
City of Elves

The ride to the city of Elves was a tedious one, riding all day and camping and night, although the day didn't pass without Elion making some of his jokes which were not that funny to begin with, but he did make the place more lively with insults being sent towards his direction by the females in the team who kept telling him to shut up but he would always reply saying "a joke is better told during a journey", I like your jokes Elion, Emily said, so he wouldn't feel bad, "see" there's someone who gets it... we're here, the voice of Saloria brought silence to the group as they beheld the "city of Elves".

This city's quite lively, what do you think Val? Elion who was facinated by the architectural design of the city couldn't help but ask,it seems fine, Val who was also facinated but due to the fact that back on "earth" where there are tall buildings as well as technological gadgets, he wasn't as shocked as Elion, although he had to admit that ever since he came to Aloria there have been a lot of shocking things but this city was just "wow" the buildings were beautiful, the streets were smooth as though it's design was carved by "Angels", and the way the Elves went about their various businesses showed that, they were a well civilized group, "Val", Elion suddenly called out, stopping Val's thoughts as he pointed towards a place filled with beautiful Elven women, perhaps this mission isn't going to be that bad afterall, Elion stated aloud, Val who had never seen Elves before, let alone beholding such beautiful Elves,their curves were all in their apprioprate places with their breasts well proptioned and exposed to attract even the strongest of men, Val who had matured having spent over a year in Aloria, started having thoughts when suddenly he received a slap from behind, who else could it be if not Emily, we have a mission here, and you two are busy doing something else, Elion suddenly whispered something to Val's ear, and said my apologies Emily, we seemed to have forgotten why we were here, we would be more focused from now on, "except Elion already had plans of visiting the brothel later", he couldn't let this chance slip by, Saloria and the rest suddenly arrived to the spot were Val and the rest were present, we'll be staying at an inn in the Elven city, Mrs Hobston had already spoken to the owner and he understands the reason why we're here and don't worry he can be trusted, so we'll split ourselves into groups and we'll move in two's and get what information, we have to be careful, no one must know who and why we're here.


So you're the people Mrs Hobston spoke off, welcome welcome, these are your key stones, there are four rooms, as thats the best I can spare, I hope you manage it, you have done more than enough for us Mr Cibilscot, Saloria quickly said in order to show her gratitude, why thank you miss, so you all will have to share, your meals will be served soon, I hope you will be comfortable here, of course we will thank you Mr Cibilscot, if that will be all, I will be taking my leave now, So Val here's the key stone to your room, you'll have to pair with Elion as it would be more comfortable.... of course we'll be comfortable, won't we Val?, Val simply replied with a smile, there was no point talking too much anyway, so see you all later, remember to do as planned get all the information you can and we'll know our next course of action, bye for now.

This is quite a room, nice bed, spacious,nice design, Elion said each word as he went about inspecting the room, so Val wanna sneak out and go to the brothel, so I can teach what men do, Elion said with a cunning smile on his face, not really sure I want to do such things now, besides my body seems to be aching all over due to he journey, I need to sleep, ok then I won't push you but I ain't telling you how much fun I had, and you're going be wishing you went with me, Elion suddenly looked towards Val's direction and saw that he was already sleeping, he couldn't but get a little angry at the guy, like seriously what guy see's a chance like this and decides to sleep, well I better going, so I can return before anyone suspects anything.

Meanwhile.. somewhere on top of a building someone curled his lips, it seems there's one whose got other plans, well this is going to be interesting.