
Last Hope: The Dungeon of Salvation

Meet Henry - lazy bum, NEET, LitRPG fan... And the Last Hope of Ehretrinia. ---------------------------------------- A world that has almost lost everything. Even their gods have abandoned them. Only a dungeon can save them all... if they can find one that is.

FrostVlad · ファンタジー
20 Chs

A Dungeon Newbie's Experience in an Unusual Dungeon

"Blitz Cut!"


"Spirit Wolf, attack."

"Rapid Fire."

"Dodge left, Merthe."

"Thanks Nethrex... Move back!"

"Sweeping Strike!"


"Hey Sadie, watch with that swing. You almost cut my arm off."

"Then don't stand there like you're a fighting in melee. You're a mage, for (Censored)!"

"Then don't block my target. I can't hit anything while you're waving that oversized kitchen knife of yours."

"Magic Missile Storm."



"Honestly, children. Even if you re getting better at fighting monsters, your teamwork is getting worse. Sadie, Merthe, what do you think you guys are doing?"

"You started it!"

"No. You started it."

Nethrex looks at me as if he's asking forgiveness and patience for his twin sister. I nod in understanding.

"Enough! Until the both of you learns to at least cooperate with each other, then you're both stuck at gathering duty. Cadix, Nethrex, do you want to continue by yourselves or I'll get some scout trainees to fill your group."

"We can handle it well, Master Marius."

Nethrex nods.

"Very well then. Carry on."

Merthe and Nethrex are twin Caninoid Beastkin. They are same age and school class as me and Sadie. Even though they're twins, their personalities are polar opposites. While Merthe is outgoing, brash and prideful, Nethrex is calm, reserved and humble. While Merthe has an ongoing rivalry with Sadie, me and Nethrex are easily good friends with one another.

*Nethrex: Come on bro, they both have a crush on you and are trying to show off.*

This place is massive. We've been exploring this floor for hours now but we haven't even clear the dungeon itself. Even a third of the scouts were need to gather resources from the herb gardens and mining areas. Even with low-quality ores and herbs, it's more than enough to make Master Romul giddy with happiness. Ugh, it was very disturbing. Now I understand why Master Grumman doesn't like him. Or her?

Well, Mama came with us on the expedition. I was almost entirely sure that she will try and stop me from fighting monsters. Only with the help of several Master, Councilor Kansur and Henry were they have been able to convince her not to. Henry even led her directly to the next floor with a few other scouts.

And Sadie's mom went with them. It was a good thing, really. It's as if she's judging me if was worthy. What for? I don't know and I don't want to find out.

Well I thinks Mama's enjoying her time. She tells me all about the things she has seen and done in the second and third floor. The monsters she fought. The wide, open space that was a copy of what mother's tribe used to travel before the NetherFall ruined it all.

Then she will remember Papa and will begin crying again.

Mama, please stop crying.


Two more hours later, we decided to stop our exploring and return to our camping area.

The expedition took over a large, no, massive room that serves both as a herb garden and mining area. Even with all of us does nothing but mine and gather herbs, we won't even cover a quarter of the available herb gathering and mining spots in this room.

Master Grumman is showing off his mining skills while telling stories and jokes to the other miners. Master Jakur'xeran is teaching the gatherers the correct way of collecting herbs and magic plants. Master? Or is it Mistress? Romul is overseeing both, grinning madly while counting the collected resources.

Very creepy.

On the other hand, Master Marius, Councilor Kansur and Sadie's grandfather is conversing with Henry, trying to learn more about this Dungeon and dungeons in general. Dungeon design and construction. Monster types, variants, subtypes. Monster lifestyle and society. The ecology of the world before NetherFall and how the dungeon was able to mimic it. And lots more.

Sadie and Merthe even has forgotten their work and went to listen in on the conversation.

Monsters has a society. And hierarchy. And the difference between surface monsters, dungeon monsters and sapient races that derived from them. The Dungeon even created peaceful monsters.

Henry called them NPCs. Master Marius explains that they act in a fashion that mimics people in dungeon towns. Some provide services like buying and selling items and equipment, equipment repair and enhancement, even hire companions for Dungeon Coins that will come with you to fight other monsters. Henry calls them Mercenaries. Master Master explains that Mercenaries were once a vital part of keeping wild monster population low and protects people from them.

What's more I discovered what robots are.

And I want it. I want it all. Robots in lots of shapes and sizes. Big or small, simple or complex body structures. Robots that walk on two or more feet. Robots that can fly by levitating or with spinning things Henry calls 'propellers'. Because they can propel them not only up, but forward, backward and sideways too. Some even looks and acts like real Beings.

There are even some robots that are quite intelligent enough to have their Classes. I'm not kidding. Monsters can't have classes.

Well... I think you can't call them monsters anymore.

Henry is explaining that they are a new race of beings he calls 'Automata'. He explains that they are machines, highly-advanced mechanical contraptions, that gained their own sapience and soul. Some of even looks human. Or that one that looks like a Felinid but not, looking like a Human that have cat ears and a tail.

Oh and she's rubbing herself to Councilor Kansur. Like how Councilor Hessane was rubbing herself to him when they think no one is watching. Oh wow, she's got a long tongue, licking at him very weirdly. And now Master Grumman is laughing at him really hard. Now Master Marius tells Councilor Kansur that Councilor Hessane might get jealous. And Sadie's grandfather called it very good blackmail material.

Anyway, moving on.

They're so cool. It's one thing for me to build elaborate mechanical contraptions and trap. It's another if I can build a robot, even just a simple one.

So I'm here trying to increase my level before we leave the dungeon. Not only so that I can go down the second floor.

I'm going to build my own robot. Or robots.

Huh, what's this. Must have forgotten this scroll when we were gathering the drops.

'Learned Blueprint: Gynoid'. 'Learned Template: Catgirl'. 'Learned A.I. Protocol: Maid'. 'Learned A.I. Protocol: Submissive'. 'Learned A.I. Protocol: Nymphomaniac'.


Somewhere in the Dungeon, someone felt a great disturbance in the Force.

A new apprentice to the Perverted Side has been found.