

The creaking of ship's rigging on the multitude of anchored and abandoned vessels nestled cheek to jowl in San Francisco Bay, added an eerie background to the fog-shrouded waterfront. A lone figure made his way cautiously through the night.The dripping of salt-laden moisture from the eaves of buildings lining commercial street echoed the footsteps of James Leighton as he made way carefully across the narrow, muddy gap between the buildings.

He paused and looked quickly over his shoulder as though expecting to see something.But all he saw was the swirling blanket of gray as it isolated him in a world of fear.

Straining to see ahead,he knew it shouldn't be too much further before he reached his destination.He hurried his pace , hoping he could outdistance his unwanted shadows.

He had realized that he was being followed soon after he left the casino.But he had promised Molly he would make this last stop before calling it a night.

A sound behind him made James turn. Outlined against the fog by the muted gaslight on a nearby corner were the figures of two men. Seeing their prey,one of the men raised his arm and a flash of fire and reports of gunshot signalled the end of James Leighton as he crumpled to the wet ground.