
Last Mission ABO Dimension.

"Hearts in the Dark: Between Doubts and Desires" follows the story of two friends and a criminal who are transported to a world where secrets from the past and fears of the future collide, shaping the destiny of men destined to "not" meet. Damián, a hardened ex-mercenary scarred by life's hardships, suddenly finds himself linked to Adam, a powerful Alpha Prime. But while Adam yearns to explore the possibilities of love and a new world, Damián finds himself trapped in a spiral of distrust and self-doubt. He doesn't believe in the promises of a different future, nor in the possibility of finding redemption in the arms of another man. As Damián and Adam struggle to overcome the barriers that separate them, their journey intertwines with the story of Aster and Callum, whose own romance blooms amidst the shadows of uncertainty. While Aster and Callum defy societal conventions and embrace the intensity of their forbidden love, Damián faces his own inner demons, struggling to find the trust needed to fully surrender to the other. As the paths of these two couples cross and intertwine, they discover that the true power of love lies in self-acceptance and the courage to trust the unknown. In a world where the past threatens to consume the present and the future seems uncertain, love reveals itself as the guiding light in their darkness, showing them that together, they can find the peace and redemption they so desperately seek.

Lee_8053 · LGBT+
104 Chs

Memoirs, 97

Clarice woke up in her room with a strange feeling of discomfort, as if something was out of place. When she opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by walls that were unfamiliar, but something seemed wrong. A dense fog enveloped her memories, leaving her confused and disoriented.


She tried to remember what had happened, but her mind seemed treacherous, unable to focus on any specific thought. A sense of panic began to grow inside her as she desperately tried to piece together the fragments of her memory.


"What happened?" she muttered to herself, her voice echoing in the oppressive silence of the room.


"You're awake, at last," Beatrice said, her voice soft but charged with a seriousness that made Clarice's heart race.


Clarice struggled to find the right words, a sense of apprehension coming over her. "What happened to me? Why am I here?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty and her eyes teary with tears.


Beatrice hesitated for a moment, as if pondering how to approach the delicate subject.

Sarah Campbell intervened; "You've been in an accident, Clarice. It was serious, but you're safe now," she explained, choosing her words carefully.


At that moment, the door opened softly, revealing the figures of Jared, his father, and Oliver, his brother. Jared's face wore a mixture of relief and concern, while Oliver was visibly shaken, with some injuries to his face.


"Clarice, you're awake!" said Jared, his voice choked with emotion. He approached the bed, followed by Oliver, whose eyes reflected a mixture of concern and relief.


Clarice struggled to find the right words, a sense of apprehension coming over her. "What happened to me? Why am I here?" she asked, her voice shaking with uncertainty and tears beginning to roll down her face.


Jared exchanged a quick glance with Oliver before answering, choosing his words carefully. "You've been in an accident, dear. It was serious, but you're safe now," she explained, trying to convey comfort despite the gravity of the situation.


In the private hospital room next door, Damián walked into the hospital with firm steps, his determination reflected in his every move, and was directed to a private waiting room. Her eyes scanned the waiting room and found Lady Elizabeth, accompanying Greta May, Taylor's mother.


Lady Elizabeth couldn't help but smile at the sight of Damián, her expression brightened by his presence. However, Greta's reaction was more restrained, her eyes showing a mixture of a thorough and reserved visual examination.


While Lady Elizabeth greeted Damian with some enthusiasm, Greta maintained a more reserved posture, her mind immersed in conflicting thoughts.


She knew that Damián had played a key role, directly or indirectly, in her daughter's hospitalization and that, in a way, he was connected to Adam Kadman's world. This generated a series of contradictory emotions and events in Taylor's life.


On the one hand, Greta felt a deep gratitude to Lady Elizabeth Kadman for helping her daughter at such a critical time. However, there was also a certain amount of distrust and resentment towards his involvement with Adam Kadman and all the complexity that entailed.


As Damián approached, Greta tried to reconcile these opposing feelings. She knew that regardless of her personal reservations, the Kadman family deserved her recognition and respect for having been a crucial support to her family in a time of need.


Damián's psyche understood Greta May's gaze, and he returned with understanding and empathy, acknowledging the complexity of the situation.


"Damián approached Greta May with an expression full of understanding and hope, radiating a positive energy that transcended the difficulties of the moment." His approach was respectful, gentle, and serene.


"Mrs. May," Damián began gently, "I am a firm believer in Taylor's strength and resilience. She has an uncanny ability to overcome obstacles, and I'm sure she'll come out of this stronger than ever."


Lady Elizabeth, standing next to Damián, nodded with a reassuring smile. "You're absolutely right, Damián. Taylor is a remarkable young woman, and her determination is inspiring.


We are here to support you every step of the way. I believe her recovery will be a testament to her incredible inner strength and the love that surrounds her."

Damián and Lady Elizabeth's words echoed in Greta May's heart, offering her a ray of hope amidst the darkness of uncertainty.


Even in eloquent silence, Emeline in a gesture of affection. When he came out of the private room, Damián spotted Oliver, the cuts caused by broken glass and the accident were visible.


Damián approached with a sympathetic look. "Oliver, I'm sorry for what happened to Clarice and Taylor. I'm here to visit Taylor, and I've been happy with the progress of her recovery."


"I'm trying to understand how this all happened. It's hard to believe that something like this could happen to people so close to us."


Oliver emphasized, "I know it's a difficult time for everyone, but I'm determined to find out who's behind it. We will leave no stone unturned. We will search for the suspect, dead or alive."


Oliver, feeling an eerie sense of familiarity or confidence when he looked at Damián, felt more inclined to talk to him, even if he didn't initially understand why.

He continued talking, devoting attention to Damián: "It was hard, I saw how life can change before our eyes in an instant."


Damián showed interest, wanting to know more about the case. "It's a scary story of letters and threats. It's a story that makes us judge in different ways. Do you believe you're a hacker?"


Oliver looked at him, and attentively questioned, "How do you know?"


Damián replied cautiously and calmly: "Adam confides in me. He's very worried about everything that's going on. Adam wants everything to be sorted out as soon as possible."


Oliver hesitated for a moment; his brows furrowed slightly as he pondered the words. "I'm not sure what's going on or what the motivation behind it all is, but investigations are pointing to a pattern of mental insanity."


Damián nodded, showing his understanding. "I see. It's strange, especially considering that no other family members were attacked."


"Yes, that's what we're trying to find out," Oliver agreed, his expression serious as he reflected on the recent findings.


Damián continued with genuine interest, his expression attentive. "Is there anything new in the investigation?"


Oliver sighed before answering, his expression worried. "Investigations are taking the line that the attacks may be a form of manipulation, an attempt to instill fear and chaos."


Before the conversation could progress, Gunnar approached, his countenance charged with hostility as he watched Damián. He couldn't believe the audacity of the omega before him, visiting the hospital as if nothing had happened. Gunnar felt a whirlwind of emotions, but hatred prevailed.


Gunnar struggled to stem the tide of resentment that consumed him. He relived the past in his mind, the painful memories mingling with the present anger. His thoughts drifted back to his family, to the fragile foundation that crumbled in the presence of an intruding omega. Years later, the same misfortune her mother went through was repeating itself. Her sister was also facing the dreaded exchange.


Damián's presence only intensified Gunnar's emotions, arousing a burning desire for retribution. He was determined to make Damián pay for the suffering he had caused his family, no matter what the cost. Taylor's place was next to Adam Kadman's.


For Gunnar Damián he was the omega transgressor, who brought with him a punishment, of sentimental and social order, against Taylor.


Oliver was talking to Damián when Gunnar approached. His tense expression did not go unnoticed by the other two.


"Gunnar, it's good to see you," Oliver greeted, trying to divert attention from the tense atmosphere in the air.


Gunnar nodded in response, his grim face revealing the internal battle he was waging. He forced a smile, trying to hide the fire of his true feelings.


Oliver immediately noticed the tension and decided to take action. "Gunnar, good news, Taylor woke up a few hours ago. It's recovering quickly," he said, hoping the news would bring some relief to Gunnar.


Gunnar's eyes lit up for a moment before he turned to Damián. A wave of resentment threatened to boil over, but he struggled to keep it under control.


"Damián, it would be great if you could visit Clarice. I think it would be comforting for her to understand that people mobilize and care about her," Oliver suggested, dispelling the tension in the air.


Damián hesitated for a moment, feeling the pressure implied by Oliver's suggestion. He knew he shouldn't turn down the invitation. With Clarice recovering in the hospital, he should raise the white flag of peace.


"Of course, Oliver. Thank you for the invitation. "I'm going to visit her right now," Damián replied, accepting the offer with a sincere smile.


Gunnar watched in silence as Damián walked away with Oliver. A mixture of emotions roiled his insides, but he forced himself to keep his composure.


Callum had arrived a few minutes earlier, finding Clarice's room shrouded in tense silence, as if the very walls were containing the weight of the emotions present.


However, the atmosphere was also filled with a sense of relief and gratitude for Clarice's recovery. Sarah Campbell, Beatrice Phillips, Mallet Campbell, Robert Phillips, and Jared Phillips occupied the space. Their expressions were a reflection of the mixture of concern and jubilation they shared.


Gently, Callum took hold of Clarice's hand, wrapping her in his arms in a gesture of protection and comfort. The touch did not go unnoticed by the others present, who watched with a mixture of surprise and understanding.


Clarice's eyes sparkled with restrained tears, her breathing choppy as she allowed herself to be supported by the comforting warmth of Callum's arms. It was a moment of vulnerability and solace, a temporary refuge from the emotional storms that were raging against her.


As he murmured soft words of comfort to Clarice, promising that everything would be okay and that she needed to rest, Callum felt the weight of Damián's gaze as he entered the room.


Her presence brought with it additional tension, especially for Beatrice Phillips, who was imbued with jubilation at Clarice's recovery and her close relationship with Callum, her ex-fiancé. But now she felt a pang of concern about the relationship between Damián and Aster.


A veil of guilt and discomfort enveloped Callum, his conscience heavy at the unfolding scene. Damián's gaze was quick but implied; "I'm going to tell Aster everything."


The reactions of the others present were also evident: Sarah and Beatrice exchanged worried glances, Mallet and Robert seemed to understand the connection between Callum and Clarice as a simple point of view, between people who have known each other for years. While Jared watched silently, his expression reflecting a mixture of relief and apprehension.


Damián approached cautiously, his serious gaze absorbing the complexity of the situation. When a question arises, Callum switches sides, and on the other side is Aster, his friend.


Greeting those present with a respectful nod, he sensed the palpable tension in the air and knew he had to act sensitively in the face of the delicate dynamic between Callum and Clarice.


He was a mercenary, almost regenerated in his past life. To him, being flawless was simply the role he played all his life.


With a gentle greeting, Damián addressed Clarice. "Hello, Clarice. I am glad to hear of his recovery and that there is no longer a risk to his health." Clarice's watchful eyes watched him, still holding Callum's hand.


When Clarice carefully observed the young man who had just entered with her brother. Her exotic features were enhanced by the pink freckles that flecked her cheeks, contrasting charmingly with her pale amber eyes, whose blue hues on the outside added a hypnotic depth to her gaze. A lush diamond bracelet adorned his wrist, gleaming discreetly under the sleeves of his black cape-style coat, adding a touch of luxury to his understated elegance.


Wearing tight trousers and loafer shoes, all in a dark hue, he displayed a striking and sophisticated presence. Her reddish-blonde hair was impeccably groomed, complementing her flawless look.


A discreet diamond earring adorned her ear, adding a touch of refinement to her appearance. But his attention immediately went to the engagement ring on his finger that gleamed brightly, radiating an aura of status and class.


Staring at Damián's hand, Clarice blurted out a surprising comment, which echoed through the room like thunder, causing a moment of discomfort.


Affected and astonished, Clarice fixed her gaze on Damián's hand, an expression of disbelief painted on her face.


 "I don't believe it… I can't believe I forgot my brother's engagement." She shook her head, visibly dejected, before continuing, her voice now a little faltering.


"My congratulations again, Oliver. I'm very happy you're getting married. My happiness doubled with the second discovery. You make a beautiful couple."


His comment, unexpected as lightning in a clear sky, reverberated through the room, leaving a brief tense silence in the air.


Reactions from those present ranged from genuine surprise to masked understanding, with some struggling to disguise their discomfort, while others expressed veiled concern for Clarice's mental health.


Wow, I'll post it, but I haven't revised it, I'll re-edit it by Sunday, at the launch of chapter 98.

Lee_8053creators' thoughts