An unknown powerful Dragon Lord with knowledge of the modern world and future comes into the turbulent time of the Dance of Dragons. With lineage greater than Targaryen could ever hope to achieve. What change would it bring to the fate of others?? Because I am new to this it takes hours to write one chapter so just give me some motivation with power stones and reviews. And last English isn't my first language, and I am learning as I write. Chao! Enjoy
The Red Keep
103 AC
As Daemon settled into his seat, my eyes drifted towards the pensieve, and the three presences in the chamber followed my gaze. "I would appreciate it if you had summoned Princess Rhaenys here. I prefer not to move my pensieve again if possible," I addressed Viserys, meeting his gaze. He seemed to be deep in thought, but after a brief moment, his expression solidified with determination.
"Do not worry, Daemon and I would managed to convince our cousin about the size of dragons after seeing them for ourselves. And you need not retrieve the Pensieve again; I'll handle it," said Viserys with a grave expression. However, I noticed his gaze darting towards the pensieve often enough to realize that he is impatient to see what challenges House Targaryen will confront in the near future.
I didn't want to waste my time either, so I stood up and walked toward pensieve . However, I had to inform them about calling princess Rhaenys because I will be quite busy soon and would prefer not to be disturbed by those who wish to know what they're facing. The memory of me witnessing the Dragons is already in the pensieve, as I do not wish to use my wand in front of the Targaryens, which I haven't done so far. I tapped the pensieve on the enlargement rune and channelled some of my magic to expand it so that three heads could fit inside.
"Just immerse your head in the liquid, and you will witness what I have. Don't be alarmed; nothing will happen to you. Feel free to summon the King's guard if it makes you comfortable," I told them in a monotonous tone, still reeling from the shock I received today. It will take time for me to recover, as I had never anticipated that any other dragons could pose a threat to me after encountering Anarion, nor did I expect anyone to wield magic against me. Without my magical sensing, they could have learned many rituals from me had I performed them unguarded in King's Landing. And trust me, the thought about my own knowledge being used against me is not something I would ever want to experience.
"There is no need. You have our trust," Viserys declared as he rose with his brother and daughter. Daemon glanced at Viserys, seeking the reason for his summons, still unaware of the unfolding events. Once Viserys explained the urgent call, Daemon's eagerness became apparent, his anticipation for the conflict and turmoil that lay ahead—a prospect Daemon Targaryen relished. They positioned themselves around the pensieve in a triangular formation, their expressions skeptical yet underpinned by a trust in me that I would not deceive them in such a grave matter.
They dipped their heads into the Pensieve, and I stood by the table, waiting for them to emerge. It was a brief memory, containing only the scene I had witnessed. They didn't keep me waiting long; they all surfaced with pallid faces, as if they had just faced their worst nightmares within the Pensieve. I couldn't fault them; alone, they stood little chance against the Dragonlords of Volantis. Even Viserys, who could tame Vermithor, would find the dragons on the other side of the world too formidable to handle. As Vermithor even with his all fury isn't even size of Vhagar who is smaller than smallest of Dragons in Volantis.
Laenor and Rhaenyra's dragons are too small for warfare, leaving them with only Meleys, Caraxes, Vhagar, and possibly Vermithor, if Viserys can claim him. While they have the advantage in numbers and could win if faced with enemies one by one, a knowledge of dragon-rearing—something the Targaryens possess—reveals that these larger dragons would likely have produced a clutch of eggs. The primary concern is that they are unaware of the size and the number of offspring these dragons may have. I had to consider changing the team because Targaryen has the advantage with only these three dragons. Regardless of their size, they have a slim chance of surviving without significant damage, making them vulnerable to the vultures of war if Targaryen wins. But not so much if opposing family has more than these three Dragons.
Viserys and Daemon exchanged glances, engaging in a silent conversation that needed no words. Finally, Viserys sighed, a gesture of defeat, appearing to surrender to the whims of fate. Yet, the three Targaryens shared an understanding that the impending confrontation required not just courage but unity. They knew they must rally the last of their dragon riders to confront a force far greater than any they had faced before. The resolve etched on their faces said it all.
"Thank you, Lord Drakonar. It appears you have granted another favor to House Targaryen. If this continues, I fear House Targaryen will be deeply indebted to you. After we survive the impending conflict, I will endeavor to repay the kindness you've shown my House. You have my word," said Viserys, his tone imbued with gratitude for the favors I had rendered to his House. Despite the guilt gnawing at me for previous thoughts, I managed to control my emotions and nodded in acknowledgment of his thanks.
"It seems you must take me to Dragonstone, Daemon. We will be traveling on Caraxes. Rhaenyra, I want you to go to Grand Maester Runciter and tell him to send a word to Rhaenys that she is to come to King's Landing and bring Laena and Laenor with her, especially Laena. Daemon, we will encounter Corlys on our way to Dragonstone, and I expect you to be on your best behavior. If possible, apologize for your harsh words to him and his family. I hope I do not need to explain why," Viserys commanded Daemon and Rhaenyra with a strength in his tone that seemed uncharacteristic. Daemon appeared reluctant after being told to apologize to Corlys, but he did not outright refuse, indicating he understands the precarious position of his house. Rhaenyra, still overwhelmed by the size of the dragons, nodded absently upon receiving her father's command.
As they prepared to embark on their respective tasks, the thought of warning them about the Dragonlord's spying through Valyrian glass candle crossed my mind. After some contemplation, I chose to inform them as a final act of kindness, moved by their expressions upon witnessing an impending threat to their home. Before they departed from my chambers, I halted them and conveyed the warning as discreetly as possible.
"Take this advice, King Viserys: speak not of your plans or the size of the Dragon you've witnessed. The eyes and ears of the Dragonlords of Volantis are where you least expect them. If possible, refrain from spreading word of what you've seen. Excessive vigilance from your house may provoke an attack sooner, and both you and I know your house is not prepared. So, prepare in the shadows, and disclose little to anyone outside your own blood." This was my final counsel, as it is the only guidance I will offer until I decide which side to take and settle the turmoil within my mind.
Viserys looked confused and slightly fearful as I worded my sentences, but he nodded, nonetheless. Daemon gave me a scrutinizing gaze, but as Viserys departed, he followed suit. I tapped Rhaenyra on the shoulder to bring her out of her daze. She seemed startled after snapping out of her trance-like state. Not finding her uncle and father, she realized they had taken their leave, and she was standing in the same place as before. Her gaze fell on me, and for the first time, I could see fear in her eyes as her perspective of the world had changed. She had believed until now that her house was the strongest in the world and, with support from the seven kingdoms, there weren't many who could pose a threat to her family. But now, forces that could render her house extinct were present in the world, and they were not at the peak of their power, and her inability to do anything had caused more harm than any good.
"Compose yourself, Princess. If Queen Aemma were to see you like this, it would distress her greatly, and she is in no condition to bear such news. It could sap her strength, which would not be good for her," I advised Rhaenyra, hoping to divert her thoughts from the horrors she witnessed to the well-being of her mother. A look of shock passed over Rhaenyra's face, quickly followed by a dawning understanding.
"You are right, my lord. Thank you for informing me," she said with a grateful nod before taking her leave. I remained there, alone, contemplating the future. For the first time, I felt anxious about what lay ahead, as before I had thought that very few possess the power to challenge me.
Dragon pit
Viserys POV
After emerging from the wheelhouse that brought me here from the Red Keep, the somber doors of the Dragonpit are a sight nearly forgotten to me as quite time has passed since I last laid eyes on them. I visited Aemma after departing from Lord Drakonar's chambers, to remind myself for whom and why I am undertaking my current actions. It has bolstered my resolve to carry out the task ahead. I hope Rhaenyra does not tell Aemma about the size of the dragons we've seen, as it could overly distress her in her delicate condition. Thankfully, Lord Drakonar's bird, Vezofina, has provided Aemma with some much-needed comfort; without it, she would be in a far worse state than she is now.
Caraxes emerged from the pit with Daemon seated upon his saddle. As I approached them, Daemon extended his hand to help me mount the saddle. Looking at his hand and then at Caraxes, I sighed in resignation. There was no other choice; I had to do it, or my House would face great peril. Since Balerion's death, Daemon had often invited me to join him on Caraxes for quicker travel to the places we both wished to reach swiftly. Yet, I had always refused, for there was only one dragon I had ever wanted to fly with since my childhood, and he had left this world. But now, it seemed fate had other plans, as I was faced with the decision to either tame a dragon or let Daemon and Rhaenys confront the horrors we had witnessed alone.
Despite my distaste for Daemon's behavior, he is my younger brother. I promised my father I would look after him, and I intend to honor that promise, as it is the duty of an older brother to protect his sibling. I could never forgive myself if something happened to Daemon due to my negligence. Taking his hand, I settled myself on Caraxes, who growled and screeched, clearly displeased with my presence.
At Daemon's single command, we took to the skies. I couldn't suppress the wave of nostalgia that washed over me. The sky felt like home, my blood alive with the rush of strong winds and the warmth below. I couldn't help but think, if my endeavor succeeds, Westeros will recognize me as a great Dragon tamer, if nothing else. First, the Black Dread, and now the Bronze Fury, two dragons of the greatest Targaryen kings.
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