
Chapter 11: Preparations

Third Person's P.O.V.

"You know each other?" Yalden asked, looking at both the woman named Celestine and Klyde with a confused face.

"Don't make a ruckus and sit down. Celestine, you've come at good timing. I was just explaining my plan." Torii explained as he welcomed Celestine.

A few seconds later, Torii finally explained everything to Klyde and Yalden that Celestine will be a new subordinate.

"To sum everything up, Celestine was once your enemy, and that she was being used by her ex-boyfriend, which was the man you had fought yesterday. And now, she's our subordinate..." Yalden said as if he was lost at everything. "I'm still lost, but I can catch up sooner or later... I think."

"Let's leave it at that. Let's continue with our plan. Where were we?" Torii asked as he looked at the scroll. He explained everything that he had explained to Celestine, and when he was done, he took away the big scroll and stood up, placing both of his hands on the table.

"Now, I am assigning my rules. There are only 5, so you don't have to worry about it. Or so I want to say." Torii said, which made all of them gulp in nervousness. "Without further ado, I'll tell it all to everyone. 1st. Report everything to me. And by everything, I mean literally everything. Suspicious or not, minor or major, I have to hear and know everything. Are we clear?"

"Y-yes, Sir!" All of them said in a scared yet lively manner. Seeing Torii say those words really solemnly made all of them think that this matter is important as their lives.

"2nd. Every human you see needs to be captured. I know I sound like a maniac, but this is as important as the rest of the rules. Humans, be he/she/they be strong or not, I have to see them. 3rd. No fighting against your subordinates. Be it a small or a big matter, no one is allowed to fight. The punishment will be hell, so don't even think about it." Torii interrogated with a serious face.

"4th. What is in here, stays here. This includes information, affairs, and/or any objects. Even the tiniest information or objects that are given to anyone that isn't a part of this Land will be considered as a fatal sin. 5th. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours. What I have will be yours, and what you have will be mine. Be it objects, information, or power, this rule must be followed. If anyone is in need, we must help, but that rule is only considered to us, and not to others. No matter how pitiful they look, without my or my representative's order, you can never help others." Torii elucidated.

"These rules are to be considered as important as your life. Obey you will be rewarded. Defy and you will be punished." As Torii said those words, all except him were scared. Even Celestine, who was considered to be bold, was shaking in terror.

'Words alone and I'm already this scared. Seduction doesn't even work for him. Just who are you, Torii Denver?' Celestine thought to herself as she looked at her trembling hands.

'I know this is too early, but here goes nothing.' Torii thought to himself.

"Now that we are done with that, I am assigning your Roles."

*30 minutes later*

Torii was sitting on where he was sitting earlier. He was -- if you know him, you'll get used to it -- writing every single piece of information he could. On the table, there was a notebook, -- where he was writing in -- a big and a small scroll that are both rolled. There was also another scroll that was open but had nothing written nor drawn in it. While Torii was busy with what he is doing, Yalden was also occupied with what he was doing.

Yalden was destroying and cleaning all the destroyed structures all by himself -- well, he has his limbs, so it's not that much of a problem. He was using long hammers to demolish the constructions that were still standing, and while he was doing that, all of the debris was being cleaned up by his limbs. Since he had his Flair, everything was a lot easier. Oh, and his Roles consists of 3. Facilities, Construction, and Exploration.

To sum everything up, Facilities means that he is in charge of every type of accountabilities of every single Facility, including keeping itself and everything in it safe, as well as upgrading and checking it every time. Construction, evidently, means taking responsibility for every Construction and managing it as well.

Exploration, of course, means that he is in charge of every Exploration, as well as being in charge of every land that he could possibly explore in the upcoming future. Additionally, as an extension of this Role, he is also in charge of Scouting. Lastly, he was a Representative of Torii, having a quarter of the authority and power Torii possesses.

As he was busy with what he was doing, Klyde was patrolling alone at the very edge of their Land hastily. Since there were no fences or even any type of barricade that marks and protects the Land, he needs to be quick and keen to know if any monster will possibly attack. The Land is vulnerable to any monsters you know?

His Roles are Security, Hunting, and Patrolling. In short, he is in charge of what is happening inside and at the border. He is also in charge of eradicating monsters, be it inside the Land or outside. Furthermore, he also needs to report every monster that he has killed directly to Torii. And like Yalden, he is a Representative, and like him, he also has a quarter of authority and power Torii possesses.

Celestine, on the other hand, was at the basement of their base, -- also known as Yalden's former house -- organizing the whole basement according to Torii's preference. You might be thinking, why is she doing this. That's what to expect when your Role is being the Keeper and Guardian of Riches. Needless to say, she's in charge of guarding and overseeing all types of Riches. In addition to that, she is a Secretary of Torii, as well as his personal assistant.

Back with Torii, when his mind was a bit foggy, he stood up and walked until he was on the rooftop. There was a small hut standing on the left end corner, and there were stacks of weaponries on the right corner. Oddly, the whole area was quite quiet and peaceful. He walked towards the hut and sat at the chair, placing his elbows on the table.

Wind blew quietly past him, blowing his hair. He looked outside with nothing in his mind, a feeling of relaxation ran in his body. He smiled.

'This life isn't so bad afterall.'