
Last Verse

This is not a game. They lurk in the dark, our deepest darkest fear, they are what we hide from others, they are what we call madness, it’s the impurities of our human nature. Scattered across this multiverse, we are not alone. Perhaps for the best and the worse.

Votoxior · ファンタジー
1 Chs

File 1 - True beginning

It was a prideful day in the heart of Nexicon City. People were laughing, kids were playing. The mayor was giving his annual speech during the Fourth of July parade, everything seem peaceful, but that joyful moment soon faded as terror came over us.

A shriek came from the distance as explosions were being set off left and right. The mayor has dismissed his emergency response team or formally called the H.O.P.E team, they had rushed toward the chaos, preparing for a battle from a villain.

Without a second of preparation a gust of powerful wind blew forward to the Hope team, the team leader shouted pass the wind. "Everyone! Shields up!" Each member would take out a small rod that had a activation switch on the bottom, they flick the switch upward as a quick yet powerful glow of light blasted out of the rod and form into a circular shape.

As the broken bricks and stone came hurling at them it would slam against the shields and break apart and slump to the ground. A purple glow could be shown in the distance as the team darted their attention toward it. "Everyone be on high guard." The leader had shouted.

Before we had a chance to think or even move, I turn my head to see my teammate Neo having their head decapitated. Fear rushed down my spine as I felt the sins and regret crawl around my mind.

I then hear my captain shout "Damn this beast! I'll kill you!" I had turn my head toward him, I had notice him dashing forward into the smoke. Before he could even land a single blow his body was shot backward into a vehicle, his chest was ripped off.

I slowly step back as I tremble with fear. My other teammates ran away not wanting to die like the others. I couldn't move, my legs wouldn't move as much as I tried to move, as much as I needed to move I couldn't.

I saw the unknown beast dart it's eyes toward me as it was slowly moving forward to me. As the beast walked to me it stop as it was infront of me, it spoke softly. "You will do." Before I could understand what that meant I was stabbed through my chest with the beast arm, i weakly look up at the beast as I fell down passing out from blood lost.

I had soon awaken the the sight of a white and black striped wall. My hearing was fuzzing as the only thing I could hear was the sound of my fiancé trying to reach out to me, her voice echoed in my head. "Eko! Eko! Get up please!" I had soon weakly sat up and look into my fiancé eyes. "I'm up.. I'm up… Jeez.." My fiancé Naomii hugged me, the feeling of her warm embraced had me smile.

I notice some bandages on my body and I asked her a question. "Hey what happen…?" Naomii face quickly change into a more worried expression. "You had lost a lot of blood, and we found you on the floor passed out, the ambulance luckily got to you in time." Hearing her say that made me realized I couldn't remember a single thing that happen during that battle.

I had rub the back of my head feeling some more bandages. I made a tired sigh and lay my head back onto the hospital bed. "I think I'm just gonna sleep…" as soon as I said that I was passed out in a instant, into a deep slumber, a slumber I won't forget.