
Le Irain Lechat

Alex_the_creative · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1

You only live once, no rebirth or anything. That's what Lily and her friends thought. But it's a turn for them. Every last one of them. Kaden, Ellias, Camila, Rae'Kia, Apollo, and Lily. Are they friends at all? Maybe they are or they aren't. Well let's see can we?

Lily woke up in a strange place, locked up in a jail cell and chained up to a long chain that's connected to the wall. Where the fuck am I? She asked herself. The cell was cold and she was wearing a blue dirty dress that had holes in it. Someone came inside the basement the cell was held in.

"You're up. You fifty animal." A cold voice said. The person held a lamp in it's left hand. The light hit Lily's face making her close her eyes slightly to adjust to the light. "The king wants to see you." The voice finally said after sitting in silence. The light showed that the person was a man.

The man opened the cell door then walked in the cell and grabbed the keys that are strapped on his belt. He walked to her, Lily moved back. "D-don't touch me." She started to cry. The man chuckled.

"The king has got to see that the princess of the lumania kingdom is crying." He walked to her and grabbed her hair to keep her still so he could take off the cuffs. He then pulled her up by her hair.

At the throne room the king was sitting down on his throne as Lily and the man - That's the king's guard- walked up to him. Lily was still crying looking down at the ground. "Now darling why are you crying?" The king asked her, in his deep calming voice. "Is it because you chose to die then be my bride?"

Lily looked at him then looked back down. "W-where am I?" The king glared at her then chuckled again.

"How could you be here for a month then forget where we are." The king's voice grew a bit less calming. Lily looked up at him. "Zoey my love." He got up and walked to her. "Did you really forget everything down in that stupid cell?" He grabbed her hips.

"L-let go!" She shouted at him. After that her vision got blurry and she began to pass out before she could even hear what the king said. The king called a few of his maids and ordered them to wash the unconscious girl and give her nice clothes.