
Lady Boss, Only Mine

Finding out that she and her son could die if she stays any longer, April decides to take matters into her own hand, but will things really go as she planned Please, no one should copy my book, this is my own world and work. You can also read this novel on wattpad. Thank you!!!❤❤❤ And, before I forget, this book's gonna talk about friends with same sex relationship. So, if it's not your thing, then this book is not for you

Kris_Kim · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 11

April's POV

"Mummy!!!!!!", I jolt back to reality, hearing Jordan scream like a banshee.

Geez, he's my son, but I don't know who he takes after when he screams like that. Sammy is really influencing him

I look down at him, as I was brushing his hair. I really love his hair, the way it's curly, not like my straight one. "What is it baby?". I try to hide the fact that I'm growing nervous at how and when I will tell him that I will move out, without him

He turns to face me, sitting more comfortably on the bed, as he look up at me with those deep black eyes of his. "Mummy, first, you're asked to come with me tomorrow for our cooking class, so tomorrow is our turn"

I remove some of his curls from his face and tucked it behind his ear. "Yeah, I was informed of that in the afternoon. Sammy is preparing whatever he thinks we should take along with us. Are you ready to learn cooking with mummy?" I ask, pinching his really soft cheeks. Don't blame me, he's too beautiful, I can't stop talking about it.

"We learn to cook everyday mummy, with Uncle Sammy, but you still don't know how to", he attacks me, with that cute pouting mouth

"Well, I can't deny. At this rate, you'll be a better cook than I am." I say, while he tries to hide his smile and acts mature. "Baby, what's the second thing you want to tell me?"

He stays quiet that I would have thought he didn't hear if he didn't speak. "Uncle Sammy said you had something big to tell me, what is it?"

Sammy!!! As much as I want to strangle you, still thank you. I didn't know how to raise the matter with Jordan. But still, what do I tell him? Should I tell him the truth? Or that I'm going on a trip? I really hate lying to him. The truth it is then. I really hope he takes it in a good way

"Baby, I'm going to see your daddy, this weekend....", his face lit up at that, until I complete the sentence,  "and it's just me, only me."

"Why can't I go with you?", his expression right now makes me laugh, as he tries to look angry, by frowning and folding his arms, but he's still so cute.

"You can't, because we're gonna talk adult talk, and little boys are not invited" I say, removing the curl of hair that keeps covering his eyes. I love his hair so much, so he hasn't had a haircut before, yep, since he was born. But now, I'm actually considering it for him.

"But I'm not a little boy anymore, mummy. And I want to see my daddy" He whines, making me arch a brow, at his antics, changing from being angry to childish within seconds.

"You'll see him, sweetie okay? I just need to settle some things with him, hmm?" Baby, I really want you to meet your dad, but that's until I know it's safe for you if you do

"Okay", thank goodness he agreed. "So, when will I see him?" He beams happily while asking me. His black eyes shining along with his whole face. He's so happy at the thought of seeing his Father. Will he hate me, if he later learns the truth of how his father didn't know about him, or will he understand why I did that?

"You will, but not just now, okay? And I won't be coming home for some time, baby" I say, making his happiness deflate like a popped balloon

"Why??", he asks carefully, like he does when he notices something wrong with me. "Is it because of daddy, is he taking you away from me?"

"What?? No!! No one can take me away from you, or you from me" I say quickly, to remove any negative thoughts he might be having. Where did he get that from?

"So, are we gonna live together then?", he asks cautiously, like he's afraid of the answer. I hate when he becomes like this, not sure of himself like he usually is, as if he's preparing himself for disappointment

I peck his cheeks before looking at him straight in the eyes, "Listen to me Jordan, no matter what happens, whether your dad lives with us or not, whether you see him or not, I want you to know something. First, you have a mum and an uncle who are ready to give their all for you, and you're not defined whether you have a father or just a mother. You are you, you're what you want yourself to be, Okay?" He nods, making me happy that he understands me, "So, you're a great boy, and you're growing to be a great man too"

He kisses my head, nose and lips, tgen I reciprocate the actions, "I love you baby boy"

"I love you more, mum" he answers, yawning

"Good night sweets, sweet dreams", I tuck him in bed, and switch off the lights, leaving only the ceiling star lights


"Are you ready to talk now?", I ask as I flop on the couch beside Sky. He has been giving me the silent treatment since we came back

"Is there anything to talk about?", he asks sarcastically, not even looking away from the TV

"Skyyyy, we need to talk"

"Wrong. We needed to talk", he seethes, finally looking at me, emphasizing the 'needed'. "We needed to talk, right before you decided to offer yourself as a living sacrifice"

"You should know why I did that", I say back, trying my best not to raise my voice

Sky doesn't reply back, instead he looks back at the TV, so do I

"I'm still angry", he says after a while, "but I'm more worried about you" I look up at him, my heart clenches at the pure concern in his eyes

"I know", I reply in a whisper

"So, what's the arrangement?", Sky asks, making me smile. I knew he'll come around. "Or wait, hold on, I'll get the contract", he says, jumping over the couch to my room.

"Check your mail, I sent it to you!!", I shout, halting his steps, as he comes back to take his iPad from the table, before flopping back beside me

I change the channel to nat geo wild, before walking to the fridge to get a pack of juice

"So, according to this", he starts, just as I sit, and I notice the way the wolves eat the buffalo. I mean, the wolves on the TV, "you're allowed to live your normal life, that's good. You're just to make sure you always come home..", he pauses, "what home? This is your home and my house too, your home"

I drink my juice already feeling hungry, but I didn't want to eat late again. Thank goodness, I don't get fat easily

"You know what, babe?", he says, flinging his iPad on the table, and facing me, "If he tries anything funny, just call me." He holds up his hand as he sees that I'm about to say something, "I know you can take care of yourself, but you and Jordan are my responsibility as much as I'm yours, so don't argue"

I nod, but shout as he collects my pack of juice from me, "Hey!!!, I'm hungry!!!"

"Go find food to eat" he says, before gulping down the juice to my utmost dismay

"Will you eat noodles?" I ask, as I make my way to the kitchen, already bringing the pot out. "Where are the noodles?", he points to the cupboard by the left, "pepper?", he frowns before pointing to the second cupboard. He didn't like spicy food, but I did, and since I'm the one cooking, he has to bear with it. I think instant noodles is the only food I'm confident in cooking

He comes to join me in the kitchen, still holding my juice, "Please, don't cook poison, I'm not in the mood to die"

I roll my eyes, "whatever"

"So", I start, as the noodles boil, making him raise his head to look at me, from the kitchen island, "you and Sky?" I ask. He drops his phone, looking at me like he doesn't understand what I'm saying. "You know, swollen lips, flushed face, what again?", I say, making his already red face redden more

"Shut up, I thought you didn't notice", he groans into his palms, "can't you just pretend you didn't see anything?"

"I can do that", I pause, "after you tell me what happened", I finish, making him flop on the kitchen island. He looks at me, like asking me, if I'm for real, and I gesture to him, to go on, I'm listening

"I was angry after you agreed to live with that guy, without even discussing about it, that's why I left the room. I went to the restroom just to splash some water on my face, OMG!!! Do you need me to go on?"

"I'm listening" I say, turning off the cooker, and bringing plates from the cupboard

He frowns, before he continues, "so, I didn't know he came after me, and I wasn't in the mood to say anything to him. He was on about how he understands me, you're a strong woman, you can handle yourself, blah blah blah", I wasn't surprised Sky said that about me, he's always like that

"Gosh!!!, go straight to the main deal" I say, placing the eggs on the noodles. I prefer my eggs hard boiled than fried

"Fine!!! I was angry, and not listening to what he was saying, cause his lips were kinda distracting me, don't ask why", he quickly adds, as he sees that I was about to, "so I had to kill the distraction, so yeah, I kissed him, and we made out, in the restroom. End of story. Are you satisfied now? Idiot"

"Wait", I want to understand better, "you made the first move, like you?!!"

"Is that a problem?"

"You never make the first step, 'draw them in', your words, not mine"

"Change is constant", he says, making me roll my eyes

"How was it?"

"Don't ask"

"Is he a great kisser?"

"I said, don't ask me!!!!"

"Did you cum?"

"My gosh!!! Get away from me!!!"

And, that's how I forget about me leaving


And welcome back to me, it has been a very hectic year for me, it still is, but I'm trying to be strong and transfer all negative thoughts into writing.

Bye bye

Kris_Kimcreators' thoughts