
Chapter Sixteen - I feel true fear for the first time

The floor of the first cave was soft near the entrance and Leon was able to dig a hole for his campfire positioning it in a slightly sheltered place so that the wind from outside would not blow the smoke into the cave and suffocate its inhabitants. By the time his fire was burning quietly, it had started to rain outside, so he would not find it easy to find anymore dry firewood. Looking around the loose stone in and around the entrance of the cave, he managed to find a fairly flat rock and placed it partially over his fire before placing carefully cut pieces of onion and the edible mushrooms from the forest.

Leon poured a little spiritual energy into the fire, raising the temperature of the flames so that it was not long before the rock heated and the vegetables began to sizzle upon its surface. As they cooked, he withdrew the knife he had set aside for carving wood and began to create a set of chopsticks. Leon had never used chopsticks in his former life, but that was all that was available to him in Leo's hut. He had carved a couple of spoons, but the wood that was easy to obtain was mostly a type of soft wood that dried brittle. Chopsticks were frankly quicker to make and he felt less about them when they broke and thus became firewood.

Chopsticks made, he held them carefully, for he still needed much practice to become proficient in using them, before reaching to pick up a cooked mushroom. First time, he smiled, gently.

Cold metal touched his throat, his smile vanished and his body began to tremble. The mushroom escaped and fell to the ground. "Who are you and where is this place?" Came the angry questions of the one threatening him from behind.

"L-L-Leon," his stammer worsening under the stress. "M-m-my n-name is L-Leon." His eyes filled, blurring his vision and his breath caught in his throat. Perhaps realising that this terrified man was not a threat to him, the blade at his neck was removed and he gasped for air, loathing the weakness of his body. He heard his attacker retreat a step allowing him a little space. Leon peeked over his shoulder.

The man standing there was tall, had very white skin and carried himself arrogantly. His lips were thin and his eyes were shaped like bay leaves with small stems curved upward a touch. His hair was jet black and long strands had fallen loose from the knot upon his head, framing his face and somehow not looking as if he had experienced something rough. His elegant cut outer robes were frayed in several places, but there were still hints that these were tailored for wealth. They were mostly red, cut to the knee and set over wide leg red trousers. Koi fish of red and black were embroidered upon the robes, but whatever had ruined the cloth had also ruined their exquisite shape. He glared at Leon coldly, his sword still unsheathed. Though held loosely, it seemed to Leon that he would strike without warning at any given moment.

"How did I come to be here?" He asked, there was slightly less ire in his tone, but it was far from being warm.

"I d-don't know," Leon answered. "I f-found you in th-there. Y-you w-were hurt, badly." The man's eyes narrowed as he glanced over his body. With the exception of a few scratches and the odd bruise, he could hardly see this as being hurt badly. Leon sensed his distrust and answered the unspoken question. "P-pill."

"Oh? What sort of pill?" His sword seemed to glow with an aura of bloodthirst, causing Leon to gulp, nervously.

"Blood pill," Leon murmured.

The man suddenly began to laugh, but there was no mirth in his chuckles. His strong baritone was the sort that Leon had always liked to listen to, but with such an icy edge, it did nothing but cut into him, making him shiver. "You think such a basic pill would provide any sort of healing to this Lord?" He said, harshly. "What an absurd notion!"

Leon said nothing. He could not prove nor disprove his words, so he felt it was better to say nothing at all. He really wished he could return to his little hut and curl up under his blankets. Those bullies had instilled fear into his body, remnant memories carved into his flesh from when it belonged to Leo. But this man burned his brand into Leon's soul making him wish to put several mountains in between them before he might feel safe once more.

As this and the next chapter are short, I will post both today.

Ebonsolariscreators' thoughts