
The Sniper

Magic does not exist

I would've kept believing that for the rest of my life. Perhaps I could've had a normal death. Perhaps if I didn't believe the owl which became a girl in front of me, I could've been okay. Yet, I actually did not regret saying that I'd help her. Even though nothing about her story made sense, there was something about it that made me feel that it was true.


I'm currently serving in the 404th Infantry Battalion as a sniper. I was renowned for being lethal from a kilometer away. Scopeless

My comrades always called me a grim reaper, I just chalked it up to good practice. The truth? Whenever I aimed my rifle, a small circle pops up in my mind, giving more information about wind speed and the rest of the related shooting information, along with a voice that tells me when and where to shoot. I just ignore that and called it talent.

My name?

Oh, It's Matt Ravenclaw

That girl, Cy (short for Cyril) Slytherin, called me the last scion of the house of Ravenclaw.

Before I shot her leg, that is.