
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · その他
149 Chs

El Dust part.2

During those mornings when the sun began to rise, there were moments when she would squint her eyes. The pouring sunlight streamed into her room through the wide-open window, allowing the warmth of the world to seep into her personal space.

Inside her room, she was experiencing a profound ache. The girl continued to gently stroke the bump on her head, sprawled across her extremely disheveled bed.

"Ugh, that brat. She really needs to be taught a lesson so she'll learn her lesson! Ouch... my head..."「Kiana」 

Her white hair cascaded down her back, and her slightly loose clothes revealed the contours of her neck. Her blue eyes emitted a light that depicted innocence, a trait drawn from the purity of the white hue, contrasting with her still-childlike demeanor.

"I'll make her cry, that Sirin! Uhh... it's still swollen..."「Kiana」

The girl's name was Kiana, a being with breath and consciousness in that world, carrying a name that defined her.

Earlier, she and Sirin had engaged in a fierce sibling clash sparked by the arrival of morning.

The clash had concluded with Sirin emerging victorious, successfully rousing Kiana. Meanwhile, Kiana herself succumbed to the waking results from her slumber, adorned with a few bumps on her head.

"Ahh... it smells like Mom's cooking. Could that kid be trying to wake me up? Oh yeah, today is the... beginning... of... school... JUST SAY IT ALREADY!"「Kiana」

However, it seemed the girl's head was quite resilient. It didn't take long until the bump on her head stopped hurting, disappearing like in most cartoon scenes. Truly an unusual phenomenon.

As soon as she realized the shining sunlight, Kiana hurriedly got up from her bed.

"W-What time is it!? What's the time now?"「Kiana」

Fortunately, due to Sirin's hard work, Kiana, glancing at a small alarm clock in her grasp, let out a sigh of relief.

She wasn't late yet.

"Haaaahhhh... thankfully, I'm not late. Alright, let's fill up my stomach!"「Kiana」

While gazing at her reflection in the mirror, Kiana tidied up her appearance with an enthusiastic morning smile. Her actions weren't overly complicated. All she did was tie her hair into a double braids hairstyle and slightly tighten her previously loose sleepwear.

With just that appearance, Kiana already looked beautiful and enchanting. If only the contents of her mind were truly mature as well.


Setting aside her intelligence, the girl's hearing ability remained in good working order. It was even a bit superior to the average. Thanks to this skill, when she finished fixing herself to leave the room, she caught wind of something from the neighboring room.

None other than the room where her older brother resided.

"I wonder why... it sounds so noisy from the next room. That idiot aniki, what is he up to?"「Kiana」

Due to her curiosity, Kiana decided not to leave her room. Instead, she pressed one side of her ear to eavesdrop on the faint and intermittent sounds.

As she concentrated on listening, the white twin-braided girl was able to hear something that proved challenging for her to comprehend.

"So your name is Moriarty... I don't think you're affiliated with any villain nor criminal, but just in case. Do you want to do crime right now?"「El Dust」

[... No.]

"I see, I suppose there's some catch to it for whatever end, though at least we're getting to know each other, Dame Moriarty."「El Dust」

[Just call me by my name.]

Upon hearing this, Kiana felt puzzled and expressed her confusion with, "What does 'Dame' mean? Is it like a dam for water?" and continued to eavesdrop on the ongoing conversation.

[I just heard about him creating other personalities within himself, what exactly happened?]

"Huhu, please forgive my rudeness. However, I can't tell you, not only because I still don't know the relationship between you and my brother, but I actually have no memories before my existence."「El Dust」

Once again, Kiana felt perplexed. Starting with, "Personalities? My brother? Uhh, what has this idiot aniki of mine been talking about all this time?! Moreover, who is he actually talking to in his room?" With her frustration, she continued eavesdropping.

"From the voice, it sounds like a woman, and also... young. Hmm..."「Kiana」

While holding both sides of her head to prevent it from emitting smoke, Kiana engaged her processing ability. This was an unusual occurrence, so after pondering to find a dead end...

"But why is there a girl in his room? Hmm, from the beginning... how could he bring a girl into his room without me knowing? Especially when I'm right next to him? Hmmm... who is he even calling brother?"「Kiana」

The girl took a moment to rest her head; all these thoughts seemed to make her feel tired on that morning. Repeatedly pacing around her room, she couldn't find the answers.

It seems, in the world created by him, the Kiana present was still a girl less brilliant in using her head, but not entirely foolish.

[... Ah, wait.]


Not long after, a suspicious sound was heard. The sound, resembling a sigh, seemed like a fishing reel that caught the ears of the still naïve girl, sticking it back to the same wall where the continuation of the sigh was heard once again.


"My guess is right, did you perhaps miss this face? It's quite obvious, huhuhu."「El Dust」

[Nnh... no, you're too close. Don't... you're making me...]


For a moment, Kiana felt like her mind was taking a stroll in a forbidden garden.

Because, after hearing the sigh from the girl, she momentarily envisioned a scene that only appeared when she experienced falling in love for the first time.

"W-W-What's happening?! D-Don't tell me they're, k-k-k-kissing or even h-holding hands on top of bed right?!"「Kiana」

She seemed embarrassed and tried to distance herself from the wall, her face flushing. Her breath quickened, and her face seemed to grow a bit warm. After glancing at the mirror, she finally realized everything she mentioned above.

"T-This cannot be allowed! H-How could that pervert, stupid, idiot aniki do something like this! I have to confront him, yes! I'll catch him in the act and tell both mama and papa!"「Kiana」

She declared, clenching her fists ready for use.

Ignoring her still-flushed face, Kiana then grabbed her trusted baseball bat and kicked the door open to the room she was heading towards.





The resounding crash echoed through the room as Kiana forcefully kicked open the door to her brother's sanctuary. In an instant, the scene before her unfolded like a live drama.

"You are..."「El Dust」

'Ahh, she must be Kiana, the one who's been discreetly listening in from the adjacent room. ' El Dust's thought held a tone of amusement.

Their hands were entwined, the flush on the girl's face spoke of vulnerability, and the mere inches between their bodies erased any semblance of personal space. Kiana stood frozen, her eyes wide in disbelief, taking in the unexpected tableau laid bare before her.


Seemingly, she still felt a deep sense of embarrassment, the stimuli before her proving too overwhelming. Especially when confronted with a reality more vivid than her imagination.

Despite momentarily freezing, petrified by the obscenity of Moriarty's attire and nearly experiencing a nosebleed witnessing how El Dust restrained Moriarty's arms on the bed, Kiana did not forget her initial purpose.

"W-What's happening in hereee! Huuh? What is this that I see, u-u-unbelievable!"「Kiana」

Kiana's words stumbled out, a mix of shock, disbelief, and embarrassment, her eyes attempting to make sense of the unexpected scene that unfolded before her. She did so, albeit while stealing a glance here and there whenever she had the chance.

"T-This is definitely no good. PAPA! MAMA! Aniki brought a girl to his room and did something pervy with her!"「Kiana」

Even though she was awkward and stiff in her acting, she excelled at what came next. Kiana's voice, audible all the way downstairs, became a success in its own right, creating a raucous commotion from the dining area.


Closing his newspaper, Siegfried, seemingly conjuring a pair of pistols from nowhere, hurried toward the source of the commotion.


Bianca's response differed slightly from her father's.

Calmly closing her eyes, she wiped her mouth, which had been dirtied by the unnatural shock from his hands. Nevertheless, she still made her way to the source of the noise, clenching both fists.

"What girl?"「Sirin」

Meanwhile, Sirin herself was puzzled by which girl Kiana was referring to, considering she hadn't encountered any girl when she previously entered her brother's room.

"Ara... Sirin, stay downstairs and finish your breakfast, okay? Mama will come upstairs too."「Cecilia」

"Eh? Y-Yeah..."「Sirin」

Cecilia's words held a gentle tone, a contrast to the current chaotic atmosphere. Her motherly request seemed to carry a comforting assurance, even leaving Sirin momentarily speechless.

"Uhh... by the way, Sirin-chan, did you see where my Abyss Flower is? I'm sure I left it here..."「Cecilia」

"Isn't it by the umbrella stand? What does Mama need it for?"「Sirin」

"Ah, now that you say it! Don't worry, Mama just wants to be cautious. Understand~?"「Cecilia」

"Abyss Flower" in the Honkaiverse story is the name given to a lance-shaped weapon, recognized as one of the ultimate weapons and often referred to as a Divine Key.

Its abilities are rumored to manipulate life and death.

Judging by Cecilia's intentions, it seems she plans to take this deadly weapon somewhere.

And that place is...



Hmm, it seems Cecilia is the most dangerous one here. Alone in her thoughts, Sirin soon couldn't resist her curiosity and joined the journey upstairs.




On the other side floor, El Dust, sensing something approaching as if ready to storm the place where he was, didn't remain silent. Even though he wasn't a combat-type Persona, he possessed perceptual abilities sufficient to notice and hear the approaching footsteps from below.

'I see, even though this world looks like an ordinary normal world, it seems not quite the same with its inhabitants. Quite intriguing.'「El Dust」

He could sense something from below, even though he himself didn't have much knowledge about what Honkai was. El Dust believed what he felt was one of the types of energy used in that world.

"Teenage girls do have some exquisite voices even when they shout, huhuhu."「El Dust」

Choosing not to engage in direct confrontation, El Dust swiftly made his escape.

He felt there was no advantage in facing his own family head-on in that world. Besides, he felt there were things he needed to discuss privately with Moriarty.


"Where do you think-"「Kiana」

Alongside Moriarty cradled in his arms, he deftly caught a baseball bat that was thrown his way, and sending it back toward Kiana.

"Owww! You, you, you! Mamaaa! Papaaa, He's running away through the window!"「Kiana」

"See you later, greenhorn."「El Dust」

Having skillfully evaded Kiana's pursuit, El Dust smoothly leaped out of the window, leaving behind a mix of frustration and surprise. As he and Moriarty touched down on solid ground, El Dust quickly assessed the situation, recognizing that their current location remained far from secure.

Prompted by this realization, El Dust reached into the arsenal of his Persona abilities.

One of his weapons materialized—a unique rope emerging from an alternate dimension.

Like Tarzan navigating through the jungle with a seamlessly connected vine, El Dust, carrying Moriarty, swung away from the scene, disappearing into the unknown with agility and finesse.

"HAAHH!!?? You stupid aniki, get over here, and I dare you to say that again! Hey! Don't you run, you coward!" Kiana's voice echoed, a mix of frustration and determination cutting through the air.

They both left Kiana, her dissatisfaction evident in every shout that reverberated from the window. Undeterred, she continued her vehement protests, not limited to mere words.

"Hmph! Don't underestimate me. Do you think I can't chase you from here? Just wait, I'll catch both of you!"「Kiana」

To El Dust's astonishment, just when he believed his escape was secured, Kiana unexpectedly leaped out of the window. The girl with white hair gracefully descended into the open space, landing as if she were impervious to fall damage.

Her unexpected agility added a surprising element to the unfolding chase.

Observing the girl, still clad in her sleepwear, closing the distance between them, El Dust pondered on how hasty she appeared. Perhaps, he considered, it was he who was mistaken, underestimating the individuals in this peculiar world.

"Kuku... that fabric barely hide some parts of her."「El Dust」

[Don't see it.]

Moriarty closed both of his eyes, as the man seemed to have persistently tried to sneak glances at a certain area while Kiana is running. As the blonde-haired girl's hand touched him, El Dust found himself recalling certain things.

'Honkai... Is this girl named Moriarty also from Honkai? But, as far as I know, Moriarty is a guy...'「El Dust」

[If you have questions, you can ask them. Or do you want me to read your mind to make it easier?](Moriarty)

"And can you read minds? Huhu, as expected of a Guardian. In that case, as much as possible, I'll use words from my own mouth. We're still just meeting for the first time, right? Let's keep our privacy intact."「El Dust」

[...Alright, I'll do it the way you prefer.] (Moriarty)

"OOOOi! Stop flirting!"「Kiana」

While swinging and admiring various landscapes from the height, they almost forgot about Kiana, who was now tirelessly chasing them, deftly leaping from one place to another.

The girl passed over rooftops, entered people's yards, leaped from tree to tree like a squirrel, and even landed on electric poles with the finesse of Uchiha Itachi.

"Hmm~ Parkour, huh? Reminds me of the past. Anyway, since you're technically the guardian of this World, do you know everything about my family in this world as well?"「El Dust」

[Yes, I know all about it. Be it the destiny and past of Machi in this world or the possible future that might unfold.] (Moriarty)

"With that much knowledge, I doubt you're just a Guardian, huhuhu. Can you tell me about the 'Zeimachi's' relationship with his sister in this World then?"「El Dust」

[Hmm, if it's the siblings' relation... I think it won't spoil some hint for future events. What do you want to know?] (Moriarty)

"Hoh? A spoiler alert? Now, this is a troubling matter. I take it back about my curiosity— oh?" El Dust

Although he almost heard snippets of the truth, unfortunately, a chain binding his legs disrupted those moments. The chain locked and halted his movements, even intending to pull him downward.

"Now you can swing no more!"「Kiana」

Kiana had also fastened the chain, taken from who knows where, to a sturdy tree that wouldn't easily be uprooted. This only strengthened her conviction that she had succeeded.

[Need my help?] (Moriarty)

"This much still fine, I just... huhuhu. Can you at least tell me Moriarty, within this world created through our wish... is that girl really my siblings? Let me hear it through your whisper."「El Dust」

Utilizing the energy gathered in her legs, the girl leaped and soared through the skies via the connected chain, aiming to reach him directly beneath his leg and grab it.

"And keep your face away from that girl! Got you!"「Kiana」

Seizing the opportunity while he was off guard due to Moriarty's whispers, Kiana smiled proudly, thinking she had captured the man successfully. Or so she thought, until the chain that served as the anchor suddenly came loose and shattered into pieces.

"Wha?! U-Uwaaah!?"「Kiana」

"Hold on tight, Kiana. You don't want to be a mashed tomato, right?" El Dust advised, a muse of amusement in his voice.

"I'm falling! I'm going to fall!" Kiana's panicked exclamations resonated in the air.

Kiana with her barely audible protests vehemently rejected the idea, unfortunately despite her objections the swinging continued. In a desperate frenzy, she dropped her baseball bat and clutched onto anything within reach, using both hands to prevent an imminent plunge.

Good for Kiana at least, because she managed to grab onto the swinging leg of her big brother, sparing her from an unceremonious fall and averting a potential disaster.

However, this act meant she was now part of the airborne journey.

[... El Dust, do Machi have some problems with his siblings?] (Moriarty)

"Kuku, well, if you look for them, you might find some."「El Dust」

Even though the girl wasn't your typical damsel, she would undoubtedly sustain some injuries if she were to fall from such a height and at that speed.

Moreover, Kiana was currently clad in her sleepwear, offering zero defense against potential harm.

El Dust comprehended both aspects well, but strangely, for reasons unknown, he had been observing Kiana's panicked expression since the beginning, as if savoring the sight of her distress rather than immediately addressing her plea for help.

"Huhuhu, what an amazing feat, isn't it? Bonds are truly an incredible thing," El Dust remarked, met with a scrutinizing gaze from Moriarty.

The girl still cradled in his arms knew everything about the inhabitants of that world, but it seemed a bit challenging for her to grasp the full meaning behind El Dust's words.

"Oi, Aniki! Enough with the nonsense talk and do something quickly! I'm your dear little sister, right?! What if I fall?!" Kiana pleaded.

"As my beloved little sister, you'll be just fine. Besides, this is all your doing isn't it?" El Dust responded with usual musing.

"Ugh, I don't need a lecture right now—waaahhh!?"「Kiana」

Continuing to swing and occasionally adding acrobatic twists to intentionally startle Kiana, El Dust carefully observed the ideal position to release her.

"Sorry, Moriarty, but please don't let go now. We're going to turn around for a moment."「El Dust」

[What about the details you wanted to hear earlier?] (Moriarty)

"Please wait until we're alone at least. I only want to hear your voice when you say it later," El Dust said with a wink, and the girl in his arms nodded while leaning her head closer.

"Somehow I feel pissed. What made that girl so attached to you?! And what's wrong with that creepy laugh?"「Kiana」

"Relax, dear little sister. Or I'll throw you right here right now, huhuhu," El Dust teased in muse.

Hearing his statement, Kiana tried to restrain the numerous protests she wanted to voice. This time, she felt that silence might be the better choice than taking a freefall to the ground.

Nevertheless, Kiana still expressed her frustration in silence by giving a few pinches on her brother's leg, which she held tightly.

"Excuse me? Dear Little sister?"「El Dust」

"Hmph! It's KIANA, what with that little sister this and little sister that! Are you making fun of me?"「Kiana」

Even though he had no intention of mocking Kiana at this moment, El Dust wasn't intending to tease Kiana further right now. The persona was still in a state of shock after hearing a few revelations from Moriarty.

If Kiana could be considered as not his sister.

"Huhu, just a little bit maybe?"「El Dust」

"What was that?! Once we get low enough make sure to square up or I'll push you down, stupid aniki!"「Kiana」

In his own thoughts, the persona felt reluctant to reveal the truth about the world to Kiana, who was also one of the inhabitants of that world. At least not for now.


Meanwhile, somewhere, a car was moving at a leisurely speed on the well-paved roads of the city.

Behind the wheel sat a middle-aged looking man, navigating the vehicle toward a particular destination. Seated with a neutral expression and devoid of any smile, his face, complemented by the glasses he wore, gave off an air of someone weary from work.

However, this plain demeanor shifted for a moment as he caught sight of an unusual sight through the car window.

"That was... Kiana and Machi-kun?"「Welt Yang」

As he drove through the streets visible through his glasses, Welt Yang, a notable figure in Honkaiverse with connections to the individuals he had just witnessed passing by, couldn't help but express his surprise.

"Father and daughter, both of them are quite wild. What are they doing so early in the morning? Shouldn't they be going to school?" 「Welt Yang」

For Welt Yang, he has a history with Siegfried in that world.

They were once adversaries, but now they are comrades. In reality, Siegfried is one of his co-workers and experienced friends whom he values. Thus, he has a close relationship with their children, including Kiana.

Despite this, there are some aspects of the recent scene that bother him.

Welt Yang pondered the recent events while driving, focusing on the young girl El Dust brought along and the peculiar tool he used. Was it a rope? But how could a rope materialize out of thin air?

Though thinking about such matters while driving was dangerous, Welt Yang couldn't shake off the recent occurrence.

"... That young one seems different too," Welt Yang thought.

Even though his eyes weren't as sharp as a young person's, he could discern that the rope El Dust used wasn't an ordinary one. The other end, or more precisely, the place where the rope emerged, looked strikingly similar to a crack originating from a dimensional space.

"Machi-kun shouldn't possess abilities to pierce through space or dimensions. Moreover, the figure accompanying him..." Welt Yang contemplated.

Back in the past, he had undertaken the task of individually assessing Siegfried's children, prompted by Siegfried's own insistence. Siegfried sought Welt Yang's perspective on his kids, hoping to gain insights from his friend.

From his evaluations, Welt Yang concluded that Bianca, the eldest sister, possessed numerous outstanding qualities within her. Her strengths ranged from physical and mental attributes to various "other" abilities. Much like her mother.

As for Sirin, Welt Yang recognized her as a diligent and intelligent child. Despite lacking exceptional physical abilities, she balanced it with Bianca in utilizing those "other" capabilities.

Contrarily, Kiana appeared to be the one most resembling Siegfried. He discovered that the girl lacked these "other" abilities, even though she exhibited robust health and physical well-being.

'Could he intentionally be hiding it? Or perhaps, has he encountered the 'Honkai'?' Welt Yang pondered while still driving on the road.

As for "Zeimachi" himself, the young man could be considered quite capable.

He demonstrated intelligence and wasn't lazy. However, similar to Kiana, Welt Yang didn't find any of those "other" abilities, or in other words, the Honkai within his body. He appeared to be an ordinary human, slightly above average.

Therefore, the relationship between Kiana and "Zeimachi" can be considered very close, whether in a rivalrous or shared fate within their family.

This has not led Sirin or Bianca to isolate the two of themO however.

On the contrary, their four-way relationship has grown even closer, thanks to "Zeimachi" serving as a figure who connects the three sisters, acting as a mediator.

Realizing the uneasy feeling gnawing at him, the bespectacled man attempted to contact someone. It took a moment for his call to be answered, and a voice responded.

"... It's me."「Welt Yang」

"[Oh? This voice, ahaha if it isn't Mr. Welt from Anti-Entropy. Nice to receive a call from an old business associate. How have you been? The last time we met, if I'm not mistaken, was when—]"

"I don't want to waste time with your nonsense, Overseer. There's something more important behind my dialing this number, Otto."「Welt Yang」

Welt Yang appeared to be suppressing a feeling resembling a mix of reluctance and annoyance on his face, suggesting that the person he addressed as the Overseer might not be someone he particularly liked.

"[Well, if that's the case, I've only had a bit of free time lately. What do you need?]" Overseer Otto

"I'll get straight to the point. Have you done something to Machi?"「Welt Yang」

"[Machi, by you mean, that Siegfried and Cecilia's adopted child? Ahaha, I haven't paid much attention to him after his relationship with Theresa ended. I'm more interested in his three sisters lately, but I haven't done anything to them. Why do you ask?]" Overseer Otto

"I see, that's all. I'll end the call."「Welt Yang」

The voice from the phone he held suddenly ended, just like how Welt Yang suddenly called him.

Sometimes he wondered about Welt Yang. Even though it was clear that he was older, the bespectacled man often seemed to disregard him entirely.

"Well, that's just my own assumption anyway."「Overseer Otto」 

Casually placing his mobile phone on the table, the figure referred to as Overseer leaned back into the chair's backrest.

He was Overseer Otto, situated in his office after ending the call with Welt Yang. The leader of an organization overseeing the region where "Zeimachi" and his family reside, who appears to harbor a curiousity for Siegfried's family.

There are certain things only he should know, and one of them is his heightened vigilance towards Siegfried's family. Particularly, "Zeimachi" residing there. Somehow, he always senses something peculiar when observing this seemingly ordinary youth in an extraordinary family.

Moreover, "Zeimachi" has had connections with figures named Theresa and Kallen back then, connections that even he couldn't unravel at the time. This reason alone suffices for Overseer Otto to keep a watchful eye on the young man's movements. 

Fortunately, in recent times, he had successfully distanced him from those two, making him not consider "Zeimachi" as a significant threat.

"Hmmm..."「Overseer Otto」

Although he previously appeared indifferent, in reality, he harbored curiosity about the name they had just discussed.

After shifting his chair closer to the desk, the blond-haired man pressed a button, revealing a projection screen containing various digital recordings and informational documents, ranging from traffic footage to flight paths.

"Ahahaha, so Theresa alone isn't enough for you; you even bring an unfamiliar girl romantically."「Overseer Otto」

He also reviewed the footage of the recent events, capturing the images of the trio swinging through the air like triple Tarzans in a circus act.

"It seems true that I cannot allow you to get close to Theresa, let alone Kallen. And with this evidence, I'm sure Theresa will distance herself further from this man, ensuring my success."「Overseer Otto」

A beautiful smile adorned his face as he observed the images before him. Once again reaching for his communication device, the entertained Overseer dialed a number stored in his favorites.




"So, Aniki, where are we going? Can we pass by a cafe or at least a restaurant first? I'm hungry~"「Kiana」

"Huhuhu, you're talking as if you're going to follow me anywhere. Besides, if you're hungry, why are you so determined to chase after me?"「El Dust」

"Eh? I am going to follow you! Moreover, Aniki, aren't you hungry too? I am hungry! And if I'm hungry, I might die, you know?!"「Kiana」

"Hmmh, a younger sister with many demands indeed. Why don't you just go back to your mother then?"「El Dust」

"Mama will scold me if I go back alone, that's why! You should come back and get scolded with me! Hehehe, I'm smart, right!"「Kiana」

Taking advantage of her improved position behind him, Kiana had now found herself in a more advantageous spot compared to swinging from his legs.

Thanks to some intentional moves El Dust made earlier, she managed to pull it off and promoted to behind his back. However, El Dust was a bit surprised by this change in her character. 'Where is the girl who was running on the rooftops before?' he thought, letting Kiana cling to him.

With a tight grip on her big brother's back, Kiana also frequently attempted to keep Moriarty away, much like a cat using her paws to swat her opponent.

[...] (Moriarty)


Seizing the shift from tense to thrilling moments, Kiana appeared to relax even though El Dust continued swinging using his rope. Her attention was more focused on the unfamiliar girl she had never encountered before, though Moriarty herself didn't pay much attention to the white tuna.

The three of them looked like a circus trio in mid-air, and El Dust seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere he was experiencing.

"Hey, what's with the rope? Is it one of your abilities? Why have I never seen you use it before?"「Kiana」

Hearing Kiana's question, El Dust felt it was an opportune moment to dig for some information.

"Curious aren't you? What about you, Kiana? What are your abilities?"「El Dust」

"Eh? Uhh, Aniki, did you hurt your head or something? Did you really forget that I don't have anything like that at all?"「Kiana」

"None at all?"「El Dust」

"Yep, Sirin told me if I'm muscle brain or somewhat, but I'm pretty much stronger than that little brat Sirin though! But if it's Bianca, I think I could fight to a draw, I think."「Kiana」

Hearing that response, El Dust became perplexed. In this world, was the use of powers based on the concept of "talents" or "blessings"? And what about the term "Honkai," which seemed to be associated with the girl quite often?

"How about me? Can you beat me?" El Dust asked.

"Just because I've never won in a spar against you, did you really think I can't beat you!?" Kiana retorted while letting out a shout nearby to his ear.

"Huhuhu, so you can't," El Dust chuckled to himself.

As he pondered inside his thought, 'But that's weird, if the "Zeimachi" in this world didn't have any of his arsenal like The Rope and The Scissor, then what was his power? How could he win against this girl?'

While enduring Kiana's playful banter due to being somewhat underestimated, El Dust continued to swing toward nearest place to drop Kiana. Moriarty, who had been listening to their conversation, then offered a bit of explanation through a whisper to El Dust's ear.

[(Whisper) Many things have been altered in the creation of this world. And to answer your confusion, in this world, Kiana is one of the world's driving figures. Do you understand the meaning of being a "World Initiator"?]

'I've learned much about them, though they're something more called "Protagonist" or "Main Character" than "World Initiator" as far as I know. But what does it have to do with what Kiana just said?'「El Dust」

[(Whisper) Ah, I see. Protagonist. Kiana can be considered one of those Protagonists. Her existence is expected by The Will of the World to move this world, and you can say, these are her youthful days.]

"Hey, what are you talking about? And, d-don't get too close, okay?!" Kiana tried to push away Moriarty that wouldn't even budge. This resilience had also surprised her.

[(Whisper) Like a scripted scenario, she's just yet to discover her true self. A young and naive hero, going through her days. And in her story, you, the so-called brother, are one of her dearest.]

El Dust nodded in understanding, as he listened to Moriarty's explanation.

The more he heard, the clearer it became to him how the workings of fate operated in that world.

It could be interpreted that, initially, the world was like a "home" made up of various random structures and materials provided by the designer. It had inhabitants, nations, cities, oceans, continents, and various other elements, much like a world understood by humans.

However, because The Will of the World or the builder of the "home" was also influenced by the desires of the personas (designers), the desired outcome of the "home" also changed slightly to accommodate their individual tastes.

A tangible example was Kiana, whose existence now resembled a "Wedge" or pillar supporting the world towards progress or the future. There were likely other "Wedges" in the world, explaining why the world continued to turn. However, El Dust didn't dwell too much on it.

"How could you hear her? Even I could barely hear her voice from here- Oi Aniki! Look up front!" Kiana warned as she saw a huge tree on their way, which they narrowly avoided.

Indeed, maneuvering in the air was not a problem for him, "This much is a simple task, Kuku. By the way, Kiana, do you know what Honkai is?"

"I know! Ehehe, I've been learning about it a lot! Honkai is... Honkai is, huh? Hmm, Honkai..." Kiana seemed to forget.

"Huhuhu, judging by your personality, are you sure you're studying and not just sleeping with your books open?" El Dust teased in muse.

"W-Wait! I know about it, it's just at the tip of my tongue! Uhhh, hmm..."「Kiana」

The girl tried her best to piece together words from the knowledge she had. Moriarty, observing this, intended to answer, but unfortunately, El Dust held back his intention to see how Kiana struggled.

"Well? Should I look on which tongue then?" El Dust teased again in muse.

"Fine! All I know is that Honkai is not good!"「Kiana」

Kiana genuinely struggled to recall the information she had, but unfortunately, it seemed she had to save the lengthy answer she had pieced together.

From the girl's behavior, El Dust could deduce that "Honkai" had a presence in that world. Knowing this, El Dust became even more impatient. Unfortunately, he had to restrain his desires because from a distance, he saw one of the girls he had seen earlier in the room.

"Hang on tight, we're going 180."「El Dust」

"What is 180- whhhuaaaahhhhaaa!?"「Kiana」

Not long after.

"Oiii, stupid Tunaaa! Onii-chan! Down here!"「Sirin」

After nose diving for only a few seconds, they were now at a close enough distance to hear the voices calling from the ground.

As Kiana, who had started to get used to the dizziness, tried to locate the source of the voices they just heard, there were Sirin and Bianca who had been trying to find them. Both of them seemed visibly worried.

"Ughh... see you on the ground."「Kiana」

Realizing the presence of her two sisters, Kiana enthusiastically jumped when given the chance and landed like a superhero in front of them.

Although both of her legs seemed to tremble slightly due to the impact she created herself, the girl still acted strong and raised her head in front of the two.

"Your trembling down there, idiot."「Sirin」

"I'm not!"「Kiana」

"Well, thankfully you two are fine. However, Kiana, did you... perhaps chase after brother while still in this outfit?"「Bianca」

After all this time, Kiana finally realized it.

At the moment, she was indeed wearing her sleepwear or pajamas. However with a nonchalant retort, "Ah, now that you say, I'm still in sleepwear," Kiana didn't seem to mind much because she felt it was not a big issue as long as she was careful.

However Bianca, the eldest of the three sisters sighed.

She felt it was one of her responsibilities to look after her reckless younger sister. She then handed her own coat to the white-haired girl

As she do so, the blonde-haired girl spoke up, "Kiana, we have to take care of our bodies. It's not just about food or strength but also about dignity. Isn't that right, brother?" She looked towards the person descending casually, holding a worn-out rope that was difficult to trace its end.

Seeing the peculiarities displayed by the worn out tool, Bianca sensed that something strange was happening with her brother. This feeling was intensified by the presence of Moriarty accompanying him.

"Well, you're right. I even saw some guys went silent when they saw a girl in sleepwear passing by while wielding a bat."「El Dust」

"You were running around with a baseball bat?"「Sirin」

"I-I lost it though..."「Kiana」

From El Dust's perspective, the last sister he finally got to met had a gaze filled with an unwavering soul and forwardness, akin to someone who had been educated through the paths of virtue and justice.

With just one look, he could imagine many things that this girl could accomplish.

When he realized that the three girls before him shared a sibling bond with him, El Dust felt like he was drowning in the past. Although there was a distance separating them, that's how he felt at the moment.

Observing how close they're, yet also knowing that there must be disagreements among them, El Dust seemed to feel proud of something unfolding before him.

[You feel proud?] (Moriarty)

"It's true, even if there's some power playing on the board, I've never forgotten this feeling when I saw my brother. Huhuhu, actually I'm a very caring big brother you know? But... never mind. Shall we go then?"「El Dust」

Lowering Moriarty from his embrace, El Dust gently held the girl's hand. The girl, seemingly being escorted blushed slightly with the warmth in her grasp.

[Where're we going next?] (Moriarty)

"If we're using scenario settings, what chapter are we in?"「El Dust」

[Hmm, still in the beginning, I think. Based on what I know, this is the beginning where you and Kiana entered the same school.] (Moriarty)

"Chapter one, our beginning huhuhu. The start where all began, the fresh first page of a heroic tale. How exhilarating."「El Dust」

While they continued their conversation, they failed to notice the three sisters who were now observing them. Unfortunately, the sisters found it difficult to hear what El Dust and Moriarty were saying due to the low volume of their conversation.

The two of them seemed intentionally speaking with their lowered tones.

[Do you want to jump to some event that should be triggered later? Or in this case, jump to the next chapter?] (Moriarty)

"That sounds like a good proposal, well done, young lady."「El Dust」

It was indeed a good idea according to El Dust. Although he didn't fully understand the scenarios of RPG games, he realized it would be intriguing to explore events that should not be known yet.

"Kukuku, this reminds me of when my brother, I mean Zeimachi, used to roam freely all over the place. This memory that he used for me is one of the many treasured moments in my core huhuhu."「El Dust」

[He has always been like that since long ago, huhu. Ah, looks like I've also caught it from you.] (Moriarty)

"So it would seem, young lady."「El Dust」

[Just Moriarty is enough.] as the timeless girl spoke with a thin smile for her dearest.

With their flashback session concluded, El Dust and Moriarty turned away to proceed to their next destination. However, escaping now wouldn't be as easy for the two of them.

"Ah! You're not running away again!"「Kiana」

"Brother, home is that way. Sirin, can you call father and mother if we're right here?"「Bianca」

"... Don't worry, mom and dad are on their way. I'm more interested in that girl, who is she? Why is she... being so close to you?"「Sirin」

This was the expected outcome – if one was challenging to escape from, then three would certainly make it even more difficult. Additionally, the three sisters each displayed distinct characters and approaches to the current situation.

While Kiana attempted to approach with a pouting face, Bianca on the other hand remained vigilant, giving El Dust and Moriarty stern looks. Meanwhile, Sirin stood out with a different demeanor. For some reason, she had a gaze that seemed ready to kill.

Furthermore, El Dust sensed something approaching their location. Though he couldn't identify what it was, he speculated that it might be the individuals Sirin had called – possibly their parents.

'Is it true?'「El Dust」

[(Whisper) The one approaching are Siegfried of Kaslana and Cecilia of Schariac. In this world, they can be considered your parents. Then, there's also Welt Yang.] (Moriarty)

'Wait a moment, do you also know how they adopted me?'「El Dust」

[(Whisper) Do you want to hear why?] (Moriarty)

After careful consideration, El Dust decided not to know. He didn't want to experience the same feeling as when he learned the truth about the three sisters, a truth Moriarty had whispered to him earlier where he's an adopted child of that family.

Especially with the three sisters approaching him now.

"Brother, the distance between you two is too close. What are you talking about? What if we join in to listen?"「Bianca」

"That's right! That's right! Stop flirting!"「Kiana」


It seems they want to forcibly separate Moriarty, who has been holding hands affectionately with their brother, whether out of concern or jealousy. They seem to dislike Moriarty, who has been quiet and serene with a blushing face while never letting go of his hand.

And amid the tension, a car arrives, previously driven by Welt Yang.

Along with Siegfried and Cecilia who shows up.

It all began when Siegfried and Cecilia went separate ways with Bianca and Sirin.

At that moment, they were trying to catch up with Kiana, who was following El Dust, not expecting to encounter Welt Yang, who seemed to be in a hurry.

They were also instructed to get into the car, and then Welt Yang explained his suspicions about the girl he saw with their son at that time. That's how it all unfolded.

"Thankfully we're in time, Machi-kun! Stay away from that girl, you don't know who you're dealing with."「Welt Yang」

"Son, listen to uncle Welt and put the lady down so we're all good okay?"「Siegfried」

The actions of the two men are more or less the same; they intend to separate the two of them. This confuses El Dust, who is still unaware of anything.

"No way I could let go of this one, can I? I mean, huhuhu... she's pretty latched to me." El Dust may be confused, but that doesn't mean he will show his confusion.

Intentionally hugging Moriarty towards his chest, El Dust triggers a series of responses that are increasingly displeased with his actions, except for one person, Cecilia.

His adoptive mother in that world appears rather worried and approaches with the intention of talking to him.

"Machi, and you girls as well. Why don't we talk about this at home? It's fine, right, Ziggy? Mr. Welt? Because he doesn't seem to intend anything dangerous."「Cecilia」

"But Cecilia, did you hear Welt's explanation just now? That girl is likely connected to Honkai."「Siegfried」

However, Cecilia doesn't seem to immediately judge Moriarty negatively. She, in fact, becomes more curious about the story of the green-eyed girl.

"In that case, how about we just ask her directly? Hey, what is your name?"「Cecilia」

Of course, this makes Welt Yang a bit uneasy, given how unfamiliar the situation is for him. Unlike Siegfried, who is accustomed to Cecilia's behavior.

[...Moriarty.] (Moriarty)

"So it's Moriarty-chan then? My name is Cecilia, Machi-kun's mother. Nice to meet you!"「Cecilia」

[Yes, nice to meet you. Mother dearest.] (Moriarty)

Cecilia's words flowed gently and amiably as she drew closer to them. Her warmth was not lost on Moriarty, and the atmosphere seemed to soften despite the tension.

"Who did you call 'mother,' huh!? Mama is not your mom—" Kiana interjected.

"Kiana, not now," Bianca gently reprimanded.

"Sit tight while mom is talking," Sirin added, maintaining a stern tone.

Putting aside the three sisters, Cecilia resumed the conversation with a sense of understanding and patience.

"Whoaa! You have a cute face and a cute voice all together! How old are you, Moriarty-chan? Could it be you're the same age as Machi-kun?" Cecilia exclaimed.

[The same age... you could say that? But, maybe I'm a little older.] Moriarty responded.

"Ah, so you're older. That Machi-kun, always surprising Mama with his taste~" Cecilia teased.

"H-Huhuhu," El Dust mused nervously.

With a playful intention Cecilia laughed a bit, directing a puzzled look at El Dust who seemed equally perplexed.

'You're older than me? By how much?'「El Dust」

[ ... Secret.] Moriarty lowered her head, seemingly unwilling to disclose that information at the moment.

"Eh? What did you just say, Moriarty-chan? It was a bit hard to hear. Your voice is so cute; could you say it a bit louder?" Cecilia requested.

[Secret.] she still didn't want to look on their eyes.

Unexpectedly, Cecilia's gentle approach proved effective. The figure he initially perceived as potentially dangerous was now engaged in peaceful conversation without any issues. For now Welt Yang thought she's not dangerous.

As for Welt Yang and Siegfried, who had been observing, they joined the conversation and inquired about the main issue at hand.

"Then let me ask our main concern, you who are known as Moriarty."「Welt Yang」

"Yeah, what is your relationship with my son? Have you two kissed yet? And when will the baby come?" Siegfried confidently threw these words, which were met with wicked smiles from Cecilia, Bianca, Kiana, and Sirin.

"Ahem, not that. Where did you come from? Why are you here? And if you heard just now, what do you know about Honkai? For now, I'm asking you to answer these before I can put my trust in you." Welt Yang clarified.

For a moment, Moriarty glanced at El Dust with the answers to those questions reflected in her eyes. If he's being okay with it, Moriarty would proceed to answer Welt Yang's inquiries.

However, if El Dust opposed, Moriarty would remain silent and continue to stand by his side. Moreover, she would need to find the right opportunity to deliver the "Key" to him in this world.

Moriarty had forgotten to give it earlier, not anticipating that they would be swinging through the skies together, especially with the unexpected presence of Kiana with them.

As if grasping the unfolding situation, El Dust's smile widened.

Swiftly, he clapped his hands together, injecting an electric current of tension into the air. A palpable sense of panic and uncertainty gripped the surroundings. Because from the beginning, El Dust had no intention of returning to the place called home.

"Wha?! These thing!"「Kiana」

Following the script, numerous dimensional rifts manifested around them. The cracks multiplied beyond finger-counting, shrouding them in an enigmatic dance. It became challenging to discern what lay beyond these fractures.

Emerging from the crevices spawned by the dimensional rifts, The Rope darted forth, obedient to El Dust's command. It swiftly ensnared everyone present, Moriarty being the sole exception.

"You're going in pain when I'm out of this, as if these things could... these things could...crap what these things made of?!"「Siegfried」

"Onii-chan! What're you doing!?" Sirin exclaimed, bewildered and trapped by the unexpected turn of events.

"It'll release on its own. But until that time comes, please don't look for us. The girl and I need some time alone, you know, huhuhu," El Dust declared as he and Moriarty began to depart, the ultimate destination obscured by uncertainty.

Nevertheless, Moriarty The Timeless girl, unhesitatingly followed.

"Khuuh... this is stronger than I thought," Welt Yang expressed his struggle with the bindings.

"Wait, brother. Is that the only reason you're doing this? Are you sure the girl isn't influencing your mind?" Bianca questioned, expressing her concern.

Hearing that, El Dust just smiled and waved at his blonde little sister before departing and bidding his farewell.

"Siblings' bonds are very peculiar indeed," El Dust remarked.

Leaving them all restrained and struggling to break free, El Dust glanced back to see what kind of reactions they were displaying. The persona found amusement in the faces filled with confusion and frustration. 

"???"「El Dust」

Except for Cecilia, who, for some unknown reason, seemed to be suffering more than the others, even though El Dust was sure he didn't bind them too tightly.

There was an oddity in Cecilia's behavior when she heard the phrase "Siblings' bonds."

The mother seemed to freeze as a sudden wave of emotions surged within her. It was as if a heavy burden weighed down on her mind and soul, and Cecilia appeared to be grappling with some regret from her past.

Although El Dust wouldn't be aware of this, as he had already left the scene.

"Machi... could it be, you already found out..." Cecilia murmured, her voice carrying a mix of emotions. She fell silent, watching the two of them depart and disappear from her view.




A few minutes later, all the rope bindings automatically loosened and vanished back into the dimensional rift from which they emerged.

I forgot the next part, so I decided to stop there.

Maybe I'll remember it later.

See ya

Edit: Pardon me, it's becoming too much enlargement within these chapters.

And Moriarty in here is not that "Moriarty" or that "Moriarty".

Strunomcreators' thoughts