
Skagos and Runes

As Anarion and I made our way northward, the temperature began to fall after we passed the White Harbour. I hope it's not winter because if it is, my time on Skagos will be challenging. As we continued towards our next destination, I noticed Anarion's pace slowing. It seems the previous battle has taken its toll on him. I've decided to rest by the riverside near Ramsgate; the North is vast, and it's unlikely anyone will spot me here.

The Targaryens wouldn't know of Sheepstealer's demise since news travels slower here than on Earth. Even if someone witnessed the dragon battle, it would take at least a day to react as dusk approaches and night falls. If they sent Daemon to investigate, and he spent the entire night searching for Sheepstealer's killer, little could be done. Anarion's health takes precedence over my cover. The Targaryens would realize a dragon had perished due to the extensive damage to the mountains from Sheepstealer's impact and the crater left by its fallen body. In Westeros, few things can cause such devastation, and the scorch marks from Anarion's fire would only incriminate me further.

Now, I'm less concerned about my cover than before because I understand that not everything can go according to plan. This isn't the book or show where characters I knew only through fiction have their own free will. Sheepstealer in the books wasn't as bold; he was merely a thief who troubled the smallfolk by stealing their sheep. Yet, in his final moments here, he was more unrestrained than his literary counterpart. So now I've to just go with flow.

After landing at the riverside Anarion started to go for hunt and I did my own work, gathering the wood and making the campfire as it is cold out here and temprature will only drop in the night. After eating and dumping all the woods into the campfire as it would provide us with heat as much it could. After making myself as comfortable as much as I could here on my position I started to sleep.


After waking up early and completing my morning rituals, we set out for Karhold. From there, our journey would take us to Skagos. As we traveled, I pondered my next steps, knowing I wouldn't stay on Skagos for more than a year. In this time, mastering all the spells known to the two wizards in my memories was impossible. Nor did I wish to, for now, as this world only recognizes elemental and mind magic, or what one might call Warg abilities.

I aim to become proficient in all rituals and elemental magic. This doesn't mean I won't learn spells outside of these two categories, but they will be my primary focus. With proficiency in both, mastering additional spells should not be difficult. I am also interested in exploring Blood magic, which is considered the most potent magic in this world. It was with Blood magic that the Valyrians tamed their dragons. People from Asshai, Rhoynar, Valyria, and many other places practice this magic. While the Rhoynar do not engage in Blood magic, they do perform sacrificial magic, which involves the life force of others, allowing them to defeat three dragons.

The Starks are unique because their magic originates not from sacrifices, but from their bloodline, which carries the blood of the Children of the Forest and the Warg kings. Their abilities hold immense potential, as a single Warg can control numerous animals, depending on his mental strength. I plan to learn the Old Tongue and, using its runic system, perform the ritual to understand how it works. Since the Old Tongue is an ancient language, at least 8,000 years old and suitable for rune crafting, it should provide at least a slight amplification to the rituals. Additionally, there is the True Tongue or True Speech used by the Children of the Forest. I am certain it can be instrumental for rituals as it is the language of the EarthSingers. I recall Leaf mentioning in the books that the Children of the Forest sang to the earth in this Tongue for ten thousand years before the First Men set foot in Westeros.

Before learning those languages, I must master Valyrian Glyphs, as this is the language understood by dragons. This fact alone makes it more powerful than any other language used for runes. Daeranyx knows all the glyphs but not how to cluster them for effective use. So, with the help of his memories and by borrowing clustering formulas from the HP world, I should somehow make it work. After practicing all that for a full day, I would concentrate on Occlumency as it would assist me in effectively organizing my thoughts and memories.

The current plan is provisional, and I will adapt it as necessary. My next consideration is how to engage with the three noble houses of Skagos, which will depend on their reaction to Anarion. Additionally, the Night's Watch sometimes visits for supplies or to ensure there are no issues on Skagos. I will address any problems if and when they arise, as I am currently unaware of any changes on Skagos. My intention is not to land directly on the island; after patrolling the area, I plan to head to nearby islands that I know exist. There, we will practice for months and allow Anarion ample time to recover fully, provided we encounter no disturbances.


After several hours, we reached Skagos without any trouble. Descending enough to survey the land, Anarion began to circle the island. Skagos is just as the books describe: mountainous and unwelcoming, with rough and dangerous currents surrounding it. However, the surrounding waters are abundant with fish. Since it's daytime, there are some individuals moving in and out of the mountain base, emerging from the caves they inhabit. After circling a few more times, I decided to search for an uninhabited island where I could train in peace.

After some time, we explored the nearby smaller islands and Skane. I decided on an island that isn't too large and is located on the side of Essos. Skane is appealing due to its size, but it's also too close to the land beyond the wall, which brings the wildling issue, so I opted for this island instead. While I don't mind some sacrifices coming to me for their cooperation and contributing to the greater good by giving their lives for human advancement into magic, I don't possess such a cold heart to sacrifice people without a second thought just yet. However, I wouldn't hesitate to take cannibals for sacrifices, as that wouldn't weigh on my conscience. To me, they aren't humans.

Setting aside the somber reflections, I also sought out the volcano rumored to be on this island. Indeed, I found it, situated several miles from what is known as House Ragnar's castle—though it's more a rock formation than a castle. As I suspected, it appears to have been dormant for a thousand years, evidenced by the lack of activity, save for residual heat and a sulfuric odor reminiscent of the breath of Anarion, which bears a similar scent.

After noticing the nostalgic look in Anarion's eyes, I considered sending him there. However, it is rumored on Earth that Skagos harbors Wargs. While they pose no threat to dragons, their presence could enrage Anarion, causing him to incinerate anyone within reach. To prevent this, I had to hone my skills with runes and gleaned knowledge from wizards. With this expertise, I believe I can create wards that will deter people, allowing Anarion to rest peacefully in the volcanic caves and ensuring the safety of the eggs I plan to place there.


Time has swiftly passed, and before I knew it, two months had gone by. This period was marked by significant progress in various fields. Starting with occlumency, I haven't made any remarkable strides, but I've managed to establish a basic defense or shield. This has granted me a greater control over my emotions than I had previously. I've also discovered that occlumency doesn't shield my mind while I'm asleep; if I dream and lose control of my emotions, the defenses falter, allowing someone skilled in mind magic to penetrate my thoughts. However, practicing occlumency before sleep can mitigate this vulnerability. Perhaps, once I've mastered occlumency and with assistance from The Essence, I'll be able to explore my inner world and erect defenses that prevent intrusion, even during sleep.

Following that, I have made some progress in my spellwork, having learned and mastered several spells including Petrificus Totalus, Expelliarmus, Accio, Stupefy, Protego, Bombarda, Bombarda Maxima, and others. I've also honed the spells I previously knew. Additionally, I've begun learning basic transfiguration, inspired by Dumbledore's mastery and his inventive methods that could aid me in battles. This progress is limited as my time has been largely occupied with studying various runes.

Runes capture all my focus, and although it's challenging without the aid of paper, it's not insurmountable. I extract dragon bones and, with meticulous effort, sharpen them to a pen-like point for practice on the ground. To ensure I don't forget the rune clusters I've created, I begin drawing runes in mud, allowing them to dry and form temporary rune cluster tablets. Consequently, I have an abundance of these tablets on the island. And staying near the beach also help me because when I draw runes in the sand by the beach or a riverbank. The patterns can be smoothed over and redrawn easily.

In the past two months, I have dedicated myself to learning two runic languages: Valyrian Glyphs and Elder Futhark. I have focused exclusively on these languages and have achieved mastery in both. Through the lore of two wizards, I discovered that Elder Futhark is one of the most potent and adaptable runic languages, particularly useful for rituals. Consequently, I concentrated my efforts on it and have made significant strides in both languages.

I'm thrilled about the prospect of visiting the volcano. If my theory is correct and it possesses a higher concentration of magic, it would be advantageous for performing all the rituals I have learned.

Hey! my dear reader, we've reached 15k word limit in this fic. Give me a power stone and leave a comment if you like this fic so far. 

And yes, drop the story if you don't like sacrificial magic, I'll try not to write sacrifice related stuff, but it is theme and as I've stated in the fic that blood magic is potent in ASOIAF world.