
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · その他
147 Chs

Dedication for an unyielding purpose.

「Azur Lane Academy : Royal Navy Dormitory」

"(Whisper) Valiant for homeland and maintaining Royal protégée, accompanied with Vanguard who'll be on stand-by along with her and Wales who'll be on her side, this one from Warspite."「Queen Elizabeth」

"(Whisper) Our meeting with the other faction head's went far smoother than what I expected. Hopefully this peace will last long until the next Siren raid, this is from George."「Queen Elizabeth」

"(Whisper) Based from what we gained... our first priority is to explore the restoration of nearby town, since this port has been successfully passed 70% rebuilding progress. Along with the other girls from different faction, I think it'll be a good chance to relieve the mood of several ship girls who've just opened their eyes. This is from Belfast."「Queen Elizabeth」

On a typical sunny day, amidst the lively atmosphere resonating with jokes and laughter from the Royal Navy ship girls diligently preparing themselves, one particular ship girl who was called as Queen Elizabeth was in the middle of assessing some paper work at the top of her desk.

"(Whisper) And then about that commander, huh? So far that servant has done much task despite he still didn't received his formal promotion, and if what Javelin with her friends said about the other world and the darkness that enveloped the entirety of island are true... those people from HQ will not just standing by."「Queen Elizabeth」

"This one report was from Hood and Sheffy... There's also this one from Illustrious about that little girl as well. Then there's resume from faction's head meeting... *Sigh* There're still so many to handle..."「Queen Elizabeth」

Diligently sorting one document onto another, Queen Elizabeth who was doing all of that within her personal room looked very studious. As not only she's the leader of her faction, but she's also someone who bear a title of Queen. Such tedious task was befitting of her for that royal title.


"Oh... door is not locked."「Queen Elizabeth」

Not long after a piece of paper flowed down from her hand to the other side of her desk, the sound of her front door being knocked made Queen Elizabeth's attention diverted to the arrival of the figure she had been waiting for.

"(Excuse me her majesty, may I come in?)"「Belfast」

"Bel?! — *Cough* I mean, step inside Belfast. I've been awaiting for your presence."「Queen Elizabeth」

Receiving the answer of her question, Belfast who was one of the very recognizable figure within Royal Navy Maid corps, took a step and another into the room of her queen.

Back then, Belfast was one of the ship girl who has been awakened from her slumber along with several other girls. Thankfully with the days that has been passed, looks like Belfast has gained some of her lost vigor.

"My greetings to you, Your majesty. Today I bring you Royal specialties for this morning."「Belfast」

Stepping in with utmost respect and courtesy, Belfast entered the room accompanied by a rolling trolley with a specially prepared treats of Royal Navy delicacies, featuring the quintessential English tea and delectable pastries.

"Hum! Good morning as well Belfast, thank you very much for your hard work. So what do we have here?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"Yes your majesty, very well then. This we have..."「Belfast」

Just like a seasoned maid who've been trained with her linguistic art, she describe each food in a perfect synchrony. In addition, Belfast also didn't forget to explain how each of those dishes came to the creation, including the origins of their ingredients.

Those description is not only an attempt to praise the skill of the chef who has been cooking in the kitchen, but also to acknowledge and praise Mother Nature for her kindness in providing such extraordinary ingredients.

"O-Oh... so its the usual black tea and cake... right?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"To put it simply yes, your majesty."「Belfast」

Maybe Queen Elizabeth herself felt that Belfast's explanation was too exaggerated so she mentioned it directly, but yes, those're nothing more than some English tea and a cake.

And maybe... for people who know how a royal queen is, the scene looks strange.

Because basically in continental food's table manners, there are procedures and sequences for eating that are good and right. Which generally starts from appetizer, soup, main course and dessert.

It is quite unfortunate that the items are currently in scarce supply, leaving Queen Elizabeth in a predicament.

Being a queen who values humility and doesn't wish to appear extravagant in the eyes of her struggling subjects, she has made the choice to embrace self-sufficiency, or at least she is attempting to do so.

"This is why I said you need to take another break, and I've read about your proposal right here. If you really want to enjoy the sightseeing of city, then why not? I could give you permit for that."「Queen Elizabeth」

As Queen Elizabeth delicately pierced the slices of cake with her fork, she continued to shower Belfast with good words from one to another. But before she took a bite from that slices, the queen decided to take a sip from the tea which had reached a temperature suitable for her refined palate.

"Thank you very much for your majesty consideration."「Belfast」

"Well I have talked about this problem with the other head faction. Sakura Empire and Northern Parliament agreed to it instantly, while Iron Blood, Sardegna Epire, Vichya Dominion and Iris Libre are still recovering their inner structure."「Queen Elizabeth」

While waving a report containing an unfinished summary from the meeting she previously attended, Queen Elizabeth yawned slightly as she blinked her eyes. Judging from her attitude, it seemed that the meeting was quite a long and troublesome one.

"I'm sorry if I'm being insolence but, is it really fine to tell such important intel for me your majesty?"「Belfast」

And for reminder of the city they're talking about, the name of that city is the City of Rite or Rite Town. Formerly it was inhabited with many human who lived in that area, and it was also the closest town with Azur Lane Academy as well.

However thanks to Sakura Zeimachi that place has become a ghost town.

"Its fine why not? Beside we've agreed to spew some things for everyone, you're not the only one who'll hear this news. Then there's also Dragon Empery and Eagle Union who didn't particularly care about that city, well... this is the thing that I can't tell you, so it be like that!"「Queen Elizabeth」

Upon hearing the extensive explanation provided by Queen Elizabeth who was seated in a relaxed manner, Belfast respectfully lowered her head as a gesture of gratitude for being informed.

Besides that she also felt a little relieved, because with the permit has been granted, Belfast could repay her debt when she couldn't work to her utmost limit as the head maid.

Even though she knew if it was because of her slumber, Belfast realized that she needed to regain a lot more things ever since Sheffield poked if she was getting a little bit rusty. Therefore she intends to use this chance to shape herself again.

For a brief moment, Queen Elizabeth remained silent taking a moment to catch her breath after the lengthy speech. Meanwhile Belfast, the maid who continued to serve her queen gracefully, noticed the queen's empty cup and directed her attention towards it.

"Though... are you sure you won't take some more day off? Because compared to the other— Ack! S-Sorry Belfast! I don't really mean to!"「Queen Elizabeth」

As the head maid heard concern that has been glossed over within Queen Elizabeth's words, some fragmented memories resurfaced again in her mind. Some memories that she deemed to be the result of her failed attempt in disciplining her previous master.

Indeed, she still can't forget that sinister nightmare, but it doesn't mean she can't move on from those scar. Just like many ship girls who're still trying to move on from their scar, Belfast is trying to walk another step toward her future as well.

"Please don't be worried about me, I can't allow myself to do nothing when everyone in the port is trying their best to restore this place to shine. Furthermore, it's my pleasure to serve your majesty."「Belfast」

If Queen Elizabeth's concern for Belfast had to be described, then lets start it like this. Compared to the other maid, Belfast was pretty popular. Be it in the "real" world, nor when she had to endure her "three night of hell".

Not only she possessed those voluptuously body that could captivate and arouse the desires of many boys and man, but her striking beautiful appearance, refined demeanor along with her elegant mannerism could drive them to be crazy with their lust for her.

Ripping off her maid uniform, pulling her hair to the ground, choking her neck until she couldn't catch enough air, roleplaying as a kidnapped maid of an aristocrat master, or any such heinous act.

That is why Queen Elizabeth expressed deep concern for the head maid, when she recalled Belfast's last expression before she got scrapped by those boy and men.

"Please don't put such face her majesty, just like the other girls, I've received something far more precious. Please have another serve of tea."「Belfast」

"Oh thanks Bel!"「Queen Elizabeth」

"It is an honor to have been of assistance to you."「Belfast」

As Belfast served her queen tea and delicious cakes in the same manner of elegance, she was delighted by Queen Elizabeth's smile, watching in awe as the queen's delicate mouth gently tasted a piece of cake from her plate.

Belfast was seemed to be very amused by the cute expression of her queen, be it when she tried to act like a queen when she realized someone at the front door, until how she's nibbling on those sweets.

"Something wrong?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"It's nothing major, but there's something on your majesty left cheek. Please don't move while I clean it."「Belfast」

"A-Ack?! It's fine so you don't need to."「Queen Elizabeth」

With utmost care, Belfast retrieved her handkerchief and gently wiped away the specks of cake that adorned Queen Elizabeth's face, a consequence of the few delectable slices she had indulged in.

As she completed this act of assistance, a wave of nostalgia washed over Belfast, evoking memories of someone from her dream, which right now... is currently in the middle of his training with Enterprise alter and the feasty haired girl.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

「Exercise area」

That area served as the battlefield where the ship girls unleashed thunderous cannon roars, releasing volleys of torpedoes in rapid succession. They fearlessly confronted formations of striking airplanes, engaging in fierce aerial combat.

Simply put, it was a place where their turrets rained down an unrelenting barrage of firepower, or launching an all-out assault against any opposing force as a form of their exercise.

Of course, since the area was specially designed for ship girls to train and make use of their rigging, the practice area in question covered a large expanse of open water that was within the jurisdiction of the friendly territory of Azur Lane.

"... What's the matter? Is that the extent of your strength?" (Sakura Zeimachi?)

And now, precisely when no other ship girls were using the training area, three individuals found themselves engaged in their own training exercises.

"... I can still move."「Enterprise?」

One of them was the ship girl who previously managed to catch up to her commander who was heading to the practice area. She possessed short white hair that barely reached just her chest, adding a distinctive traits to her "wounded" appearance.

She's the Enterprise who probably had entered her META-fication process. Because not only her appearance has changed from her former self, her rigging have also took a drastic change as well.

"Can you?"「Enterprise?」

Her rigging, in the form of a bow and flight deck that is firmly attached to her side, is a form of her seriousness in following the training.

Complemented by the determined gaze in her eyes which remains unfriendly with the concept of surrender, Enterprise who stood tall once again, turned her attention to a girl who exhibited an equally unwavering resolve, refusing to yield.

"[Yes.]" (Hylia)

With a simple yet resolute response, the girl's determination was unmistakable. Her crimson hair swayed in the air as she gracefully drew her sword, poised to confront the man standing before her.

"Good, the next one will be the final. Summon all your strength and give it everything you've got. Resist it." (Sakura Zeimachi?)

The time for conversation had come to an end, and both girls, now standing firmly on their own feet with unwavering confidence, prepared themselves to face their opponent once again.

Throughout their trial and error, this opponent had relentlessly tried to overcome them, but now, the two girls were ready to confront and defeat him once and for all.


Radiating a luminous gleam in her eyes, Enterprise grip her bow tightly and assuming a defensive stance in anticipation of any forthcoming attacks.

"[Ready.]" (Hylia)

With an immense concentration of red lightning and scorching flames now tightly compressed within the tip of her sword, Hylia, fully attuned to her crimson form, stood prepared to unleash a devastating opening attack whenever the opportune moment arrived.

"You done yet? Now let's begin... Astra Sphere." (Sakura Zeimachi?)

Sakura Zeimachi's chilling voice sent shivers down their spines, causing both of them to become even more tense than before. As they observed the floating spherical object in unison, their eyes met for a brief moment, exchanging an unspoken understanding.

Those two girl glanced at each other before they entered the next session of their training.

However, in an instant, their vision was engulfed by darkness, the same darkness they had encountered before, leaving them in a state of uncertainty.


"[Over here. Don't step too far.]" (Hylia)

The darkness threatened to separate them, but Hylia managed to grasp Enterprise's arm just in time, preventing their separation. Both of them remained on high alert, expecting an imminent attack. However, despite their anticipation, no assault came their way.

The silence and absence of any impending threat left them puzzled and uncertain of what lay ahead. That was the state they found themselves in, uncertain and perplexed, before a point of light began to shimmer in the distance, emanating a gentle glow that caught their attention.

"A strange light fills the room... and the Twilight is shining through the barrier... so It seems your journey is finally over... and upon realizing this fact, you're filled with determination." (Sakura Zeimachi?)

"..." Enterprise

"[...]" (Hylia)

"Enterprise, Hylia... It was nice to meet you. So now..." (Sakura Zeimachi?)

Amidst the lingering uncertainty, their training had reached its final phase, at least for that day.

"GOOD BYE!" (Sengoku)

Hmm what should I write... lately I can't think much.

Ah! Somehow I almost reached 200 collection, I think I've reach another milestone of mine.

And then... Oh right, Ryza thigh... Hmm? Why Ryza's thigh suddenly got pictured so clear in my mind? Hmmm...


See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts