
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · その他
149 Chs

Kako Tail?

- This time, let's put more effort to deepen your root. -

- Yes... but how? -

- You just need to do it and don't think too much. There's still some time before the inevitable, so you can use this chance. -

- ... Yes. -


「A piece from Mc's past」

The wind blew gently, carrying the scent of grass towards the cliff where two people were chatting. Standing on each other's sides, they stared in the same direction, past what could be seen from the cliff.

"Hey... commander. If the war is over... will you let me stay with you? I know if you'll go back to your home town, and... ummm... I wonder if you can let me tag along."


One is a man, and the other is a woman. One is a human and the other is a ship girl. One is the person who command, and the other is the one being commanded.

Nevertheless, both of them stood on the same ground and in the same place.

"... R-Really? Thank you Commander! I'll take that as a promise ehehe. Whether it's the sea and the stars... or be it another land, I'll be always on your side, Commander."


The human was wearing an uniform, the one frequently used as a sign of his position in navy. Meanwhile the ship girl is the one who is known as the "Grey Ghost", the one with eternal legend foretold in the ocean... Enterprise.

Even though the roaring of the waves and the singing of the seagulls occasionally passed them by, the two of them were like the last remaining creatures in this world as they passed a pleasant chat.

"Embarrassing? Not even a thing, this words are something I really want to say only for you, Commander... I-If you said that, n-now that I think about it... ummmm..."


The human teased her, letting out some laughter as he point both his index finger toward her face. A words that impressed, entertaining but also ridiculing for her, and also the habits she often gets from him.

" 'Maiden in love?!' W-what are you talking about Commander, please don't tease me. Even I have some limit for your joke."


"Ah! N-No I mean... it's fine if you did that for once... in... a while..."

The ship girl felt embarrassed. Hearing her loved one who always teased and mock her whenever he got the chance to, sometimes she even wonder why she'd even love this man.

Well... Enterprise herself felt that she had found the answer, and the proof of that answer was the presence of a little girl bearing her name.

"... Little Enterprise? Not another of your tease Commander, don't treat me like a kid just like Vestal and Big sis Yorktown. Both of them keep pestering me to take care of my body and such."


In the middle of their conversation, the human diverted their conversation and regard her as a baby similar to their daughter, Little Enterprise. In addition, Enterprise also remembered messages from her relatives.

Her relatives which has survived, and had gained another source of happiness thanks to the presence of that commander before her.

"Yeah... I know. Even then, that's how their way to care about me and I'm glad with that."


Enterprise who received comforting words from her partner thought so. She felt reminded of how she had a hard time being mother-like to Little Enterprise caused by her stiff attitude, fortunately at that time with the person beside her, they've did it in creating their own special place.

Unfortunately, despite Enterprise being fascinated by her own memories, the man's words broke her out from her day dream.

"Hmmm? So what do you mean by little Enter-... Wa-wa-wa-wait Commander you don't mean?! About that 'Little Enterprise'?! You want m-more little e-enterprise?!"


The man smirked when he saw how red the ship girl was. Smoke billowed from her head, indicating how shocked and irritated she was by his idea of ​​wanting more children.

Of course it was nothing more than a joke.

At first he only wanted to tell this as another tease for the girl, unfortunately he explained it too late as Enterprise had already come to her own conclusion.

"... Commander... you disappoint me.. to think you have joined the same as Ark Royal, I need you to follow me back to the office Commander, please don't resist."


He tried to explain, but with her eyes shining bright and looked down on him, he felt like he had stepped on a land mine that would literally blow his feet off if he failed to defuse the situation.

In fact, this time the landmine will not only sever his leg, but it will also cause extensive damage to his abdomen, leaving him paralyzed for the remainder of his life.

"That'll not cover anything you said just now Commander, and please don't run away. Else I'll ask for another backup in motion."

Enterprise detained the suspect.

With her face still flushed with embarrassment, Enterprise, who was always vigilant of her surroundings, sensed the presence of onlookers who had been spying on the two of them for quite some time.

Ignoring the man who knelt before her, desperately pleading his innocence, Enterprise shifted her gaze towards the direction from which she sensed a lingering presence.

From there, another ship girl showed up.

"Fufu... I keep watching from afar but it seems like I got found out by lady Enterprise."

Giving a subtle nod to indicate that she was aware of the presence of the spying individual, the ship girl in question revealed herself as she stepped forward to greet Enterprise. Revealing herself to be Belfast, another ship girl adorned in a maid outfit.

She greeted Enterprise with a polite bow, acknowledging her awareness of the situation.

"... Belfast so it's you. Give me a hand, commander has gone rogue. (Whisper) But where's the other one?"

"Greetings in this good day, Master and Enterprise-sama. If I may know, what did Master have done?"

While Enterprise was still grappling with her suspicions, she decided the best thing to do was to reveal the secret recipe to Belfast, and share some information with her. Reaching the maid ears and putting the commander aside, Enterprise begin to speak her testimony.

"...*whisper-whisper-whisper*... that's how it is."

Seeing the two of them who seemed ready to determine whether he was guilty or not, the man slowly stepped back in order to run away. It's practically a good chance to escape from those two or so he thought, unfortunately... he was caught by Belfast.

Even as Belfast listened attentively to Enterprise, she remained ever vigilant of her master's presence. No matter how slick the commander is, Belfast is always ready to correct her master's misconduct.

"I see... to think you have come that far. As your maid I'm ashamed to neglect your discipline, Master."


The unexpected embrace from Belfast rendered him immobile. Despite his attempts to explain the situation as a misunderstanding, he couldn't deny the truth when Enterprise quoted his own words about Little Enterprise's cuteness, which he had said earlier.

"Even so, as a gentleman Commander you need to keep your hands from underage girls. If Little Bel or Little Enterprise to hear this, they'd surely shocked. (Whisper) ... Besides, I wouldn't mind if you ask me for... another one."


Now, not only was Little Enterprise being discussed, but Belfast also revealed the existence of another adorable daughter of his named Little Bel. The man choked on his own words since he can't help but to have a "cute aggression" towards those little fairy whenever they're around.

"That's why Commander, I'll have you come with us. If you do so, we'll let you met them peacefully."

"Little Bel will understand it if you talk with her, she's a proud maid and will defend you Master... the same as me."

Taking hold of him on either side, Belfast and Enterprise escorted their commander, detaining him for interrogation about his true intentions. The man, desperate to be released from the custody of the two, pleaded for his freedom, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

"... ~~~"

"It's too late to say it as a joke, Commander."

"Unfortunately I've recorded it all, Master. So please give yourself in."


Indeed, where, how and when did she recorded it.

"It's a maid specialty."

— — — — — — — — —

After a while, the three of them reentered the port area, walking together along the familiar path that was etched into the naval base. The commander, accompanied by Belfast and Enterprise, continued their journey side by side, heading towards their intended destination.

"Excuse me, Commander. The same for you Grey ghost and Royal head maid."


As they passed through the park area, they encountered a ship girl named Kaga. She's a ship girl with multiple white fox tails and fox ears of the same type on her body. Her personality is a bit rough, still she displayed a warm side to those who were close to her.

"Kaga, do you need something?"

"Hello Kaga-sama, what can I do for you? Do you need something from Master?"

For Kaga, the commander's hands seemed distant and out of reach for the time being. She couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at the two girls on each side of her commander, who were tightly clinging to his arms.

A slight twinge of jealousy tugged at her heart, but she skillfully concealed her true emotions.

"Relax, it's not that important. Did any of you see Nee-san?"


"I didn't see Akagi, till now don't she always hang out in Amagi's room"

Akagi, Kaga's older sister, was a prominent figure within their faction. She was known for her ferocity in battle, but among her friends, she was also renowned for being reliable somehow trustworthy. Meanwhile Amagi is similar to the figure of their elder sister.

And both of them are also a fox girl just like Kaga.

"What's wrong Belfast?"


While Kaga was lost in her thoughts, trying to predict where Akagi might have gone, the commander and Enterprise noticed Belfast standing nearby.

She seemed preoccupied, quietly muttering to herself. It appeared that something had triggered Belfast's memory before she decided to spy on Enterprise and the commander near the cliff.

"If we're talking about Akagi-sama, I overheard a conversation mentioning something about a bed and chains between Akagi-sama and Akagi-chan on my way to meet Enterprise and the Commander."

A gust of wind passed by, as Belfast revealed the truth with her voice carrying a hint of concern.




At first, it was Enterprise and then the commander, but now the gaze of concern had also clouded Kaga's sight. This conclude a perfect combination from all kind of expressions.

Enterprise, with her concern about whether Akagi will cause more mischief; the commander, who gulped as he realized his impending doom; Belfast, who relished the troubled expression on her master's face; and Kaga, who sighed, knowing that another storm would have to be passed before she could be accepted into the commander's bed.

Nevertheless, in a life-or-death situation, the one who acts first is more likely to survive. That's why as soon as the commander saw an opportunity to slip away from the guards flanking him, he swiftly summoned his trusted mount.




It was as if he called a taxi that appear out of nowhere.

Right when a gathering cloud of smoke and dust from afar pulled up beside them, there appeared another ship girl along with her ride. She joyously waved her hands towards the commander who grabbed it in haste, and he soon jumped to quickly joining her on the same ride.

"You calling Commander? Hehehe... Hop on quick! Great Shark: Land mode overdrive, henshin!"

Her name is U-101, a ship girl just like the others who've weave a contract as his driver. Her unique mode of transportation was known as the Great Shark, a motorcycle-like vehicle adorned with a shark-like frame.

Despite being called as her ride, Great Shark has already become something like a partner for U-101. That's why U-101 cherished it very much.


Kamen Rider Drive henshin is taking place, please use your imagination to the fullest.




In stark contrast to the three onlookers, the commander and U-101 who were accustomed to riding the Great Shark displayed no sign of surprise. They had grown accustomed to the unique mode of transportation and were well-versed in its capabilities.

"Hehehe... hold tight Commander! Great Shark limiter release! Engine full boost, goal is Commander BEDROOM!"



Despite being handcuffed, the commander's spirit soared as he and U-101 accelerated with full force leaving a trail of dust behind them. Their high-spirited departure irritated Enterprise, Belfast, and Kaga, who disapproved of his reckless behavior.

"Wait Commander!! I'm still not done with you!"

"I guess, a strict discipline it is."

"...I'll follow them. Nee-san is probably over there."

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Meanwhile, somewhere in the port there's a shark-like motorcycle being parked on the front of a merchant shop. Let's not mind U-101 who was keeping her partner clean, there's some more commotion taking place within that place.


"Nya~? W-what can I do for you C-commander?"


"Akashi, don't know what you're talking nya~"

Her name is Akashi, another ship girl who also happens to be a cute and petite green haired cat girl. Despite her cozy and charming appearance, the commander had learned from past experiences and was immune to her deceptive and scamming nature.


"N-Nya!? Help! Commander is kidnapping mee!!! Nui-Nui help me!"

"You reap what you sowed."

Aside from Akashi, who is being playfully taken along by the commander, there is also Shiranui, another cat-type ship girl with black clothes who runs that merchant shop.

Shiranui is known for her cool and aloof demeanor, and she is well aware of Akashi's mischievous nature. Therefore she remains unfazed when the green cat persistently seeks her assistance.


"Don't mind it Commander, Akashi deserve this."

Finished with his business, the commander carried Akashi out of the shop just like a sack of potato on his shoulder. He then asked to U-101 to let Akashi tagged along so he could later bully her more. However, little did he know that his encounters for the day were far from over.

"Ohh Comrade Commander... fancy meeting you here... what? You already start this early? "


"Hahahaha, you really make me laugh! When you're done, this Gangut will gladly share my Vodka with you!"


Her name is Gangut, another ship girl who arrived from the north and was known for being a heavy drinker. She had come to the merchant shop to request another beverage, but at the same time, Gangut was also on a mission to maintain order around the port.

As a member of the disciplinary squad, it was her duty to ensure that rules were followed and peace was maintained. Yet alas, this introduction was abruptly interrupted when U-101 patted his shoulder before he engaged within another chit-chat.

"Commander not good! They almost catch up, hurry up!"


The trio of Enterprise, Belfast, and Kaga caught the attention of the commander with their presence, fueling his determination to not get caught. Still carrying Akashi on his shoulder, the commander hopped onto the Great Shark and firmly held onto U-101's hip as they prepared to continue.

"Nya!!? Noo!! Release meee, helpppp."

"Ready! Great Shark, engine start!"




"Don't forget our drunk party in Northern Parliament dorm, Comrade Commander!"

Not forgetting the Northern Parliament ship girl who observed the scene as a bystander, with a smirk on her face Gangut who had frequently watched the amusing interactions unfold day by day reminds the commander about some of their plans.

She's the type who enjoys a lively atmosphere when the timing is right, which is why Gangut paid little attention to the commotion happening at the moment. Disregarding the green cat's pleas for freedom, the commander confidently gave a thumbs-up sign, assuring that he hadn't forgotten their plans.


— — — — — — — — — —

The Great Shark that had passed the 140 Km/H barrier was still speeding towards its destination which was the commander's bedroom. Powerful gush of wind brushed against their faces as they pressed forward at incredible speed.

"We almost reached it! Get ready Commander!"



They continued their relentless advance, leaving a considerable distance between them and the trio who were still in pursuit. However, in an unexpected turn of events, a small girl stumbled right in the path of the speeding Great Shark.


Clutching her slightly bruised leg in pain, the girl struggled to regain her footing.



"Nya!? Commander, U-101! There's Kisaragi stumbled over there! Stopp!"

The rider was also aware of it, but because U-101 had momentarily diverted her gaze from the road, she was late in stepping on the brakes. Fortunately, another type of brake had been installed in the Great Shark as a precaution for such incidents.

"Kuh... Great Shark, greater brake!"


Yet, despite their efforts, the brakes only managed to slow down their momentum and create smoke and black marks as the Great Shark's tires scraped against the surface. They were still on a collision course with the little girl known as Kisaragi.


"We can't make it Nyaaaa!!!"

A collision was imminent, and Kisaragi who was still unable to move and paralyzed by her fear, could only remain silent and close her eyes as she curled up alone, bracing herself for the pain she did not want to feel.



Her friend, Mutsuki, tried to help her and jumped into her path, determined not to let her friend get hurt. Mutsuki sprinted as fast as she could toward where Kisaragi curled up. However, just as she was about to reach her friend, a shadowy figure flashed by and halted Mutsuki in her tracks.

The mysterious figure not only shielded Mutsuki from getting involved in the incident but also skillfully halted the Great Shark, protecting Kisaragi from harm. With her back facing them, the figure stood as a barrier, ensuring the safety of the little destroyer.



"Ark Royal?!"

Her name is Ark Royal, the one and only protector of little destroyer.

Utilizing the full extent of her power, Ark Royal arrived just in time to stand before U-101 and the Great Shark, using her immense strength to hold the motorcycle in its tracks.

With her unhinged rule and unwavering resolve, she faced the formidable duo, ready to take on any challenge that came for those little destroyer.

"She could hold Great Shark in overdrive mode?!"

"Are you okay little destroyer? Haha... don't worry, everything is going to be fine... because I am here!"

Displaying the characteristics of a true hero and protector, Ark Royal stood her ground unwaveringly, refusing to be pushed back. Her unwavering determination and fierce expression painted a portrait of strength and resilience.

Despite her playful and eccentric nature, Ark Royal proved herself to be a remarkable force within the port, commanding respect and admiration from those who witnessed her in action.

If only, her Lolicon sickness doesn't kicked in that is.

"Ark Royal... Nee-chan.."



And by the way, the commander is something of a Lolicon himself.

"Why did you also got hit Commander Nya!?"

"I... Ark Royal have put my resolve to protect my cute destroyer! NOW! It's time to show my power to protect themmmm!!!!! UUWOOOHHHH!"

Fueled by the cuteness of the little destroyer behind her, Ark Royal experienced a tremendous power surge that coursed through every part of her body. Pushing herself to the limit, she successfully pushed the Great Shark and its passenger forward.


"Shikikan Nya stop with your joke nya?!"



"Like I said Nya! Why did you also got hyped up Nya!?"

Interestingly, Ark Royal was not the only one who experienced a power-up. The commander, too, felt a surge of newfound strength and raised his fist as a gesture of respect towards Ark Royal.

In a surprising turn of events, U-101 and Great Shark, refusing to back down from the confrontation, also felt a surge of resoluteness towards their goal.


"Great Shark we can't lose to her! We have to use everything we got here! Great Shark show me your power! Remove greater brake, use hyper speed Overdrive! Haaaaaa!!!!"





"NyAAAAAAhhhh!!! Commander!! Stop THEM!!!"

It was at this moment that Akashi knew, they'll fucked up.

— — — — — — — — — —

As those idiots clashed, within the goal of their destination or to be more specific in the commander's room, there's a couple of fox that mischievously talked with each other.

"Now you should get it little one, if you only chained Shikikan-sama to his bed, he'll only bring his bed with him and run away. So it'll not be very effective."

"T-then as expected, I should've use it on his neck right?! He's my slave and yet keep playing with other girls, humpf!"

"(Giggle) Don't worry, Akagi-chan. Let me share an interesting fact with you. With just a subtle gesture, you can make him fall head over heels for you, and he won't even think of escaping."

"Really?! Hurry and tell me!"

Talking about interesting facts, those two troublemakers are none other than Akagi and her miniature version, Akagi-chan. They are currently plotting something mischievous for their commander, as they refuse to let him focus his attention on other girls while neglecting them.

"(Giggle) First, you write a letter with your name addressed to Shikikan-sama and use "Sleep here" as the title before you place it on his bed."

"(Sha-sha-sha-sha) Un,done."

"Next, we'll place some refreshments like some of this normal-aroma-candle on the table, along with a cup of normal-green-tea next to the letter. We'll also add a note that says "Akagi-chan made this for you, my Commander. Please enjoy." Do you understand?"

"(Sha-sha-sha-sha) Un... I already created it! And now?"

"We'll wait under his bed. When he can't move, we'll use our tails to playfully tickle him all over his body, and then hup! We've caught him~ It's no secret that Shikikan-sama enjoys touching our tails."

"Ohhhh!! And and?!"

"We punish him for playing with other girls of course~"

"Hahaha... (little giggle) As expected of adult me! Now that slave will not touch others but only me instead!"

"(Giggle) Sure, let me groom your tail. Shikikan-sama will surely enjoy touching it later. We can't disappoint him, can we?"

"Un... let's do it on his bed, that way he'll notice our scent! Let me get the tea from there!"

"Nice idea, little one (Giggle)."

"My slave will be mine now fufufu~"


Akagi-chan eagerly awaited the fateful moment when she would have all the attention of her beloved Shikikan. Playfully, she hummed a cheerful tune while Akagi used a brush to groom her hair and tail, ensuring she looked her best for the upcoming encounter.


"Akagi-chan, is there anymore part you want to brush?"

It was a rare occurrence for Akagi to use such a endearing term for her daughter.

Maintaining her pride as the number one in the commander's heart, Akagi didn't want to reveal her acceptance of the fact that Akagi-chan would become the number one within their family.

"Hmm? Hmm... I feel so sleepy... It's warm and it smells like my slave... Mmm... I think I'll just take a nap here..."

"Ara? Akagi-chan? To sleep like that, Shikikan-sama will know if you're here~"

Even though Akagi had voiced her concerns about their plan being ruined, Akagi-chan couldn't resist and ended up falling asleep on top of the commander's pillow.

"Zzz... hnnn... zzz... slave..."

"Can't be helped you little one, then I'll also join you. While I know how comfortable Shikikan-sama is, I don't want to let you hog his bed all for yourself. Fufu... good night, Akagi-chan."

"Zzz... G... night...ma... ther... zzzz..."

"Huhu, you're the perfect mirror image of me indeed. Akagi... will always wating for you, Shikikan-sama~"

- ... Writer. -

- Yes. -

- I feel weird. -

- Don't ask to much for now, let that weirdness free and don't resist it. It'll come in handy later. -

- Is that... so? -

- Yes that is so. -


Memories End.


I didn't really studied Friedrich character, so maybe there's somehing weird in it.

A short one, because I'm still busy at 'family matters'

See ya

Edited : I decided to put the conclusion away, since it'll be used for later.

Strunomcreators' thoughts