
Chapter 14: We are sorry!

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Attention everyone," Torii announced as he entered the door. All of them stopped on what they were doing -- Yalden cleaning, Klyde eating, and Celestine reading what Torii gave him -- and gathered at the round table. They all sat at the chair, Celestine on the left and Yalden and Klyde on the right, leaving a space exactly at the middle of the table.

"I have brought another comrade of ours. She will be working as our Healer, and she also will help us in our labor. Treat her as your family, and she will treat you one as well. Introduce yourself, Amelie." Torii said as he looked behind him. A beautiful girl appeared from the back of him, and when she was in front of everyone, he bowed deeply as a sign of respect.

All three of them then bowed their heads and looked at the woman who was Amelie. Amelie, after a few seconds of total stillness, -- and bowing as well -- decided to introduce herself to all of them.

"I-Im Amelie Geneviève, Kind Misters and Miss. I-I am in charge of healing all of you, so please come to me when you are injured. However, please don't think too highly of me. I am just a lowly peasant, but please take care of me. I know that all of you are high beings, so you can just ignore me and continue your normal lives. It's a real pleasure meeting all of you." Amelie stated as if she was talking to a god, closing her eyes while she was talking.

All three of them were surprised at how courteous she is, despite having this aura around her. Her beauty was one of a kind, even surpassing Celestine's a bit. But it was not her beauty that made all of their guards down, but her kindness.

Her kindness was incomparable to others, and if you add this and her beauty, almost no one can deny that they have fallen in love at first glance. However, this never worked for Yalden and Klyde. The reason? They're devoted to be Torii's shield. This might sound like they're too close to Torii, but it's their own choice.

Celestine, on the other hand, was happy the moment Amelie showed up to her and the others. And when she noticed Amelie's chivalry and decency, she was too happy that she can't wait to be close to her.

"You're way too polite, Amelie! Come sit with me, I have lots to talk about with you!" Celestine rejoiced. Ever since the Fall, she wanted to talk to another girl. I don't know why girls never are satisfied with men alone, but a lot of them do.

Amelie, with both happiness and nervousness, walked towards Celestine, and when she sat beside her, Celestine talked a lot loudly, which made Celestine a bit intimidated by her. However, all of that was shrugged off, since she felt that she was a good person, despite being a loud one.

Klyde looked at them, both with good and bad emotions. The good one was, he was happy that they had a new comrade, which will help all of them, especially his beloved best friend, Torii. The worse one is: Torii's attention will be divided even more. And if you don't know him, he's a jealous person. And by jealous, I mean, jealous. To the max.

Yalden, on the other hand, was happy. Fortunately, his mind was more wider and positive than Klyde's, so he wasn't jealous albeit his beloved Master had to be more cautious on his attention placing.

Torii disappeared, and a second later, he was sitting in the middle of the chair. Yeah, it's an old habit of his. If I were you, I wouldn't mind him or else your brain would just pop out from your head to the ground.

After that, Torii managed to get all of their attention and interrogate all of what he wanted to explain. All of them except for Amelie was familiar with what Torii is saying, -- more like bored cause they have heard it for like a billion times -- so they were just chilling. Amelie, on the other hand, was enlightened and amazed at how majestic Torii's plan is.

As Amelie was admiring how wonderful Torii's plan is, Celestine, sighed, for her brain was loaded with information that was being smooshed in her brain for like a million times. No matter how many times Torii explains his idea, Celestine barely gets it. It was one of the main reasons why Torii never wanted to stop interrogating what he wants to explain.

"Isn't The One's plan great, Miss Celestine?" Amelie whispered to Celestine respectfully, still admiring Torii's idea.

"The One? What is up with that?" Celestine whispered back as well.

However, since her voice was loud, Torii, who was quietly in a 1-minute break from speaking, noticed that she and Amelie were talking with each outer. However, he just looked at them blankly, and then went back to reading. What a break.

"Anyways, great you say? That admiration of yours will soon be shrugged off." Celestine whispered, almost as if she was warning Amelie not to admire Torii.

"May I ask why is that going to happen, Miss Celestine?" Amelie asked quietly.

"How many million times do I have to tell you not to call me Miss." Celestine whispered with an eager tone. "Going back, why you ask? Cause you'll hear it almost every day, you'll be annoyed by how persistent Torii is. Though, I guess he has a good point on why he always reminds us of his idea."

"Yeah, a good point. Cause if it weren't for someone who doesn't get what Torii is saying even though she heard it a billion times already, I and Yalden wouldn't be in hell right now." Klyde mockingly said, which made Celestine glare at him. "Wanna fight, huh?!" Klyde mocked Celestine.

"Bring it on!" Celestine said.

"Shut up!" Torii shouted. "If you both will fight, fight outside. Yalden and Amelie will be here. Settle yourselves outside."

Celestine and Klyde, who was about to fight each other, walked in 3 meters in front of the table and kneeled and bowed in a very formal position.

"We are very sorry! Please don't punish us!"