

Daeranyx POV

I gazed at Viserys, who wore a deeply contemptuous expression. Aemma and I awaited his words, eager to learn which ritual he would choose for his house. In my view, he would opt for the more beneficial ritual, as anyone in their right mind would; he merely needs to wait a maximum of two months until Aemma's delivery, after which all Targaryens could partake in the advantageous ritual over the lesser option. However, I suspect one concern holds him back: the potential for a surprise attack from Volantis, which could occur at any moment, necessitating his house's immediate preparation. This isn't to say they haven't been preparing; I've learned from Corlys that Viserys ordered the construction of scorpions the day after he witnessed the dragons' size in the pensieve.

Considering the size of the three Dragons, the scorpions may not be very effective, but it's uncertain how many Dragon riders the enemy possesses so it could be useful in the end. There's also the slim chance that a lucky shot could pierce the eye of one of the large Dragons, which would significantly shorten the war, contrary to my expectations. Otherwise, this conflict is likely to be prolonged, utilizing the abundant resources of two continents. However, these considerations can wait, as Viserys has emerged from his reverie and is now giving me a questioning glance.

"Lord Drakonar, I wanted to ask how our bond with the Dragons might change with the ritual performed without magical ingredients?" inquired Viserys. I ponder his question and can't help but smile, as I do not know the answer myself. Just as with Laena's ritual, the bond between rider and dragon only deepens when desired by both. The extent to which the bond is affected by the ritual varies from person to person. Magical ingredients circumvent this with the potency of their magic, which is why they confer the same benefit to everyone.

"In the ritual involving magical ingredients, the benefits each person receives remain consistent with the sacrifices made for the ingredients. However, the ritual you're inquiring about yields an uncertain increase in the bond with each individual. It largely depends on the existing bond between the rider and dragon prior to the ritual. From what I know, I can provide an estimate. Your brother's bond with his dragon, Caraxes, is already strong without any ritual. Therefore, if he were to perform the ritual without any ingredients, he might achieve the same level of control over his dragon as Laena has with Vhagar. What you need to understand is that, until now, your dragons can only sense the intense emotions of their riders. After the ritual, this will change; they will be able to perceive your emotions at all times. This is how Laena directs Vhagar in every direction she desires, as Vhagar can sense Laena's intentions and act accordingly." I endeavored to clarify as much as possible to him, and their expressions indicated that they understood my explanation.

I have not been untruthful about Daemon's potential to attain the same level of control over his dragon as Laena. With each passing day, I've observed that Daemon's connection with Caraxes is far deeper than I initially believed. Daemon converses with me only about dragons only whenever we talk with each other, which further confirms that his profound bond with Caraxes is not without reason but because he prioritises the Dragon rearing and Dragon bonding over anything else. He has conducted extensive research using the resources at his disposal and regards Caraxes not as a mere weapon of destruction, but the only one who can understand him the most in this world. Given all this, it's unsurprising that he shares the strongest bond with his dragon among all the Targaryens and Velaryons, before Laena performed the ritual.

"I am aware that the choice I'm about to make is far from ideal; indeed, no rational person would opt for what I have chosen, and neither would I, were it not for the dire straits my house currently faces. Thus, House Targaryen wishes to proceed with the second ritual you described, the one that can be performed at any time without requiring ingredients. As for the price, my house will cover it, so name your terms for the ritual, Lord Drakonar," declared Viserys, his expression that of a man resigned to an ill fate. Aemma's countenance fell upon hearing Viserys's resolution. As for me, I could only remain silent.

"Skagos is the only thing I desire from your House, King Viserys," I stated plainly. Initially, Viserys and Aemma appeared confused, but Viserys's expression quickly shifted to one of happiness. It seems he has misunderstood my words, a misunderstanding for which I am to blame, as I did not clarify that I wish for Skagos to remain separate from the Seven Kingdoms.

"If anyone else had requested those deserted islands, I might have considered them foolish, but you are an exception, for you possess knowledge of magic unknown to us. That must be why you desire those islands. Had you requested any land within the seven kingdoms, I would have readily granted it, as we are honored to have a house as distinguished as yours join us. I will instruct Otto to draft a royal decree naming you Lord of Skagos and Skane, and you shall not be beholden to Lord Stark, for I will ensure that Skagos is not recognized as part of the North over which Lord Stark presides," declared Viserys, smiling. Aemma look worried and happy at the same time.

"You misunderstand, King Viserys. I desire Skagos not as a part of the Seven Kingdoms, but as my own dominion. I would be the King of the Skagos and Skane, owing fealty to none. This is the sole thing I want from House Targaryen, in recompense for all that your house owes me. I trust you will grant what I request," I stated with a grave expression, determined to claim Skagos by any means necessary. Now, it rests upon Viserys to either cede Skagos and reap the benefits or force me to seize the islands by other means, offering nothing to him or his house.

Upon hearing my request, Viserys's smile faded, replaced by a look of shock, reflecting the gravity of what I had asked in return for my services to his house. Aemma, too, was visibly shaken. After a few moments, Viserys recovered from his initial surprise and seemed at a loss for words. Eventually, he resolved to consider my request and whether it was within his power to grant it. I awaited his response, hopeful for a positive outcome. I believed Viserys might consent, as Skagos, while part of the North, was not a jewel that would cause an uproar among the Seven Kingdoms. What likely weighed on his mind was whether to grant me a land of my own, independent of his house's control. Despite knowing that I could not be fooled and was educated in the ways of the politics the Targaryen's might have hope for me to submit and join the Seven Kingdoms.

After a moment of contemplation, Viserys sighed and spoke, "For all that you have done for House Targaryen, I would be a fool to deny your request, Lord Drakonar. However, I must summon Lord Stark before granting you those islands, as my predecessor have already seized lands from the North for the Night's Watch. To do so again without offering compensation could incite justified anger at this problematic time. Therefore, you must wait before I can declare Skagos an independent dominion under House Drakonar. I trust this will make you amenable to a future official alliance between our houses, akin to your ties with House Velaryon." He did not address anyone directly, but it was clear to all in the chamber that he hinted at a betrothal between me and Rhaenyra. Yet, such is currently untenable, as Rhaenyra has not reached an age, I deem sufficient to decide whether to proceed with such a union.

"The only thing I can assure you, King Viserys, is that you won't regret the decision you've made today. Now that you've agreed to grant my request, I'd like to introduce a concept with which you are somewhat familiar. I propose a contract between our houses to ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations. Not that we wouldn't, but consider it a safeguard for the future. I trust you understand, King Viserys," I stated, preparing to explain the concept of contracts to Viserys, as he would need to comprehend it fully before signing the agreement that would bind Skagos to House Drakonar in perpetuity.

I've noticed that many of you have commented that the pace of my story is too slow. I apologize for that, and assure you that I have started to pick up the pace in the new chapters. I'm also working on having Daeranyx interact with characters other than the Targaryens and Velaryons.

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