

THIS IS A MATURE STORY 15+ ONLY!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! This story will have no sexual scenes however there is a heavy amount of gore, inappropriate jokes/actions, and a whole bunch of swearing. You've been warned. This is your only warning.

Emerald green eyes shoot open as they launch up from the bed. A familiar figure could be seen sleeping in the chair beside the bed. Loud beeping and the smell of alcohol instantly hits their senses. "God fucking dammit!!!!!!" She yells, her autumn sun set hair immediately lighting aflame.

This loud shouting disturbed her sleeping husband who instantly awoke. He was surprised at first then began laughing. "She got you good didn't she?"

The woman grumbles and crosses her arms. "I swear. This is all just a game to her. This is the fifth time she's had me in her clutches and just, didn't?"

The man laughs as he holds his wife's hand. "Aithné love. You've done the exact same to her, you're equals, you simply just can't beat her. And she can't you."

Ainthé shakes her head. "Oh no. She definitely can. She's just branding me at this point with all these scars."

The man shakes his head, letting a small chuckle slip. "Oh she definitely is. She hasn't gotten me as many times as she's gotten you though so I'd say I'm winning this little game of ours~" He said, his tone teasing as he kissed his wife's nose.

She instantly growls at him. "Kalama. So help me gods I will burn you."

Kalama chuckles. "Sure you will love. Now you should be getting some rest." He kisses her forehead then gently lays her down back on the bed. "Oh and that branding joke you made earlier she actually did this time."

Aithné's eyes widened. "She what!?"

Kalama chuckles. "Yep, right on your collar there mi amor."

A small smile spreads across Anithé's face. "Of course she did. That's so like her."

Kalama laughs softly. "Such a lovesick puppy."

Aithné galred daggers at him. "I'm not a lovesick puppy!!"

I bet you're wondering quite a lot of things right now aren't you? Well, let's take you back to how this all started…