
Chapter 245: Nurse Lillie Will Be Taking Care Of You Now (Part 1)

"Hm! Mr. Li is free to leave." A middle aged nurse approved. "When you get home, Mrs. Li should cook him a light meal; preferably chicken soup."

Lillie nodded, listening carefully to the nurse's instructions—not bothering to correct her name. "I will, thank you."

"As for you, Mr. Li, you're still young but you shouldn't overwork yourself and make your wife worried. Look at how skinny she is! A happy and healthy wife is equivalent to a happy family!"

Ethan rubbed his neck meekly, letting the nurse scold him.

"Ah, hello again." Doctor Song cautiously peek his head in. He was relieved when he saw another presence inside. "I just dropped by to say goodbye." He grinned.

Ethan glared at him, not forgetting his abandonment.

"Hehe...I think my next patient is calling me so excuse me!" He left as quickly as he appeared.

Despite his body being considered in a weak state, Ethan insisted that he walk. Lillie agreed only if he hold onto her for support.