
Element Of Suprise

Elion's joy and expectations knew no bounds as he ran across the streets trying to recognize the place where those beautiful girls were, just remembering how beautiful and sexy they were gave his trouser a little bulge at the front, he suddenly stopped, he felt like he was being watched, " it seems someone is monitoring me", could it be that they are aware of our presence in the city, no that can't be right, we made sure not create any suspicions, could it be...."show yourself" Elion shouted, by doing this whoever is monitoring him would think he had been noticed and would be forced to show himself, "nobody's coming out?", perhaps I was overthinking, he then continued on his way to the brothel, he couldn't help but say," this is going to be a "long night".

It seems like he isn't as dumb as he looks, well let's see if how smart he is.

This is the place, thought it was going to take longer to get here, seems like I'm going to be having more time to catch some fun.

So how did they run? well I fought them with my bare hands, Elion began telling the ladies around him story's of his bravery, of which most of them never happened, oh wow, it seems you're not just handsome but strong as well, of course you can tell just by looking, Elion couldn't help but smile while saying it, he seemed to be enjoying this moment wishing he could come everyday, the warmth of their bodies making him feel like the night shouldn't end, their fingers rubbing every part of his body giving him a tingling sensation, let me pour you some wine, a lady who seemed to be a little more attractive than the rest, offered, Elion was astonished at her beauty and stared for some time before answering, of course, after pouring, she began walking away with such seductive steps, Elion couldn't help but look at her till she was out of sight, he drank from the cup of wine with girls all around him.

Well, how did it go?, I gave him the wine, he should be drunk in a couple of minutes, after which I'll go to his side and take him to my room and see if I can get some information from him, good work then, here's something for your stress, thank you sir, no problem, so long as you continue to play your part, I'll do mine.

Hi, my name is Siralyn, I would like to accompany the young man to room, as it seems he's too drunk to move, Siralyn was the lady who have Elion wine to make him drunk, and she was telling the lady's around him why she was there, they had no objections as Siralyn was one of them, excorting Elion to her room, Siralyn couldn't help but notice that the guy was quite handsome.

The door was opened, and Siralyn let him fall on her bed, she then locked the door and went to her bed and then after staring at him for a while she began rubbing her hands on his body, while Elion seemed to be happy, with smiles all over his face, he then stood up with the look of someone so drunk that he wasn't aware of were he was or what he's doing, he then looked at the lady beside him and within minutes he had turned Siralyn on the bed while he was ontop of her staring at her body, he then began kissing her.. with their tongues intertwining, "wait" Siralyn who was almost carried away suddenly stopped him and asked him why don't you tell me some of your stories before we continue,Elion then smiled and answered, there was this lady who could capture the heart of any man, she was unlike any other I had ever seen, I almost fell in love with her at first sight, but then she seemed to have other plans, she must be really attractive for a guy like you to talk about her like that, she is, but my like for her was taken away, what happened?, she tried to drug me, why would she do that?, I don't know, it's something I'd like to ask.

Then what happened?, she then took me to a room and we were talking, Siralyn looked at him with shock in her eyes, "suprised?" Elion couldn't help but ask with a smile.