
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · その他
149 Chs

Legality of Irreverence

*Chamber of mind*

This is chamber of mind, the place where all of his persona residing in with everything could be created and destroyed temporary depend on his mental stability.

After Sengoku triggered the seal when he fell into pure decimation of Bianca, he got sent into the same place as El Dust and walked in to the same cinema where every persona that have been introduced watched his performance from a laptop.


Seated on the corner, Sengoku keep his silence from when he entered this place. He has lost his mood not only because of...many things. From when he can't block Siegfried drop kick, to when he got baited by Bianca and her bravery, and to how Zeimachi knew about his double turn.

"...He sulked."

"Yeah...He is. Let's just leave him for a while and discuss whose turn next."

Both Necro-phi and Loli-man chit-chatted, while looking at Sengoku in the corner alone deep thinking about whatever he's in right now. There's also two other persona namely El Dust and Nanekluh ref Rednialsig beside them before the laptop, where real time video are being transmitted.

"To think that she got your interest that much, huhuhu did you got affected by her, Sengoku brother~"

"...Talking to me? If you're then try that again. Closer on my face."

El Dust talked as he put some mockery into his speech, catching the meaning of El Dust, Sengoku got once again triggered and want to fight him right in this place. However those two got stopped by another one of his persona that keep focusing on the laptop.

"I don't really mind to finish your business but do it later my friends. Loli-man, Necro-phi, did you two already decided?"

Nanekluh ref Rednialsig stop them to focus whose turn right now. Sengoku returns back to his deep thinking and El Dust keep watching the show with a suspicious smile.

"Ahh...I give it to this dude, I'm better last anyway. So that's how you got it, how'd you think?"

"...Very well, because this pedho didn't want to, then I'll be the next one."

Both of them have reach consensus which make Necro-Phi/Vandango to be the next one in this charade. However, Loli-man who got poked by his remark decided to switch the laptop off and drag a widescreen to really uses the real function of this cinema.

The laptop disappeared and there no more small monitor for them, he drag a whole huge screen for them to watch in 4K.

"...You pedho."

"Nayy my man, take this action as to how you keep calling me. Not only that, Sengoku is just too far."

"So we finally using the large screen in this cinema! Finally! Let's switched the place to outdoor, being stuck in a room is not good for health."

"...Why did we not using this in the first place? There's no way we've to rent it first."

The four of them take their own comfort seat to have a better view in this cinema with a huge white screen and live broadcast of Zeimachi's body inside of it. The room also got changed to how a park should be with smooth breeze and loud speaker become their enjoyment together while watching the movie.

Seated on their chair in the middle of a park along with a huge screen on their face, all of them silently watched Necrop-phi/Vandango.



*The Void*

This is the Void, where Sakura Zeimachi or just Zeimachi used as his base and feathers archive. Even though not all of them are there, the amount of it alone are quite a sum to be count.

"Commander...Where did that train gone to?"

"Ah, Nimi-kun. If you want to know, there's some lazy bum that need an escort from me."

"...but to sent them a train is just..."

"Don't worry, there's still many more if you want to ride one~ and one thing, I'm not your Commander okay, in here just call me Zeimachi."

Right now Sakura Zeimachi is talking with Z23 beside him. Not long after their commotion because of Yjor had calmed down, he sent that train to fetch Cera and Hylia far pass the dead zone where many cosmic and incomprehensible beings roam around.

"Y-Yes...Ze...Zei...can I just call you Commander, I-I'm not ready to move into that stage yet...."

"Well that's unfortunate, I'm not pushing you so just call me that."

"Thank you, Commander."

There's a slight of time distortion from the Void and far beyond the dead zone, that's why for Cera, the train is just too slow and it takes too long for her to arrive to her office in the void. What feel for her hours, only a few minutes for them in the Void.

"I never knew a place like this to exist Commander."

"Hmm? Don't you got those magically mirror sea and building left behind by Siren? I thought those are kinda close."

They keep chatting to each other. Z23 who got fueled by curiosity , tries to hold it back from him. While Sakura Zeimachi didn't mind her curiosity as she's one of those strict type of girls for him who actually very sweet inside, not literally.

"...Well...I guess they're but...I never knew if you're really from different world. I've met different ship girls who admit they're from different time line or dimensions, but to meet a human is the first time for me."

Z23 talked with more relaxed bearing as she saw his attitude to talk with her as if they're at the same position with no power rank whatsoever. Her voice become more friendlier while Sakura Zeimachi looking at Yjor who have to handle punishment from other ship girls.

"Cease whatever you're doing!"

"No desu."

"Yjor-san, please prepare your self!"


From the look of it they want to make Yjor apologize or acknowledging her fault of tricking them which make them shouting those embarrassing line in front of their Commander. However, there's no way Yjor the ruler of ruler and ancient producer would let them be.


"...I'm sorry, I'll make sure they won't hurt Yjor-san too much."

Z23 bowed her head to ask for his forgiveness. What she doesn't know is that Sakura Zeimachi feel very delightful of every distress Yjor showing right now.

"Ahaha~ No need, Nimi-kun....More importantly, are you fine? Is there anything wrong with your body? or any discomfort for you?"

"Ah Yes! My body is good condition ready to set sail!"

"...That's...not what I mean though..."

He suddenly remembered about her scenario in that world, about the identity of otherworlder and the one controlling the casino in her world and also about her past during that time. He asked her about how she is after that outbreak of lust.

"....Do you mean 'that'...Commander?"

"...Umm, I guess? Maybe? Once again I'm not forcing you to tell your trauma...Nimi-kun?"

It doesn't take too much time for Z23 to catches the meaning of his words, it's about when her port got conquered and turned into carnal desire nest for any men while the one she can believe, the past commander run away leaving them behind.

"I don't mind if it's you Commander, beside, you'll have to hear many more of this report when we returned."

"Ehhh~ That's sounds like a work for me~"

"Huhu...This time please do your work where other can see, C-o-m-m-an-d-e-r."

"Nimi-san? You're becoming scary right now."

No matter how good he's to hide inside of his shell, other ship girls would soon come to know about the changes took place around the port. Not only their port, even the city where Sakura Zeimachi got lost many time before had changed. The name of that city was city of Rite, but he keep calling it into Daedalus instead.

"Doing your work and many things alone is a great thing Commander, however for those three month you've never step outside your office right?"


"You're not even touching the food from Royal maid and made us very worried! If only Akashi didn't told us you're fine then who knows what's going to happen at your office?!"

This time is his turn to be scolded by her and not only her, soon many other ship girls who have knew about his effort and also his endeavor to liberate and rescuing them from those three nights of hell, he'll face another hell again.

"W-Well...You see I'm a picky eater...and...I don't want to eat any veggies for my lunch."

"Commander! As the one who are the role model for everyone in the base, you have to eat your vegetables! You're not going to be healthy without a good diet!"

Her scolding just went on and on because Sakura Zeimachi who voiced his reason to her, only to got shot down by her reasoning belief about his unhealthy behavior. Yjor who took a glance at his pitiful face sneered at his predicament.

"Everyone is really worried about you."

"...*Sigh* Every one? What about faction leader?"

"Yes, everyone. As for leader from each faction, they knew something was wrong when HQ decided to give their seat and their lost some of their cabinet members. Not only that, because you keep the balance of chair member and new member, we're still working to each other for the time being."

"...Well, things well goes well. Anything about their move?"

"Hmm, there's still nothing suspicious. However, Lord Bismarck told us if there's some rats hiding behind the curtain."

"...They just keep coming huh...Bismarck and others should be able to clean that. Now that you don't need Commander thingy, I can relaxed and-"

"You can't do that Commander, now that we've know about your past deed. Do you think it'll only end with that?"

Sakura Zeimachi felt something aiming at his head and additional ramblings to come, he didn't dodge or turn around to confirm if it was true or not, because seeing the direction this conversation was flowing with Z23, he could feel if it was like when he was watching the procession of his grave being dug up right on his face.


A person or ship girl flew to his head. She struck him down using her weight, however he persist.

"HuuhGhkk-...Are you fine, Laffey-san?"

"Laffey-chan! Yjor-san! How can you throw her away like that?!"

"...Unbelievable, Yjor is not a friendly snake."

"Like I said! Cease right now or another one will be the same as her!"

Sakura Zeimachi got one big hit from the destroyer right in the neck. Luckily it was still a destroyer, if it wasn't and had a large frame like a certified Illustrious class ship, they would have easily broken his neck.

"Comander...Why am I here?"

Laffey, who had now opened her eyes, met the commander who was carrying her with care. The rest of her friends were also worried and headed towards her, but let alone getting up and getting down from his arms, instead, she went back to sleep while still keeping her face close to his chest.

"L-Laffey-san, I'm still in the middle of conversation with Commander. Please wake up."

"Uhnnn...No way, it's warm here and comfy."

Laffey become a log on his arm and didn't want to part with him. Z23 who got interrupted by Laffey, wanted to pull her friend down together with her other friends who do the same, only to have their body become more closer to him and flustered.

"...Why are you dragging my clothes That's not Laffey's one."



"...You got it wrong desu."

They retreated and blushed because their hidden intentions got blown up by him, and Laffey who knows nothing about their desperate measure to take her down can't hear anything as she fall into slumber from the warmth of his chest and the soothing sound of his heart beat


I almost forgot, it's decided if the next turn will be Necro-phi/Vandango turns to go.

His basic description and traits is someone who likes to plays with death, good in human anatomy and a little introvert. I don't really have someone to compare him with anime character before, but maybe you can compare him with Hououin Kyouma with a little changes here and there.

If there's other character who got into your mind then it's okay.

Ware koso Mad scientist! sonuvabich!

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts