
Lani's Royale

She was haunted. Scarily haunted. After that incident, Leilani is trapped in that trench of endless nightmare with no knowledge of what was going on. "You're crazy. No one would believe you. One day you'll fail", the voice said to her. It kept coming. "Don't listen to it Lani. I'm here. You can lean on me", the man said to her, grasping her out of that endless torture and leading her into a new light.

Crystalella · 都市
22 Chs

Chapter 20. Love me again

Chapter 20. Love me again

Leilani arrived at EssDee the morning. Rachel was at the entrance waiting for her. The moment she alight from her car, Rachel went forward to help her with her items.

"Good morning Miss Zhang", she greeted.

Leilani smiled at her and went in. As she walked towards the elevator, various employees greeted her as she walked. After some minutes, she finally arrived at her office and settled in her seat. She heaved a deep sigh of relief. The greetings were more than she could handle. The employees were quite enthusiastic towards her. That was a good thing.

"Miss, the board meeting will start in five minutes", Rachel reminded

"I know. Let me rest a while", she said while shutting her eyes.


Leilani sighed as she thought of what might happen in the boardroom. Her anxiety was swelling and she needed to curb it. Rachel was there and she didn't want her to see her taking the medication.

"Reachel, can you get me a cappuccino?", she suddenly asked.

"Cappuccino? You don't like cappuccinos", Rachel said.

"Then get me the one I like".

"Yes Miss", Rachel said and left the office.

Leilani looked in her direction her lips forming a thin line. She opened her bag and took out the medicine. She brought out a pill and plopped it into her mouth. She gulped it with the glass of water that was there. She leaned into the seat and relaxed herself, shutting her eyes to clear her mind.

Stephan arrived at his office and got ready. He did his morning rituals in the suite that was built in his office. His face was expressionless but his heart was pained at what had happened this morning at Leilani's house. He understood her. He understood her so well. He wouldn't stay away, even if she wants him to stay away, he won't. He had to find that person who did that crap to his Lani.

Afterhe was done preparing, he left for the boardroom. Jack was with him filling him with updates for the meeting.

When he arrived, the members were all seated with their heads bowed in respect, afraid that one misdeed might send them away penniless in an instant. His aura was in the minimum degrees and each and every one them felt it.

Without a word, he took his seat and they settled down.

"This meeting is commenced", he began, "Jack, state the agenda for today's meeting", he ordered. Jack bowed and walked forward with the tablet in his hand which was connected to the projector.

"Today we shall be talking about the investment in the Hailey Oil company".

The Hailey Oil company was an upcoming Oil company in the oil world and not much investment was made in it as no one knew the profits that would be gotten from in. No one wanted to put their money where they'd gain thin profits.

"That's a new oil company. It won't yield much", the director of operations in TopLine financial said. He was a grey haired man, by name Mr Brandon. He was in his late thirties.

"Boss", another man who was the manager of marketing of TopLine financial spoke up. "This won't be safe for us. You don't know how far this can go. I'd rather say, let's invest in the movie that EssDee group is investing in".

Two more members talked, all in opposition of the investment. Mr Jeremiah Dever smirked when he saw that no one was supporting Stephan's motion. He cast the latter a glance and gave him a taunting smirk but Stephan wasn't one to care of such trivial things.

"I have heard you all", his powerful voice came through putting the whole room in silence. "However, I push through with the project. Whether we gain or not, it doesn't matter. That's why this is business. We'll be investing twenty billion dollars to that company".

"Boss!", Me Brandon shouted.

Stephan looked at him and he recoiled. "I have spoken, and that's final".

Even Jack was petrified. Twenty billion dollars wasn't a big amount. It was a very very big amount.

At EssDee Corp.

Leilani walked into the board room and settled down at her seat which was next to the MD, Mr Joshua Lim. She spared the members of the board a greeting and sent the MD a bow. The MD was most pleased to see her. She was looking as elegant as ever and he suddenly wished that she was his daughter.

The meeting commenced and they talked about the upcoming movie by a rising director. The movie name was themed, Love me again. It was a love story about a man and a woman who were married but were forced to separate thanks to the schemes of those around them. The woman was framed by the family of the man and was sent away unbeknownst to them, she was the daughter of the most elite family in the country but disguised herself to marry him.

When she leaves them, she returns to her family who welcome her with open arms. They promise her that she won't have to suffer again as she was going to find a better person. Fatefully, they meet coincidentally again and the man learns of her true identity and also found out the schemes that they were involved in. He pursues her again but she rejects him, blatantly.

"Will they get back together?", Leilani asked absentmindedly. The members of the board were looking at her. She noticed and blushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry. The storyline was quite catching", she said.

"Yes. It's catching. And the question you asked is what everyone has on their mind", Mr Lim said. Leilani saw the others nodding at what the MD had just said.

"That's what the director has hidden from us. We'll find out in the movie", he added.