
league of legends: wizon

The story of a man in the world of Runeterra who was killed in a strange way, and the last thing he remembers is using a sword to defend himself. Now he has been resurrected again in body of an adult who was killed by bandits, and his goal now is to take revenge with Boro.

zack_205 · ゲーム
7 Chs


"Hi poro get up the sun raised up, and it's our first day in work sow get up faster" wizon said 

The poro replied: "just five mints more"

Then wizon poured a cup of water at him making him wakes up in surprise.

"Is that the wai you wakes up someone from his sleep, you almost mike me get a heart attack" poro said to wizon in anger voice 

Wizon replied: "I didn't have another wai to wake you up sow I used this mothed, come prepare yourself we have long day in work"

"Am already, prepared, I don't need to wear or wash mi face" poro replied 

Bothe of poro and wizon get out from there Rome and get down so fast in stars to meet with the doctor for the job 

"Just take it slow you don't need to rush in the stars maybe you will get hurt" the doctor said 

"Will doctor we are excited for the job sow get here that fast" wizon and poro replied at the same time 

The doctor said: "will this job need some excitement's but its danger, if you see you are not capable for it don't take it"

Wizon replied with proud of warrior: "doctor if the job is danger that's means, we are the only ones we can handle"

 The doctor said: "I need to collect, some herbs and liquids from monsters to mike a positions, and the monsters they not that ease" 

 Poro replied: "will we ticked down a kmiros before sow can handle monsters in that level"

The doctor said: "and that ends up with wizon in mi clinic"

Wizon replied: "doctor I just get one wound from the monster but in exchange I get his soul out from his body"

The doctor sight and said: "will take it ease and don't rich in anything, so for today work you need to get me a herb called wormwood, tike this book and go for page number 32 you will find some information's that will help you" then he grabbed a book from the next shelf to his hand and toked a book called herb world and gives it to wizon.

Wizon hi happy face: "thanks doctor I will grabs you that herb as fast as I can"


at the gates of vekaura three assassin's get in the cite tow of them wearing red veil and the other black one 

"go fined the sword and if found it with someone don't get in fight with him just call for backup and then will don what it's need" the one with black veil said 

"Yes, captain" the ones who was wearing red veil replied 


In front of armor and weapons shop wizon was looking at col black armor with white lines and golden sun disk in the middle

Poro chowed up from his side bag saying: "I think you liked the armor, but look at his cost its 3500 gold"

Wizon in tearing eyes: "I just have 500 gold, I need more gold"

"Then go do the mission that the doctor gives us and do more in different places then you will get your armor, but for now you need armor and new sword this one need to be fixed" the poro replied 

Wizon said: "yesterday I saw a blacksmith in the middle of the city maybe he can fix mi sword and we can but new lather armor for now"

"Will let's go we need to move fast" the poro replied

After few moment's they reached at the blacksmith chop and entered in finding the blacksmith setting with his back facing the door and he was working and nice white armor with gold lines in it and symbol for demacia in the middle of the armor

The blacksmith in deep and loud voice: "how can I help you?"

Wizon said: "will mr.blackmsith I have sword need to be fixed can you tike look at it"

The blacksmith turned his face a little taking a look at the sword showing his brown skin and the white bear then said: "leave it at the table I can fix it, and shoos a sword from the ones in the barrel, us it until yours get fixed"

Wizon said: "when can I get mi sword? And can I found a lather armor here I need one"

"Tike one from the table and leave me 350 gold, and your sword will be fixed after two days? and if you need a potions go to the next shop you will get what you need" the black smith replied without turning his head and his hands didn't stop working at the armor.

Wizon did what the blacksmith said and left, then he visits the next shop like the blacksmith said.

When wizon opened the door he found a nice cleaned shop with a girl sting in chair looking at mirror combing her gold hair.

The girl stands from her place walking to wizon, at that moment he saw her red dress studded with some white pieces of circular glass and her face was like a falling angel from the havens, he get charmed by her look in that dress.

The girl smiled and said: "welcome to the shop can I help with some ting to day?" 

" i….i…I need some potions for mi work" wizon replied but he was thinking " I think am looking at angel"

The girl replied: "of course there is many different positions, what you need exactly?"

Wizon was sinless for couple's moments then the poro showed up and pinched his hand then wizon said: "will am going in collecting mission"

"Will for that I advise you to take this potion its strong then normal and costs just 50 gold and if you mana user you can small computing potion and its cost is 150 gold for the big one is 500 gold" the girl replied 

 "I will tike 3 from 50 gold" wizon replied 

Then wizon smiled and turned his back living the chop the girl said with worm smile: "thanks for buying from us I wish you to see you again" 

 After he gets out from the chop the poro said to him: "did you like here?"

Wizon said: "no"

Then the poro said in sad face: "yes, of course, then where is the book that the doctor gives us we need some information's be for we go"

Then wizon took the book from his said bag and opened it at page 32, as the doctor said, then he stared reading

1-strong unpleasant to sage but not as nice

2-stems and leaves are usually covered with silky gray hairs

3-may appear greener and less hairy on moist or shady sites

4-stems are grooved and branched above

5-plants are three to five feet tall, And 2 feet wide

6-leaves are olive-green above, white below, covered with silk gray hairs

7-floxers are small yellowish, disc-shaped in a leafy, and spike like panicle at the top of the stems 

Wizon said: "this stomach information's for an herb"

Poro replied: "but it will help us in finding it easier, and I think I saw it when we was coming to this city"

"Where did you see it?" wizon asked

Will first let's get out from the city first, then we go to north for three and half hour, after that you will see a small mount cowls to it you will find some water and this herb" poro replied 

Wizon is rush: "then let's go"

Then wizon start running and the poro yelling: "slowly, let me get in the bag first" he was hanging from the said bag.


On the roof of one of the building.

"Sir, there is information that say there is a sword at blacksmith in the middle of the city and it's look like the one we are searching for" an assassin with red veil said

The assassin in black veil replied: "is it really the one we are looking for?"

"we are not sur sir" the red one replied 

The black one yelled: "then mike sur from it then come tell me wai you are sow annoying"

 The red one replied: "we will sir"

Then the red one dispersed like he wasn't there from the begging.


At this moment wizon was fighting a red dog his tall 1 miter.

Poro is serious look: "wizon this type of dogs is dangers even at the hunters, can you really kill it?"

Wizon said: "just be silenced for few moments and you will see"

"Alright aright "poro replied