
Chapter 279: New Friends (Part 2)

With a lighthearted atmosphere, the three delved into knowing each other more; gone was the previous feeling of agitation of making sure that the first impression wouldn't end up in turmoils.

Han Taiyi was doing most of the talking while Chu Lizheng would occasionally add something to her stories and nod when she would look at him for affirmation.

Lillie listened earnestly as Han Taiyi tells her of the things that happened in the academy since she left and gratify her questions with almost truthful answers.

"So, for how long were you married? How did you two met? Do you have children already? Oh my god, are you pregnant—not to be rude or not that I'm saying you're—"

"One question at a time." Chu Lizheng was quick to cover his friend's mouth before she could complete what she was about to say. He came closer to her ear and muttered, "You were being rude."

"I'm sorry!"

Chu Lizheng resisted the urge to facepalm.