. After the clouds moved away more he could see the north star right next to the moon. Twinkling in the sky like it was dancing with the moon. Kohari stared at it for a few minutes thinking if his dream was going to come true. If his dream ment that he was supposed to do something big and he just didn't know it yet. "Kohari, is everything ok?" a girls voice asked from behind him. Kohari remembered that voice from his dream last night as he turned around quickly. The girl from his dream was standing just right outside his cell looking at him as she smiled brightly. "What are you doing in here dummy? You should be out there" she asked pointing out of the window behind Kohari. Kohari rubbed his eyes before looking back at her, but to his dismay, she was gone. He run to the bars as he looked around calling to her. He couldn't see anyone else in there with him nor could he hear anyone. Kohari sighed before looking around one last time. He made his way back to the cot glancing outside the window, seeing the clouds hide the moon and north star behind them. Kohari just layed down and relaxed. He thought he was going insane now, and there was nothing he could do at the moment except for go back to sleep. He rolled over on his side, slowly drifting back to asleep once again.