
Chapter 394: Subjugation

Lillie's tired of people trespassing her home, touching her belongings, and invading her privacy. 

Most of all, interrupting her sleep. 

"You've chosen the worst time to come here." She told them. "So what you're going to do is answer my questions truthfully. Cut the roundabout tactics and go straight to the point. Otherwise, this guy's brain will spill on the floor and stain my carpet—which I'm also not looking forward to."

A sleep-deprived Lillie is a b*tchy Lillie. And these guys found out in the worst possible way. 

"Who are you, why are you here and who sent you?" She asked the basics.

Shi was trying to silently communicate with them through his eyes. His glare tells them not to spill a word, and they understood him. 

But could they escape from this?