
Learning to Love you [BL Omegaverse]

Kian is a young 20 years old boy who was raised in an orphanage, after being abandoned by his father at the tender age of 9. Kian believes he is a beta but he never got tested for his second gender. While growing up he was guided by the owner of the orphanage, an alpha who raised him to be strong and determined. One night he gets into an accident with a car that belongs to Elian Falk, a wealthy alpha that despises omegas, getting his left arm fractured. Both Kian and Elian have hated each other from the moment their ways collided. How will the two individuals with conflicting personalities learn to love each other? Warning: BL, Mpreg

Tora_Dexter · LGBT+
43 Chs

A Stupid Decision

"Deck, excuse us will ya?", Elian scolded. "I don't think I will.", Declan refused. He was absolutely shocked to see the change in Elian's attitude towards the omega, he was extremely nervous and agitated in his presence. Declan couldn't trust him enough to leave him alone with Kian. Elian frowned at him, "I don't mind him, he can stay", Kian said and walked further inside the living room. He couldn't help but notice how deranged and dejected Elian appeared at the moment. He was amazed to see him in this state as opposed to his usual sharp appearance. His clothes were the same as yesterday but awfully rumpled, his ash blonde hair that was always slicked back perfectly, now looked frizzy and untidy. Kian wondered whether this was about yesterday, he couldn't fathom that his simple rejection had such an impact on the alpha.

"What brought you here?", Elian asked innocently. "Don't pretend to be so ignorant, you know why I'm here", Kian said dismissively. "Yes, but I didn't think you would really change your mind", Elian replied smiling. "Do you still stand by what you said yesterday? About the child?", Kian jumped straight to the point without wasting any time. "Of course I do", Elian replied. Kian took a deep breath and momentarily shut his eyes, "I really do not want to have this child. In fact I was about to get rid of it. However, I've come up with an idea that could give both of us what we want. I'll give birth to the child but I have a lot of conditions.", Kian said, looking Elian straight in his eyes, "You will pay me 10 million in advance and 20 million after the delivery right away-", "What the hell is wrong with you? You want him to pay you to have your child? That is ridiculous!", Declan interrupted. "Stay quiet Deck!", Elian rebuked. "But what is he even-", Declan tried to argue. "I said be quiet", Elian commanded.

"It is ridiculous, I know. But here we are. I'm only doing this because I'm out of options and you're probably crazy.", Kian continued. "What else?", Elian asked. "You and I'll sign a legal document that identifies you as the only parent and relinquishes me from all my parental rights and responsibilities towards the child. Additionally, you'll also sign a document that restrains you and the child from ever visiting or contacting me in the future through any media after the delivery and the payment. If you change your mind during this time you'll take responsibility for abortion and still pay me the remaining 20 million. The same applies in the case of miscarriage. Only if you agree to all the conditions, I'll keep it", Kian said with a dominating tone. Elian gave him a perplexed look, he felt somewhat disappointed that Kian wanted to distance himself entirely even from the child but at the same time he was thrilled that at least he changed his mind, "Have you really thought this through? Do you really want to disconnect yourself from the child?", he asked. "Don't ask questions that'll make me reverse my decision. Do we have an agreement or not?", Kian knew he was rushing things, but the situations called for him to do so. He was so terrified of doing this that if he pondered over his decision anymore, he would probably back out. But he desperately wanted to unburden himself with the blame that was put on him. "I….I agree, I agree to all your conditions, this will be done exactly as you want", Elian replied in a sincere tone.

Declan was watching the two of them talk with a dumbfounded look, "Have you gone completely insane?!? You can't do this! Both of you need to back off and think things through!!", he erupted. Elian didn't bother to say a word in response. Declan walked slightly closer towards Kian, "Have you even told your family kid? Do they know what you're getting yourself into? And you, your brother will kill you if he finds out Elian!!", Declan shouted turning to the alpha. "Lucky for me I don't have any. If his family objects then it's his problem", Kian replied. Declan was taken aback by the strange answer. "Oh...I'm sorry but still you need to think about these things. Life isn't a game. What if you regret doing this later?", he tried to explain. "Why the fuck are you getting so worked up? It's my life and my decisions. Stop pretending to care.", Kian countered snidely, "And you, I'll be here tomorrow morning for the check and the paperwork, so make sure it's ready by then. I'll leave now", Kian commanded looking at Elian and walked straight out the door.

Declan looked at Elian with surprise, "Elian you're not going to do this, listen to me carefully. This is a really bad idea. You don't know anything about him, who he is or what he does, you can't trust him.", Declan tried convincing his friend. "Well, then I'll try to get to know him", Elian replied. "Elian! He is clearly doing this just for money. And he doesn't even want to stick around to take care of the baby. What is the point of getting to know someone like him", he countered.

Elian was silent for a few seconds, "Alright, maybe it is because he still hates me. Maybe he'll change his mind about that too. But either way I'll get to be a father. I'll have a family of my own. Think about that Deck. You'll be an uncle!", Elian said with excitement in his voice. "Things aren't that simple though Elian, think about others too. Your brother? He is still living by your grandfather's values. He'll never accept a child born outside of wedlock. And he hates omegas more than you did. How would he treat Kian? Have you considered these things?", Declan asked. Elian smiled at him, "I don't think he's that bad. Maybe he'll also have realization like I did. And he might get angry but he'll accept everything eventually. He is not a bad person". Declan was looking at his friend stunned. Elian was so deluded into the frenzy of having a baby that he was overlooking every possible trouble. His excitement had made him blind to the risks and responsibilities that'll be coming his way.

(Ring...Ring...Ring...Ring...Ring...Ring), Declan's phone, sitting on the glass table kept ringing. Elian picked up the phone, "It's your Dad. He's waiting for you. I'll get dressed quickly", he said and went upstairs. The call dropped before he could pick up. Even though Declan knew his father would be furious, he couldn't bother worrying now that he was more worried about Elian. He thought to himself, it is worthless trying to convince his friend in his present state. So instead of convincing him he should talk to the omega on his own.


Exhausted and out of breath, Kian opened the door of his apartment and entered. He took his coat off and walked in. There was a sound of running water coming from the kitchen, it was Will cleaning the dishes by the sink. "Allis, there was a call for you. I said you weren't home so they cut-", Will turned back to see it wasn't Allis who walked through the door but Kian. He paused and went back to washing the dishes. Kian walked over to the kitchen, "Are you going to ignore me forever?", Kian asked, his voice felt calm but a little sorrowful. Will didn't say a word. "Look, I know you blame me and it was my fault that you got attacked by those people yesterday, and you don't have to worry. I'm on it. I'm this close to solving the problem so please just talk to me Will", Kian pleaded. Will turned to look at him, "You think I'm mad because of what happened to me yesterday?", he asked angrily. "Well, isn't that the reason. I'm not saying you shouldn't be, I would be angry too if someone tried to force themselves upon me", Kian said.

Will put down the foamy sponge from his hand, crossed his arms and turned to Kian, "You know where I had my first heat? In middle school, you know that very well don't you? And an alpha teacher tried to fuck me that day. And that wasn't the last time that it happened, I get attacked every now and then. Even though I'm disgusted by it, I'm used to it. So yesterday wasn't anything special for me to get mad! I was mad because you hide things from me. Because you treat me like I'm incompetent of handling serious situations even when I'm not. And I feel like you do that because I'm an omega ", Will clarified and went back to washing the dishes. "I don't think that at all Will!!", Kian argued. "Then why don't you tell me anything? Why are you always trying to protect me? Why do you always treat me like I'm a child when you're the one making stupid decisions?", Will complained angrily. Kian walked closer towards him, the tears flooded his eyes, "I'm sorry Will, I won't do that again", he said. Will melted looking at how miserable his friend appeared.