
Warding Skagos

Daeranyx POV

105 AC

That's how I discovered an alternative method to prevent them from spying on us. Typically, dragons don't deter spies who is using Dragon glass candle because they are indifferent to surveillance. However, Anarion reacted because my irritation, not due to his own dislike of being spied upon. This implies that the Valyrian Dragon lords either trained their dragons specifically for this task, or they had a method to thwart espionage through Valyrian glass candles. I believe the latter is more probable, but unfortunately Daeranyx was unaware of any means to prevent someone using a dragon glass candle from spying. Consequently, I'm enchanting this entire island. If a Volantis Dragon lord ever attempts to spy on Skagos—unlikely as they would not consider using the candles to observe these distant, frozen islands—they would find nothing.

I first lowered the ward with my magic and picked up the Dragon glass ward stone, which I was using for the first time. It has not disappointed me at all. The myriad ways dragon glass can be utilized in this world continue to amaze me. However, with so much to handle, I cannot afford to sit back and study dragon glass at the moment, but I am determined to discover why it is so adaptable. I have now begun to etch onto it, using my wand and magic to prevent breaking the glass. Initially, I considered using Valyrian glyphs, but ultimately, I chose to use a combination of Valyrian glyphs and Elder Futhark, as I usually do.

I began by carving a concealment rune, which prevents both visual and magical detection of the island. The second rune, detection dampening, reduces Anarion's presence as much as possible, since this ward cannot completely hide it. It will, however, suppress any magical signature, not just Anarion's, to thwart sensing spells. While few in this world can cast sensing spells, as the adage goes, prevention is better than cure, so I included it as a precaution. The third rune, Repulsion, actively interferes with or diverts scrying and espionage efforts. The best aspect is that these three runes form a cluster, working in harmony to ensure that Skagos remains unobserved.

After completing the carving, I positioned the dragon glass ward stone among the area strewn with numerous other runes. Then, I cut my palm open, smeared the blood on the stone, and began transferring magic with my other hand to ensure that only I could alter or tamper with the cluster on the ward stone or the wards in general. My blood would also enhance the wards' power. Having finished with the wards, I ventured into the volcano's depths as I had no other tasks at hand. I decided to gather as much dragon glass as possible from the volcano's deep levels. I'm uncertain of the benefits this might bring, if any, but with nothing else to do, I proceeded downward, aided by my magic.


It seems I made the right decision after all, considering the abundance of dragon glass I now possess after coming out from depth where I have gone in the volcano; I won't be running out anytime soon. Although it appears similar to the dragon glass found on the volcano, my intuition suggests there will be a difference—only time will tell. Making my way to the cave where Anarion and Vezofina are resting, I find them sleeping peacefully. Choosing not to disturb them, I decide to return to the Red Keep. Anarion needs a lengthy rest to recover from the pain and suffering he endured during the ritual. Besides, if I stayed, he might insist on taking to the skies with me, and it will be some time before we meet again.

I teleported directly to my chambers in the Red Keep. Realizing there was time before supper, I decided to retreat to my own dimension to refine my magic in the limited time available, as supper would be ready in an hour or two. Recently, I've incorporated elemental magic into my training, focusing on fire, as it's the only element I can manipulate without a wand. While I can cast spells involving other elements without a wand, my control over fire is unmatched. The mysteries of this world are vast, and patience is a virtue I admittedly lack, even back on Earth. With each discovery, new enigmas emerge, demanding solutions. I've named my usual training ground 'the barren land,' a fitting title for the miles of lifeless terrain shaped by my increasingly destructive spells. And the less said about the blood flame mode, the better; it boosts my magic exponentially, by tenfold or perhaps even more, though the exact measure is uncertain.

After a while, I emerged from my dimension and began to prepare myself for supper which will be ready at this time, knowing the two Valyrian families would be awaiting my arrival, as they often gathered early to converse. I acknowledged the guard outside my door with a nod and proceeded towards the royal family's dining hall. Upon arrival, I was greeted by the Lord Commander of the King's Guard and another knight of the same order, both of whom offered respectful nods—a warrior's salute to a peer. As they swung open the doors, I stepped into the chamber and was met with the anticipated scene: both the Velaryons and Targaryens were already gathered there.

As I was making my way toward the chair reserved for me, someone hugged me from the side while I was preoccupied with thoughts of the supper ahead. I quickly steadied myself and the unexpected hugger. Turning to see who had been bold enough to embrace me so, I found myself face to face with Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen of the seven kingdoms. I couldn't help but sigh; her antics and clinginess seemed to grow each day. To be fair, I didn't entirely mind, as anyone could predict that Rhaenyra would grow into a beautiful woman, and she did possess a certain charm at present. However, my thoughts on her didn't extend beyond this, yet the problem lay in the disapproving glare directed at us from the Velaryons' side. Laena disapproved of Rhaenyra's attachment to me and had cautioned me against encouraging her, but it wasn't her place to dictate my actions. Nevertheless, there were times when Rhaenyra's behavior could be somewhat irksome, and this was one such occasion.

"How has your day been so far, Daeranyx? And yes, Syrax has really missed you. You should join us for a flight sometime; she and I haven't thanked you enough for what you've done for us," said Rhaenyra, her tone brimming with happiness and gratitude. Indeed, Rhaenyra's attachment stems from the stronger bond she forged with Syrax than ever before with help of the ritual I have given to her house. She wasn't the only one whose attitude towards me improved after the ritual. My gaze shifted to another person, who wore a roguish smile and looked our way, his eyes gleaming with cunning. 

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