
Chapter 9: Why My life is not Daijoubu!!!!

Looking at the child before him, who is currently throwing tantrums. Isaac soul was currently passing away from his body. Never in his life living as a angel would get a job to look after a child with a " why is this happening to me" syndrome. There were lots of words which he didn't understand as he knows all the language of this world but when rose was screaming, "WHY MY LIFE IS NOT DAIJOUBU!!!!!!" from top of her lungs. And he gave up after listening to that.

Although he got gist of it, his thoughts was same as her as he wanted to say,"That's My Line."

"Agh!!! why did he let me do this kind of task!! He knows that I am not good at handling this type of morons. It's was better if he had let Sofia to handle her, but why me!!!" little by little Isaac was also having a this kinds of thoughts.

If anyone who knows Issac will get shocked to his/her core as he is not the type of person/angel to complain. He is type of person/angel who does his task quietly as he was order even if he like or not.

After screaming and complaining a lot, rose started to calm down. Looking at the angel or the guardian before her. She asked "Are you sure you wanna serve under me? As you have seen how I calmly reacted to this? Would you still serve me or do as I say?"

Issac's first thought was "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU REACTED CALMLY!!" But his fate was unfortunate as he was order to serve her but more likely he had to serve her as she was a ticking time bomb.

"Yes, I will serve you, As I got not other choice. If I could would have rather retired as an angel and live like a human for generations" said Issac bluntly.

"Oi.. that's rude..How can you said to a child in front of you. I was pretty calm about that subject..if you had met me before my reincarnation you would have loved me. I was pretty much beautiful woman myself" rose said shamelessly and moreover she was a narcissistic.

"Ah!!!! I really wanna quit this work.. it's not too late to do that now, Can I quit..??!!" Issac was hoping for something or someone to save him from his situation, he even quietly praying for that too.

Rose who was watching all of Issac's action and got to point and thought that he is not of type of angel who disobey the order given to him and do the task diligently. Maybe I can use him well.

Issac who is poor unfortunate soul had no idea about what's going on rose mind he was currently thinking of ways to quit his job.

'Hey, Issac what kinds of people or being have known my birth?. Whom should I befriend and whom should I avoid?. And Most importantly am I in some kind of dangerous situation that I have you as a guardian" Rose inquire in a serious voice.

Issac who was thinking of way out from his situation got taken back as he heard rose words. And he thought maybe it's not bad choice to serve under her.

Why you think that way our savior? asked Issac.

"The freaking hell!! Stop calling me freaking savior when I am just a nobody right now!! just call me Rose or Vicky will ya!! Calling me a savior leaves a bad taste on my mouth.!!"

"Okay if you say so, then I will call you Vicky now on wards" said Issac. "But I got a question why calling you savior leaves a bad taste in your mouth".

"Well, first I'll answer your first question, I know who you are Issac you are an angel who is second in command and directly sever under the old man..ahem I meant god of this world. And most importantly I am a ticking time bomb which can explode any days or second, so, in order to not be a meat paste..ahem I meant dead he send you to me."

" Second answer that is because a savior mean in your world are to be kind, passionate, selfless and forgiving,. But I don't want to be those kind of white lotus, I already have enough of those bugs"

Issac was shocked at her answer and He wanted to know why and how does she knows.

Looking at Issac shocked and bewilder face she got satisfied. She further gave an explanation.

"Well, as much I enjoyed your shocked expression, and before you ask any questions I'll give a satisfactory answer. First you said I am your savior. geez!!! it still leaves a bad taste on my mouth saying that..uck..!!"

Then she continued "Second you said I have a enormous pure order energy I guess and third is that you, yourself. An angel who said was directly order to serve under me that means I am worth of something..And that you will protect me at all costs. These were the clues that made me think because where I am from Yin and Yang should be balanced..Yin which represents evil or negative energy and Yang which represents good or positive energy needs to be in harmony. In my case I have a lots of order energy and little chaos energy if not controlled or balance my body won't able to handle it I will be probably be dead.

Issac was beyond shocked by her and thought how she was able to confirm her situation with a little clues before her.

"So, tell me Vicky, How am I able to help you if you have so much order energy to begin with you know angels are made of order energy right."

"Oh my what a simple question.. I will give you an simple answer you are a fallen angel or per say an angel who have chaos energy. Not because of you black hair which also represents your wings. it's because of your purple eyes, Although you have made it red by using mana but someone like me who have high order energy to begin with can feel it even when you are far away."

Issac whose identity was compromised was shocked and was disbelief when he heard about what she said about him.