
Land of Bones the Series

The world is never devoid of war. There is always bloodshed everywhere. We don't know if this is a way to keep the human population in balance, or if it's because lust is human nature that can lead to mutual annihilation. But the war that took place this time, if it happened, would be a kind of genocide for mankind. After the nuclear treaty was agreed and the weapons of mass destruction were widely destroyed, including a strict ban on the use of biological weapons, genetically engineered troops emerged on remote and hidden islands. This army called the army of death has terrible abilities. If it is then produced massively and used as a tool of war, it is inconceivable how much life will be threatened. An expedition team is accidentally stranded on the island in the middle of nowhere where it all happened. You can imagine how they have to survive. In addition to facing the strange after the frightening strangeness in a group of islands, also have to collide with a high-level conspiracy from crazy companies that are trying to create hell on this earth.

mim_yudiarto · SF
32 Chs

9. Terrifying Scenario

Everyone looked at each other. They all wondered how to open the laboratory door safely if possible. In fact, everyone was curious about what was in the laboratory. Except for Cindy, the others had absolutely no idea that the lab stored something dangerous.

While they were thinking about ways to open the door, suddenly the ship shook violently. It felt like the ship was about to roll to the left. Everyone clung on to whatever was nearby. Ben was thrown to the floor.

The shaking stopped. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want any surprises they couldn't handle. Especially Ran. He had always been meticulous. Therefore, as soon as the shaking stopped, he immediately divided tasks among his friends.

"Ben, go to the wheelhouse. Pay attention to all monitor screens. If something is dangerous, honk the ship's horn three times. If there are clues we need to follow-up, honk twice. When it's safe, honk once."

"Tet, you will be here with Cindy. Look for anything that can be a clue on how to open the laboratory door."

"Rabat, you come with me to check the condition of the ship starting from the outside. I'm worried about the shaking earlier."

Everyone followed Ran's instructions. Ben ran upstairs. Cindy and Tet began to investigate the many panels in the front room of the laboratory. Rabat followed Ran toward the exit to check what was going on outside.


Ben paid close attention to each monitor screen. Nothing strange except.... What is that?! Ben brought his face closer to the large monitor screen which was divided into six sections. He remembered that the rows of large tubes in the laboratory were all closed. But this was all open! But it wasn't clear what was inside because the tube let off very thick mist.

Ben also saw on the other monitor that Cindy was opening a thick book while sitting on the floor. Ben wasn't sure what she was reading but he caught a glimpse of the large title; MANUAL...

Ben shifted his gaze to the monitor screen that was showing the situation outside the ship. He saw Ran and Rabat standing outside watching the sea alternate with the ship's walls. Then Rabat was seen half jumping to pick up something lying on the rock. Something big, pointy, and shiny.


Cindy thoroughly read the panel manuals and laboratory instruments found in a large cupboard drawer in the corner of the room. Her strange ability allowed her to read very fast and understand immediately.

The access code for this room can be found in the captain's log on the bridge. The Cornea scanner only worked on the eyes of people who had registered with certain levels. There were three authorized people. The Finger Printers would also only recognize the fingers of those three people.

Cindy scrutinized the list of names of those three people; captain Dev, lab head Sandra, and head of security Bock. Hmm, where could she find these people? This ship was empty. Maybe everyone was dead. Cindy shrugged and continued reading.

Tet continued to unpack the contents of the cupboard which stored many books and scientific journals. Almost all were about genetic engineering and hybrids. Tet shook his head when he saw the pictures showing genetic engineering and hybrids in one of the books. It was madness! Insane experiments with even grotesque results!

Tet saw a glass safety box with a series of microchips was neatly arranged inside. About 4-5 microchips. Tet tried to tinker to open it. There was a line of daunting code to crack.

Tet almost fell over when a hand grabbed the glass safety box he was holding. Cindy! She was holding a portable extinguisher which was immediately swung against the glass box. Glass shards scattered everywhere. And.... the ship shook again!
