
lazy royalty showing his true colors

In a world of magic, where the biggest countries are in a constant clash for resources and land because of the threats of dangerous creatures, there are 6 schools which are deemed neutral ground and every country is allowed to send up to 20 students each year to learn and rise in the ranks to ascertain their power. This story starts at one of those schools and deals with a certain royalty who is too lazy to even finish the first semester, or is he?

Grimm_48 · ファンタジー
23 Chs

physical examination

"Good morning everyone." Miranda greets her students, entering their classroom and they greet her as well all of them already scattered throughout the room.

"I assume you are all curious about my judgement on your mock battle yesterday. Well, I noticed that you don't have much experience fighting alongside teammates with a different skillset. For example, you three worked well together, but left your support undefended." Miranda says, pointing at the three martial artists sitting next to each other.

"This is the first thing we will work on. And we need to determine a class representative who will lead and give the orders during battle. I want you all to vote on this at the end of the day. I already have decided the three possible candidates." She says, hanging up a picture of Yasmina, James and of the earth magician in the class on the board in the room.

"But for now, we relocate to the gymnasium for your physical tests." Miranda says.

|gymnasium -10 minutes later|

The class is standing in a row in a part of the gym.

"This clothing is annoying." One of the martial artists says, tugging on his skintight black and blue colored spandex.

"It's only for today. The suit has sensors build in assessing your stats." James explains with a yawn.

"At least the girls have to wear it too." Another guy says quietly, turning to the back of the row with a lecherous grin, the assets of the more developed girls of their class being displayed by the skintight suit quite well.

"I wonder if we'll get to see Miranda in a suit as well." Kai says dreaming, with every guy but James following his line of though.

"I doubt it." James says, shaking his head since the suit is bulging out for most of his male classmates.

"Look at those perverts." One of the girls on class whispers, pointing at the boys daydreaming state.

"At least James and Henry don't appear to be perving on us." Yasmina says with a slight smile.

"Already looking for a partner?" Lily, the busty blonde support magician asks slyly.

"Well, I call dibs on James. He's the only other one from my country anyways." She says.

"Students, step forward please. These are machines that will test your magic reserves and your talent for the different elements and spell kinds." Miranda says, entering their part of the gym, wearing tight, white yoga pants and a black sports bra struggling to contain her large bosom, making two guys from their class light up beet red.

"James, would you please give a demonstration." Miranda says sweetly, ignoring the lecherous eyes since she's used to it by now, getting the same attention wherever she goes.

"Sure." He says and puts his hands on top of a machine that appears out of the ground. He places his hand on the device, making the whole section of elements and spell categories light up before the machine stops, never even having gotten a reading of magical reserves from him before he's fallen asleep leaning against the machine.

"Uhm yes. Henry? How about you?" She asks and the brown-haired martial artist steps up, pulling James off the machine, waking him with an annoyed slap across his face.

"How'd I do?" He asks rubbing his cheek.

"Just hang back." She says.

"Alright you can have him." Lily says, disappointed by the prince's performance.

"I just might take you up on that." Yasmina says with a cute smile, while watching James walk back to his spot in the row.

The tests then continue on with the results matching Miranda's assessment yesterday.

"Alright let's go to the next test." Miranda says, leading them to another station in the gym.

"Physical fitness is also an important part of being a successful mage or part of the anti-demon corps. Here you will be tested for your strength, speed, reaction time and endurance." Miranda says, with everyone moving to machines looking like a big ball. Once everyone is inside she starts the test, which has everyone doing various exercises while gradually increasing the gravity inside the chambers.

"Very good. We have some talented people amongst us." Miranda says, looking through the results happily, until she sees James stats, being quick reflexes and incredible strength but almost no continuous speed and endurance.

"Can someone please wake James." Miranda says shaking her head at the soft snoring coming from his ball.

Yasmina volunteers and wakes him quickly. The two lagging a bit behind the rest of the group, who head to their last tests. The test of pain threshold and how much they are affected by curses.

"So how did you do on the last test?" Yasmina asks, walking next to James with sweat dripping down her form, the spandex clinging even more to her body than he thought possible, allowing him to clearly make out the shapes off her assets.

"Dunno, after the strength and reaction test I took a nap." He replies, his eyes looking over her sweat covered body..

"Eyes up here perv." She chuckles.

"Sorry. I meant no offense, you're just really sweating." He says.

"Yes, well if you did the endurance part so would you." She tells him, with them arriving next to the rest of their class.

"James, awake finally, why won't you do the honors?" Miranda says with an evil smile.

He shrugs his shoulders and steps into the test tube, which places a sensory controlling device over his head and then makes him think he's getting tortured.

Miranda is surprised to see him last 10 minutes in the device before collapsing, passed out.

"Usually this test only lasts a couple of seconds. You will see for yourself why."

Their teacher informs them and everyone enters their tube, most of them stopping the simulation before 20 seconds with only Yasmina and Kai lasting about 40 seconds.

"OK everyone, you are dismissed but I encourage you to train in private groups whenever you feel up to it." Miranda tells their class, leaving only herself, James and Yasmina behind, who tries to wake the teen.

"You two seem to get along pretty well." Miranda says, going over to the girl.

"I think he's interesting." The white-haired girl informs their teacher.

"Just be careful. He often does his own thing." Miranda warns her.

"You know each other?" Yasmina asks.

"Yes. I was his upperclassman." She replies.

"I see. Were you two close then?" Yasmina asks.

"Oh no. I just worry about him more since he seems to have no intention to graduate." Miranda says.

"Well, I'll leave now. Can you handle him yourself?" The teacher asks.

"Sure." Yasmina replies.

After a few minutes of waiting James wakes up.

"Where is everyone? Is this just a dream?" He asks, reaching for the girls' thigh.

"No, we have the rest of the day off." Yasmina tells him, slapping his hand away before getting up from her seat besides him.

"And where is Mir.?" He asks once he's standing.

"Miranda also left. She said it's enough if I waited for you to wake up." Yasmina informs him.

"Thanks. I gotta ask though, why are you being nice to me?" He questions intrigued, since he's sure that no one beside his brother, father and maybe a few high ranking generals know about the reasons he's at the bottom of the class and is intentionally repeating the first year yet again.

"I don't know. There is something about you." She replies.

"Come on, let's go change and then you can treat me to lunch, prince." She says punching his arm lightly with them heading to the locker rooms.