
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · その他
147 Chs

Vandango part.2

In an office where employees do their jobs and sit behind their monitors to complete their tasks and their daily activities on weekdays, there's a man who single-handedly finish his job. Day had turned to night, but the man paid no heed to it so he could add the finishing touches to his task.

Completing the task makes him relaxed to deal with other things to do. He stretch his back while leaning against the back of chair, resulting with a crack sounds from his spine and then he realized if it was night with the hour hand at eight.

"...That should be all. I can't believe all those years and I can took this kind of job everyday."

A grunt escaped his mouth after his work was done. Turning off his monitor while preparing his stuff on the table to take home, Vandango glanced to his left where his co-workers looked dead with deadline upon the eyes.

"...Yo, Kouhai-kun. I'll take my leave first."

He peeked from a thin wall that separate them and called his coworker with a chummy attitude. The Kouhai who heard his voice, turned his head to greet him back with a pile of paper and document on his desk.

"Eh, you're going home already Senpai? I know if tomorrow is your holiday but can I ask for your help in this one?! Very please, I'll treat you for one later!"

Sensing that his Senpai had packed his things and was ready to go home, Kouhai asked him to help with his palm clasped together. He wanted Vandango to help his work so they could gone and have a drink together after finishing this work along with another member.

Even though the office still had more people taking on their work with the intention of getting it done, but it seemed like Kouhai had more faith in Vandango who helped him as his Senpai, or maybe because he's on his side and ready to enjoy his holiday.

"...Hmmm if you spend your time wisely...Maybe it'll finish by midnight. Sorry but this time I can't help you out, why don't you ask Timido or Carole for this one? They would be more than happy to help you out in this case."

However, Vandango decline both of the request and the reward. He continued his packing so he can hurry and went home, while leaving some suggestion to his co-worker so he wouldn't stuck all night in the office.

"*Sigh* Understood. Pardon my rudeness, but why do you want to come home so early Senpai?"

"...Ah, it's about someone."

"Someone? Is that someone the one I've in mind right now?"

"...Yes, a certain someone you already know, Adam."

Packed his stuff into his case, Vandango stood up along with his vague answers. He then left his desk to enter another room with a plate name of chief on its door, while greets both Timido and Carole on his way to give them a perfect sign with Adam.

'Senpai and another one of his riddle, why didn't he just speak without giving a vague meaning every time he answered.'

'Is it Theresa-san? Yes, that should be the case. Maybe Theresa-san is waiting for him, with important matters to talked about.'

Adam tried to interpret his meaning when he heard and talk about his Senpai. He was lost in thought for a few minutes and fell into his imagination without noticing two people approaching him.

"Senpai~ Reinforcement have come~"

"Umm, hello Adam-san. Zeimachi-senpai told us if you're in dire of help...so...is there anything I can...h-help?"

Carole and Timido have arrived just like what Vandango planned. They're another employee that work in this office along with Vandango and Adam.

Carole is a tan-skinned girl with white hair and yellow eyes. She is an energetic and cheerful type with a self-awareness for more of her appearance than her thirst of power. She is also friendly enough to talk everytime a topic of beauty comes out.

Meanwhile, Timido is a shy girl who has difficulty talking to other people. Her skin is pale white, with light pink as her hair color styled in bob. She also wears a mask to protect part of her face due to her shy nature, though that only makes her gray eyes stand out more and makes many people more attracted to her.

"Ah, hello Carole, and Timido too. Sorry I got lost in my thought just now."

"It's fine it's fine Senpai~ Working all days would sooner or later wear you down afterall."

"Did you...not took a rest Adam-san? Carole-chan and I are going to cafeteria now. Umm...If you like...to..."

Hearing their quotes and suggestions, Adam became even more confused by what Vandango had told him about using his time wisely. He thought for a moment before finally agreeing to follow Timido's invitation with Carole to take a break.

Adam walked into the cafeteria with two beautiful women on each side, leaving some jealousy between male employee because of his luck. But that wasn't entirely the case with Adam, he knew their feelings for himself were nothing more than friends, so he wasn't bragging about how he's now either.

Every time Vandango talked with riddles against him, something like this would happen. This was what made Adam more worried when he heard his Senpai's riddle than his refusal to drink together. He doesn't mind having a close relationship with a coworker of the other gender, but Adam hope if Vandango will ask about his feelings first.

The three of them walked to the cafeteria while Adam thought of his other friends who had an early break even though the two of them were only interns at this place. Carole and Timido also talked to him so as not to make him feel left out of their conversation, though it was mostly about flirting with each other.

'Where're you Lyle?!'





"...Excuse me Chief, pardon my intrusion."

"Please step inside."

Back to Vandango who went to his chief's room to discuss another matters he needed to asses with. He knock slowly on the door and bow a bit before he step inside to face the Chief who sit gracefully behind her desk.

"Agent Phi, it's nice to see a good and hardworking fellow. What is your purpose to meet me before you went home?"

Chief rested her head on her hands while asking in a straight and firm tone. Of course she let him sit in the front using a gesture of her hand, but he denied it by replying that he would be fine just standing here. This act irk her a little.

"So, what do you want to talk...Agent Phi?"

"...Chief Bronya, I have come to bargain."

"Request...Of course you know about the consequences for asking me something like help, Agent."

Bronya become slightly more interested upon this conversation. She stood up from her chair and walks to his right side while removing her ID tag to put it on the desk. The reason is because she has a gut that he'll make use of her ID to do another trouble or to put his position on the higher ground.

"...That's a shame."

"What is it?"


Bronya was right, what was inside Vandango's mind is her utterly hypnotizing appearance before she left her ID tag that was 'resting' on her massive 'Asset'. Not only her silver hair and petite face look dazzling, her suit and posture also looked perfect for cuddling. He wanted to flatter her but now he couldn't.

"Your hand...It's still not in a bad condition. You should check your prosthetic guide when you feel any discomfort. Don't forget to also get your medication, I'll do my best to contact Overseer or Welt-san to ask them for another spare arm."

Bronya used her knowledge as a technician while touching his prosthetic arm to examined it. In this timeline, his arm is not an advanced technology mecha-arm like how it was when he joined MOTH. This prosthetic arm have a similar look to how her Project Bunny 19-C was, so maybe it was gifted or designed by Bronya.

"...Kuhum, chief Bronya, we're in the middle of conversation here."

Since he noticed that Bronya became even more mesmerized when he held his prosthetic arm, he called out her name to bring them to the main topic of why he had come to his office.


However, Bronya didn't give an answer and instead continued to hold onto his prosthetic arm. He tried to use an acceptable excuse, so that Bronya would listen to his request and not cling to him too much but to no avail, Bronya keep staring with her silver eyes at one of his past mistakes.

"...Chief Bronya, you'll be scolded by Overseer again you know."

Bronya gripped her hand tightly for a few seconds before releasing it again with a cough to hide her embarrassment. She then stood with her back on him to regain her composure while pushing down her guilt.

"I...I know that."

Bronya took a deep breath to face him again and faced him with a demeanor of how a superior is supposed to be. She crossed her hands and ready to do her job again as his superior.

"Let's get back to our business."

"...Now then, let me shows you the great resolve I've planned to bring my devotion to another plane!"



"Why don't you correct your language first, before you really ask me something serious."

"...Is there something wrong with my manner of speech my dear gorgeous leader?"

"Especially that one."




After that, they finally enter the main reason of why Vandango entered her office room. Vandango reject her offer to sit once again which made her asked him the reason, only to met another one of his nonsense. In the end, she gave up and decided to sat down on one side of the sofa in her office, while listening to Vandango who spoke on his feet.

All of his request are acceptable for Bronya who heard it, she nodded her head and sometimes asked him a question of his decision and why he chose that choice. This time he answered normally after he received a 'light' threat from Bronya because he keep messing up his own answers.

"...And lastly..."

"Don't put a dramatic stop."

Vandango place his left hand behind his back, and crumpling his right hand into fist over his heart, just like when soldier with Wings of Freedom salute. He closed his eyes with a faint smile that showed a sign of his determination and finally, he bowed to her to show his respect.

"...All this years, I can't be more than grateful of your benevolence. Chief Bronya, Superior Agent Silver Wing, Big Sis Bronya. Gratitude alone won't be enough to make up for it, but I want you to know..."

Bowing down respectfully for all the time he spent with her, Vandango felt very happy to have those memories with her. When Bronya helped him with his hands to when Bronya took him under her wing as one of her underlings. Yet, those times will soon disappear and moving on to another one, that's why Vandango say his farewell to her.

"W-What are you talking about? I'll hear you request alright...So stop with this act right now."

On the other hand, Bronya who still didn't know his true intentions covered her mouth from smiling and showed how happy she was with all of her bashful gestures. She looked embarrassed because she received unexpected words from the person who previously said such nonsense, but she did a pretty good job at hiding her embarrassment. (Sarcasm intended.)

'...Old timer...'

"...Big sis, for everything you have done. Thank you very much!!!"

'...Watch out for the clown, don't let him get the last laugh.'

In that moment, the world have changed.

Mirror and birds. Who knows what those things means, and there's no way something will fill those with water.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts