
Lady Boss, Only Mine

Finding out that she and her son could die if she stays any longer, April decides to take matters into her own hand, but will things really go as she planned Please, no one should copy my book, this is my own world and work. You can also read this novel on wattpad. Thank you!!!❤❤❤ And, before I forget, this book's gonna talk about friends with same sex relationship. So, if it's not your thing, then this book is not for you

Kris_Kim · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 2

April's POV

"So, your father and I met when we were kids, he was 12 and I was 8. We were always together, always together, nobody else was with us. We played together, ate together, did everything together. We were really close when we were younger. Then we grew up really big, and he grew strong and big, and then things happened, and we had you", I finish, hoping it was enough for him, but my curious son obviously has more questions to ask

"So, why isn't he here like other daddies? So, he can follow me for school camping, and hikings, what else?, oh yeah, and we'll go on trips, and you won't be the only one following me to school, or uncle Sammy", Jordan asks, making me sigh as I think of what reply to give to him.

How can I tell him that his dad never wanted him, or doesn't know he even exists? Or he was gonna kill him, if he had found out that he existed

"I'm sorry, mummy". I look down to see him staring at his hands.

"Why are you sorry, my angel? I ask, really confused, as to why he thought I'm sad

"I made you sad. You had a sad face right now, for that I'm sorry. I never want to make you sad. Don't be sad, okay"

Oh my, I love this boy

"Come here", I raise him up to hug him, "Jordan, you didn't do anything wrong, okay? You didn't make me sad, and I'm sorry for making you think otherwise, okay?"

I'm the one that should be sorry, baby

"Okay mummy", he smiles, showing his very incomplete teeth.

I kiss his forehead, "but just know this darling, you have a superman daddy like everyone else does, and a mummy who loves you more than anything in this world, don't you forget how much I love you, okay?"

He kisses my forehead too, "You forgot to mention uncle Sammy, he's gonna be mad, if he hears that you didn't add him to the list, but I love you more, mummy, the most"

I kiss his nose and his lips, and he does the same. That's our signature love gesture to assure the other that we really love that person.

"I think there's no need for bedtime stories tonight, so sleep tight",

After petting him to sleep, I walk to my room, seriously wanting to call his homeroom teacher, but I decide to wait till tomorrow,

She's gonna get it from tomorrow

After doing some office work on the laptop, I fly to my bed and then I see myself in dreamland

What a hectic day today has been


"Wake up!!!"

"Leave me alone", I tell that wicked voice that's trying to snatch my sleep from me

"Ugh!!", I groan as the sun's rays shines on my face, making me cover my face with the duvet, before it's snatched from me again

I open my eyes to glare at the idiot I call a bestie, "what is it Sam?"

He sits on the bed, and picks his very clean, long fingers, "um, you mean apart from the fact that I've taken Jordan to school because I knew that his mother will still be asleep as a log"

I groan, and cover my face with the duvet, "So what?, it's not the first time, please leave me alone, let me sleep"

"Okay, no problem then. Just that a certain someone was supposed to have a meeting with an investor by 10am, and this is like, um, 9:45?"

"So, wha-, shit!!", I bolt off the bed, after realizing what he just said, "Shit!, shit!", I curse as I run to my walk in closet to start looking for clothes to wear

"No foul languages!!" He shouts from the room, just the way I usually shout at him, when he curses in front of Jordan

"Fuck you, why didn't you wake me up sooner?", I groan, rubbing my eyes to make me see clearly the clothes I want to choose, "I have no idea what to wear"

Sammy walks to the room, and drags me to the bathroom, "You go take your bath, and I'll look for something fabulous for you to wear"

"You're such a darling", I peck him on his cheek and close the bathroom door.

I can't afford to miss this meeting. If I get the approval of this very strange investor, the company will not become bigger in the country, but also in the world.

But...it's just that this investor is very strange, really. Normally, we usually know the investor before we set up a meeting, but now, the person in question is a mystery, and I don't know why I'm having second thoughts about meeting this person. And although, the mystery is gonna be good for me, I made sure to have extra security


"Are you sure I look okay?", I ask Sammy, as I look at the rearview mirror to check my makeup

"As I have told you for the umpteenth time, you look fantastic, enough to eaten raw",

"SAMMY!!", I hit his arm

"Ow, what?, you want to kill me woman?" He asks, despite knowing what he did

He parks in front of the company, and we go through the private elevator. That way, I can come in without the whole company staff knowing

We reach the top floor, and walk out of the elevator. Sam opens my office door, and that's one thing I love about him, when we're at work, he respects me as his boss

"Are they here Cara?", I ask my secretary, another person that knows me in the company

"Yes ma'am, they are waiting in the conference room"

"Let's go then"

Sammy opens the door for me, and we both walk in, while Cara goes to prepare refreshments

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen, I'm so-" the words flew out of my mouth, when I see who's standing in front of me

What is this?

Who is this I'm looking at?

No, it can't be, I tried, I really tried

And that's my last thought, before I bolted out of the room, away from everyone, away from him

Away from Adrian


Don't forget to comment, say what you think about in this chapter , Thanks for reading, see you next time

Kris_Kimcreators' thoughts