
Ritual's Benefits

Daeranyx Pov

Laena began walking towards me and, upon reaching arm's length, she said, "Thank you. Now I can feel the connection between me and Vhagar." As soon as she finished speaking, she started to collapse. I caught her before she hit the ground. Once I ensured she was comfortable, I turned my attention to Vhagar to check her condition. To my relief, she was as healthy as a horse and seemed more spirited than ever before.

"Do you need me to escort you to your chambers?" I inquired. She immediately shook her head, indicating no. "Given your current condition, it's not advisable for you to walk or even ride a horse to the Red Keep, let alone make it to your chambers unassisted," I explained. She appeared on the verge of losing consciousness at any moment, and I had no desire to account for her state to everyone at the Red Keep, should they not already be on their way here. The unusual liveliness in Vhagar's roar was bound to cause a stir, and rumors of my being seen with Laena would likely have reached the court by now. They may arrive here soon if we do not make it back to the Keep promptly.

"I want to take a ride on Vhagar," Laena said, avoiding my gaze. I looked at her as if she is foolish. "Don't put all the blame on me. Vhagar wants it too." The dragon in question turned to Laena, then to me, and snorted, clearly sharing her thoughts on the matter. Laena gave Vhagar a look of betrayal. "I'm sure mother won't allow me to ride Vhagar for a while if I return to the Red Keep like this. That's why I want to ride Vhagar today. I could stand up in no time; I just need a little rest." Her expression turned pleading yet reassuring. Why was it hard to believe her about Rhaenys forbidding Vhagar's rides for some time? I glanced at Vhagar; despite her earlier snort, her posture suggested she too was eager to soar the skies with Laena.

"I need to understand if you feel any different now compared to before the ritual. If anything feels off or uncomfortable, it's important that you tell me immediately," I urged her. This is crucial because if something has gone awry, identifying it sooner allows for a quicker resolution. Moreover, I'm curious about the changes that have occurred post-ritual. The Targaryens haven't performed this ritual in a century, and it's likely to manifest some effects that aren't typically observed. Since these rituals are conducted every generation, some effects may have diminished over time due to their consistent repetition.

"I feel more alive than ever before, as if my senses have been heightened. I can see, hear, and feel energy in ways I never have. There's a faint presence in Vhagar that I can now detect, and a similar, albeit weaker, sensation in you, but only when you're holding me. There are other minor changes, but they pale in comparison to the profound connection I feel with Vhagar. Before the ritual, it was a fleeting sensation. My mother said all Dragon-riders experience this when they first connect with their Dragon. Now, it's a constant presence, affirming my bond with Vhagar. She seems to understand me better, responding to my commands and sensing my emotions or thoughts—I'm not sure which." She shared these revelations with excitement, and then, she looked at me with gratitude.

I anticipated heightened senses and increased strength, but the extent of her magical sensing, albeit slight, took me by surprise. Its versatility and utility are such that I didn't need to explain. The fact that a Targaryen could actually feel their connection during the bonding was also new to me. So, she could feel the connection but not the bond itself with Vhagar. It seems she may require more than one ritual to reach the level of Dragon-bonding I achieved upon my arrival in this world. This was not unexpected, as Drakonar's have a much deeper connection to their Dragons than any Dragon house. Even with the aid of the enhanced Ritual from Old Valyria Laena wasn't able to feel the bond that was felt by all Drakonars even before they perform ritual that was slightly better than all Dragon lord family performed in Old Valyria but not good as the one Laena performed. This demonstrates how far ahead my house is in terms of inheritance abilities.

"Dragons may not discern our thoughts, but they can sense our emotions more acutely as our bond with them deepens. Thus, Vhagar will comprehend your feelings far better than previously. Although I would not stop you from taking to the skies with Vhagar but for your safety in the skies, I shall accompany you on your flight atop Vhagar. And no, I will not accept 'no' for an answer," I declared emphatically. I am resolved to ensure her safe return to her chambers, regardless of the cost to myself.

The roar, as mighty as that of Vhagar, echoed from the direction of King's Landing. If the roar wasn't enough, the shadow with curved horns like a ram was a clear indication of who had arrived. I couldn't help but reconsider what I had recently said to Laena: that dragons do not discern our thoughts. Anarion made his entrance at the moment I least expected him. I had assumed he was out hunting and would return later; had he been nearby, he would have appeared sooner. Anarion swooped down and landed right behind me, forcing me to cast Protego to shield myself and Laena from the sand stirred up by his landing. When I looked at Anarion, I saw an unmistakable accusation in his gaze.

I transformed a nearby trivial object into a comfortable bed for Laena to rest upon. Her inquisitive and amazed expression escaped me, as my sole focus was on persuading Anarion to allow me to ride Vhagar with Laena without causing a commotion that might provoke a confrontation between him and Vhagar. I could simply command him to leave, but such actions over time could lead to undesirable outcomes. Anarion is more than just my mount or a formidable weapon; he is the only family I have in this world. I cannot bring myself to command him as one would a pet. Anarion would understand that my actions are for Laena's safety.

After a session of petting, along with some convincing and bribery that I intend to keep secret, Anarion finally gave in. I smiled at him and turned around to see Laena observing Anarion and Vhagar, comparing their sizes and admiring the silver scales of my dragon. As I approached her, she attempted to stand. I positioned myself to catch her in case she fell, but despite a slight wobble, she stood up straight and began to approach Vhagar slowly.

Laena began to mount Vhagar, her determination evident despite the tremors in her body from the ritual's aftereffects. She clutched the reins firmly, her movements slowed by a familiar fatigue. As I reached for the ropes to join her atop Vhagar, the dragon's snout swiveled towards me. She regarded me intently, and in the next instant, Anarion's threatening growl filled the air. Vhagar's gaze shifted from me to Anarion, but Laena's soothing words redirected the dragon's attention. With Vhagar's snout now turned away, Laena gestured for me to ascend and take my place behind her.

Vhagar stirred beneath us, her vast form tensing in eager anticipation of flight. Yet, there was a distinct sensation I had previously felt from her, a gentle, understated thrill that was not new. Any Targaryen present would have observed that the ancient dragon had outgrown the need for a whip, no longer requiring the stern commands of her rider to act. Laena uttered a gentle "Sōvēs," and Vhagar complied, ascending into the heavens with an agility that contradicted her massive stature.

No whip. No struggle.

But if anyone has seen Laena, they would have noticed that Laena's eyes widened in awe. There was something different, a testament to the power of the ritual that had deepened their bond. Vhagar, despite her age, felt more attuned, her reactions sharper, her movements more fluid. 

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